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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 304 Sokovia’s Brothers and Sisters

The world is facing changes. Whether it is Earth or Asgard, they must be prepared to face powerful enemies beyond the stars.

The curtain of peace has been opened, and the wind of the new era is whistling. Some people have heard it, and some people have not yet awakened.

The rumbling wheels are driving slowly. As for where they will go, no one can say for sure. They can only wait for the change to come with expectation or trepidation.

Sokovia, like most small Eastern European countries, suffers from political instability, economic collapse, polarization between the upper class and the civilian population, sharp conflicts, and large-scale demonstrations often break out.

The brother and sister of the Maximov family lived in such a country. Before they were ten years old, they all felt warm and happy. They did not care that they were born in a poor family and did not have expensive cars, toys, or exquisite dolls.

That day was no different from any other day. The Maximov family of four sat in front of the dining table, enjoying a delicious and not rich dinner. However, the nightmare came quietly.

The warlord leaders on the outskirts of the city finally could not restrain their ambitions for power and began to launch armed seizures. Sokovia was in chaos. Government troops and private armed forces clashed fiercely. Artillery fire roared and bullets rained. The war instantly shrouded everyone’s head.

The Maximov family did not survive. The first shell flew over and made a big hole in the floor of the two floors below. Their parents fell in, and then the whole house began to collapse. Pietro grabbed his sister first. Wanda, the two of them rolled under the bed, and then the second shell fell down among the rubble and ruins.

The unexploded shell was only one meter away from the Maximov brothers and sisters. Pietro hugged his sister Wanda tightly. The young brother and sister were lonely and helpless, waiting for death to come.

They were trapped for two days, with hunger, thirst, and fear all over their bodies. The two little guys didn’t even dare to move, fearing that any slight movement would cause the cannonball to detonate.

Those were two long, terrible days, with the shadow of death looming overhead and sneering at them.

Until the war subsided, the warlord leader got his wish and sat on the leader’s throne. He swore in front of the Revolutionary Statue that he would sacrifice everything and burn his life for the people of Sokovia.

Half a year later, the warlord leader was overthrown by the angry people, and his body was hung under the revolutionary statue in the center of the city. The irony of fate was so bitter that it made people smile.

In this farcical regime change, no one will remember the disintegration of the Maximov family. The poor brother and sister were sent to a public orphanage. They no longer have parents and can only rely on each other for survival. In this unfamiliar world A friendly world survives.

“Wanda, we can barely live on our own. The food in the store is getting more and more expensive. We haven’t received any relief funds from the government since we were sixteen years old…”

Pietro is like a nagging woman. He was born twelve minutes earlier than his sister Wanda, and occasionally plays the role of mother.

As for why he is not the father? Because Pietro was too nagging, Wanda teased him as “Mom”.

“I work part-time in a supermarket, and the price of vegetables and fruits has increased again. The big fat manager complained that the country’s economy is in a mess, and he plans to go on strike to participate in the demonstration.”

Pietro picked out a few fresh tomatoes and threw them into his sister’s paper bag, while he muttered to himself, while Wanda pretended to be well-behaved.

“I don’t understand why you brought that fool back. He can’t even remember his own name, and he can’t even speak!”

Brother Pietro asked in confusion, looked around a few times, and secretly stuffed a pound of beef into his clothes. The security guard in the control room was his buddy, so he would just bring a few bottles of whiskey to those guys.

“He’s not a fool.” Wanda retorted dissatisfied. “Sean just suffered temporary amnesia. He fell from a great height.”

“Sean? Is that his name?” Pietro asked with a frown.

“Maybe. He was watching your favorite Godfather Part 2 yesterday and suddenly talked to me for a while.” Wanda stuck out her tongue.

The reason why she saved the man of unknown origin was not simply out of good intentions.

After Wanda got off work from the bar that day, she was entangled by a group of gangsters dressed like hippies, and fled to an abandoned factory. If the other party hadn’t suddenly “appeared” and knocked down the gang, she might have encountered a terrible incident. nightmare.

“What? You actually let that guy touch my beloved Godfather Collector’s Edition DVD!”

Pietro almost went berserk. In his eyes, the young boy brought back by Wanda had threatened their peaceful life.

The brother and sister were noisy. After buying daily necessities from the supermarket, they returned to their home on the edge of the city – a dilapidated old house standing next to an abandoned factory.

After they left the orphanage at the age of sixteen, they began to live alone. Of course, it was extremely difficult at first. Pietro worked as an apprentice in a factory and occasionally worked odd jobs in the supermarket, while Wanda worked as a waitress in a bar. Things gradually improved. .

In the dilapidated old house, the movie dialogue echoed, and the mother who lost her husband knelt down to the mafia leader, with a child beside her.

“He’s still weak and won’t hurt anyone.”

“He’ll get stronger as he gets older.”

“Don’t be afraid, children won’t have any effect on you.”

“When he becomes a man he will take revenge.”


The young man sat quietly on the sofa, watching this classic work by Robert De Niro and Al Pacino. The stories of the first and second generation godfathers are intertwined. Even after an era, they still remain… It won’t fade even half a cent.

This is Sean Sipers.

When a young man opens his eyes, such a memory appears in his mind. Other information is like a frozen iceberg, most of which is buried under the vast ocean. This is not a symptom of amnesia. It is called a “self-defense mechanism.” ” is more appropriate.

Although he didn’t know what exactly happened, it was obvious that before he woke up, he encountered an extremely abnormal experience, which brought such strong stimulation to his brain that he automatically sealed part of his memory.

Once I recall it carefully, I can only remember that in the violent bright light, lava erupted, the core of the earth shook, and it was like a doomsday scene that destroyed the world and made people feel terrified.

In the terrifying scene of a natural disaster, a black figure stood like a demon, with a cloak fluttering like a flag. It was an impression that was deeply engraved in my mind and was difficult to let go.

Whenever night falls and he falls into a deep sleep, endless darkness surrounds him, flickering lights and shadows rotate and flutter, and a yellow gem exudes a shimmering light, which is full of strange lights and illusions.

Regarding everything that happened, Sean was not panicked and felt calm inside. Sooner or later, he would get his things back, it was just a matter of time. This kind of determined emotion has no reason, but it makes people believe it.

According to the information provided by Wanda, he seemed to have fallen from a high altitude, knocked down several street gangsters, and was then taken home by her so that he would not end up on the streets.

Sokovia. When the name of this country came up, the huge iceberg in my mind trembled, and a long message jumped out.

His head is like a search engine. When keywords appear, relevant content will automatically appear, and Sokovia seems to occupy an important position in the future trajectory.

While Sean was thinking to himself, the TV screen showing The Godfather suddenly flashed with dense snowflakes, and a mechanized cold voice came from it——

“Sir, welcome back.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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