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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 302 Nothingness

“Ho ho…”

A large amount of blood foam spurted out from the mouth, and the violent force almost blasted this tenacious body into pieces.

Sean had never had this experience before. An icy cold current lingered around his body, and his consciousness began to become blurred. It seemed that the next moment, his life would return to eternal nothingness.

He felt very clearly that death was approaching, but he was too fragile to resist.

The light blue light flows into the body through the metal gloves, and the hazy white light in the mind makes a clear soft sound. The long-standing strong shackles naturally break through the limit.

The fire of life is lit again!

His heart beat like a drum, the dimensional door was half opened, and the supernova’s blazing light swallowed everything!

“Still alive?”

Thanos was quite surprised. Even the ancient life forms in the universe would not be able to survive such a violent blow.

He stopped and stared at the floating body. The breath of life that originally belonged to humans disappeared, but the keen intuition he had developed over the years warned that this battle was not over yet.

Puffs of golden particles were like water, lingering on the dilapidated human body, seeping into it bit by bit, and the arm wearing the metal glove moved imperceptibly.

The ice sea is like a solid mirror. The sudden and powerful force suppresses all fluctuations. The rolling waves, the howling cold wind, the swirling vortex… they all become still!

In Thanos’ surprised eyes, Sean stood up again, his deep eyes were dark, and a completely different and unfamiliar aura emanated. It was the ultimate destruction, the nothingness of all things!

The golden stream of light flashed past, and the sentinel armor was restored again, but as the light of the black sun changed, the pure golden glow faded, and deep darkness descended.

A black cloak emerged from behind, waving like a flag and making a hunting sound!

“I touched the unknown universe, and the power behind that door is now in the palm of my hand.”

The hoarse voice was cold, and the dark eyes were indifferent. Sean opened his hands, and with just a slight movement, the void collapsed, the gravity was chaotic, and the ice sea turned into countless tiny water droplets, floating upward as if weightless. , like crystal water flowers blooming in the sky.

“I have never had such a wonderful feeling, like my consciousness is peeling off the body and rising to a higher space… I am traveling among the stars and wandering in the darkness.”

Sean was like a medieval bard, speaking slowly in an aria-like tone.

He fell into a strange state, where all his thoughts and consciousness were floating in the boundless darkness. He was so awake that he could sense any small changes in the outside world, but he was also dazed and confused, like a tired traveler who had lost his way.

Thanos looked at all this in astonishment, his eyes suddenly met Sean’s indifferent gaze, and inexplicable heart palpitations arose spontaneously. He forcibly suppressed this strange emotion, and broke into the fragile space that was constantly collapsing with a arrogant attitude.

As a conqueror and explorer in the universe, and the maintainer of the balance of all things, his long life has given this overlord of the universe extensive knowledge and knowledge. No matter what, he always believes that he is the final winner.

This is a firm confidence that comes from one’s own strength and cannot be shaken by anyone!

Thanos punched violently again, an overwhelming “click” sound erupted in the space, violent air waves surged out, and the crystal water was crushed into tiny particles!

The strong and burly purple body took steps, a high momentum rose up, and the whole planet trembled under his feet.

The monstrous torrent suddenly exploded, spreading radiation in all directions, turning into an endless hurricane of destruction, destroying all material existence! The surging power was like a raging storm, sweeping towards the sentry in an instant, as if it was going to kill the opponent to pieces!


There was a muffled sound like a bell, a roar of sound waves, rolling through the atmosphere, like hundreds of grenades detonating together, emitting a series of piercing screams!

Ignoring Thanos’s stunned gaze, Sean caught the huge fist that was thrown from the air, and then subconsciously fought back.


However, this is just the beginning——

The black figure stepped forward, and the turbulent air waves roared. Thanos relied on the fighting instinct in his body to decisively turn his head sideways. The strong wind pressure wiped his cheek, tearing out a few tiny blood stains.

A powerful and heavy knee strike followed, and two powerful arms held down the shoulders. The violent force hit the chest of the universe overlord. The extremely hard golden armor shattered inch by inch, and the cracks gradually expanded, and finally disintegrated. into tiny pieces.

“This is my return gift to you.”

The joking voice fell, and the palm wearing a metal glove pressed Thanos’ head. The cold sea water poured in, and the huge pressure beat the strong and burly purple body.


The oncoming punch made the cosmic overlord swallow back the rest of his words. Transparent ripples exploded, and the violent force triggered a tsunami. The purple body suddenly rose into the sky and tore open the icy ocean!

“Not nearly enough,” was Sean’s answer.

His feet shook, and the ice sea shook. The black figure was like a sharp arrow, passing through the tight water pressure, and came to Thanos at a faster speed. The metal gloves were clenched tightly, and the light blue light suddenly flashed.

The overlord of the universe lost his balance and fell into the rolling snow-capped mountains. Before he could react, violent energy lit up like thunder, the earth trembled and pulled, and the ice peaks collapsed and shattered!

The figure in the sky was like a demon, with a black cloak fluttering like a flag. Hundreds of tons of avalanche debris came down, burying Thanos tightly.

“In that case, then fight until the last moment, shed your blood, and welcome death!”

The violent roar blasted away the ice and snow peaks, and a ferocious smile broke out on the purple face. At this moment, the Mad Titan came to the world!

Fanatic emotions are mixed with awe-inspiring murderous intent. The metal gloves flash with a yellow light, and the hidden fluctuations are like sharp cones, trying to pierce the opponent’s psychological defense in one fell swoop, distorting consciousness and creating illusions!

Sean, who was standing high in the sky, suddenly froze. Thanos grinned wildly, his purple arms wrapped with terrifying power, and he blasted down in the air with all his strength!

He’s going to smash this head!

Remove all the bones in your body!

Drink blood!

Listen to the wail!

Crazy blood boiled and burned, and reason disappeared like clouds. Thanos recalled his hometown, that not-so-good time, and everyone said he was crazy.

And he is actually the only one who sees the ending. The universe has its limit, civilization has its end, and the end of everything is death.

Bloody killings, brutal conquests, annihilation of half of life, and stifling the development of civilization. This series of actions is nothing more than maintaining the balance of the universe and stabilizing the balance of all things.

Boom, boom, boom!

The violent explosion stirred up air waves, and Thanos fell from a high altitude, burning like a meteor before slamming into the earth.

“The same trick may not work the second time.”

Sean gave an icy smile, and three huge fireballs, which were comparable to small suns, gathered behind him. The blazing high temperature carried the hot wind, and continuously bombarded Thanos, who fell to the ground. His strong and burly purple body , as if being penetrated violently, bursting into deep wails.

The earth collapsed deeply, the hard ice cracked, and the red lava in the center of the earth erupted. The violent energy converged into a raging tide, swallowing up the scarred overlord of the universe.

Sean stepped on the collapsed ground with cracks. The golden light converged, condensed and merged. His body seemed to turn into a bright nebula, with endless light swirling around in it, like countless stars and celestial bodies, releasing terror. energy of.

Deep fluctuations spread, and the planet underfoot wailed, and the solid ice slowly cracked. A black figure walked in front of Thanos. The cosmic overlord breathed hard, his purple skin was charred, and there was a lot of flesh and blood. Tear, even for powerful beings, this is a fatal wound.

“Huhu… You are just like me. We have all become madmen.” A smile appeared on the purple face, and Thanos did not seem to feel desperate or angry because of his failure. “Darkness will swallow you up, crush you, and lead you to the abyss of destruction.”

“I looked at it, accepted it, and the darkness became one with me.”

Sean’s indifferent eyes fluctuated. He brought up Thanos, who was unable to struggle, and smashed the red lava in the center of the earth. The high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees vaporized everything, molten gold and iron, and the blazing fire spread wildly!

“I am – nothingness!”

With a roar and explosion, two figures penetrated the center of the earth and tore the planet apart!

ps: The two chapters have been posted together. Thank you readers for your rewards and votes~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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