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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 305 Speedster and Witch

“Due to your current special situation, let me introduce myself first.” The mechanized electronic synthesized voice said word by word. “I am Skynet, your most loyal servant.”

Sean sat on the sofa and listened carefully to the artificial intelligence that called himself “Skynet”. As the cold voice spoke, countless long messages jumped out of the huge iceberg sealed in his brain, Sentinel, SHIELD, Avengers, Asgard… these keywords piece together a complete outline of events.

Even though the overall memory was still in a fuzzy state, he probably understood what was going on. The cosmic overlord was the most powerful enemy the Sentinels had ever encountered. Even when both sides also possessed an infinite stone, with their own Strength is still hard to win.

Until the last moment, the white light in his mind pulsed, 50% of his power was fully unlocked, and the sentinel entered a state of nothingness – the perfect stage at the peak of all aspects of body and consciousness.

Transformed into a sentinel of nothingness, he used his tyrannical power to lead the stubbornly resistant Thanos into the center of the earth, triggering a huge explosion on a planetary scale.

These two terrifying beings directly tore open the thick mantle of the earth and blasted into the deepest part of the earth’s core. Lava erupted and the earth trembled. The strong impact was like a large-yield nuclear bomb exploding from the inside, causing an extremely terrifying energy storm, violent Dazzling bright light flashed, gravity collapsed, space collapsed, and in a series of chain reactions, the desolate planet continued to collapse, and then turned into the endless dust of the dark universe.

“Thanos should not be dead.” Sean said with certainty.

In the vague memory, there is an image of Nothingness seizing the Soul Stone in one fell swoop. As for the menacing cosmic overlord, he almost suffered horrific injuries that were difficult to heal. The aftermath of the planet explosion threw the other person into the dark universe, while he was hurtling rapidly. Falling to the ground and losing consciousness.

The Chitauri army and the Black Order who were on an expedition to Asgard hurriedly evacuated the nine star regions after their battle, most likely to rescue the seriously injured cosmic overlord.

“Only a little bit.” Sean said with a regretful tone.

The sentinel who entered the state of nothingness can be said to be unimaginably powerful. If it weren’t for his own consciousness, under the circumstances, he would not be able to carry 50% of the system unlocked. The power is far beyond the load. He would definitely be able to unseat the opponent. head.

This is really a pity. If Thanos is bent on maintaining the balance of the universe, it will be equivalent to removing the biggest obstacle in the direction of progress, and the road to the future will be smooth.

In the small living room, Sean’s conversation with Skynet lasted about forty minutes, until he heard the Maximov brothers and sisters going upstairs. The old wooden boards made a harsh “squeaking” sound when they stepped on it, which was really disappointing. People worry that one day they will miss the mark and their whole body will fall down.

According to Skynet’s database, the poor brother and sister living in Sokovia seemed to be very important figures in the future, which made Sean give up the idea of ​​leaving immediately.

Perhaps staying would make things more interesting, not to mention that he needed to figure out the connection between the Mind Stone and the state of nothingness. The strength breaking through the solid shackles of fifty percent seemed to have produced some subtle changes.

“Don’t just sit there, please help me get my things!”

When Pietro entered the door, he saw Sean sitting on the sofa with an angry expression on his face. This may be the keen intuition of every sister-controlling brother. He always dislikes this guy.

The young man who played the role of the amnesiac looked obedient and took the paper bag filled with vegetables and fruits from Wanda’s hand, showing a gentle smile.

Pietro was even more furious after witnessing all this, and he believed from the bottom of his heart that this bastard was definitely trying to seduce his sister on purpose.

After he had this thought, his eyes looked completely different when he looked at Sean. His eyes were full of vigilance, like a diligent farmer guarding the fields to prevent other thieves from sneaking in.

Wanda had no idea what her brother was thinking. She walked to the kitchen with fresh vegetables and fruits. This dilapidated old house was not big. Apart from the small living room, there were only bedrooms separated by wooden boards. It was difficult for the two of them to turn around. kitchen and bathroom.

There is a wired electric light above the head, providing a little light in the dim environment. The most valuable items in the whole house are probably a second-hand TV brought back from the recycling bin, and a DVD player.

Most people in Sokovia live in this kind of poverty. The continuous decline of economic conditions, frequent and rapid regime changes, and long-term pent-up dissatisfaction have left the people of this country without any hope.

The Maximov brothers and sisters survive as tenaciously as weeds. They don’t know what the future will bring, so they can only focus on the present.

The dinner was a rare sumptuous meal, with a thick soup made of chopped potatoes and mushrooms, beef tenderloin with sauce, fried potato slices, and fruit made with powdered sugar and cheese yeast. Dough.

For Sean, this was nothing. From the vague memory and the feedback from his sense of taste, he could conclude that his previous life should have been quite generous. But in the eyes of the Maximov brothers and sisters, this is already a rare feast, and they will never be able to enjoy it unless it is a holiday.

“Thank you Pietro for the beef.” Wanda winked slyly.

“Well… Lewandoff said that if you agree to date him, he can take the initiative to send you three pounds of beef every week. That bastard has a brother-in-law who is a manager in a high-end restaurant.” Pietro’s mouth was full. After taking the food, he said thiefly.

Among the guys he met at the factory, none of them wanted to date their sister. If I hadn’t joined the labor union and made a lot of good friends, I’m afraid the gangsters on the streets would come to my door every day.

“You said he is a bastard, so please don’t betray me for three pounds of beef!” Wanda raised her leg and kicked her brother, saying dissatisfiedly.

Pietro didn’t speak, and glanced at the quiet Sean subconsciously. Compared with the rough guys in the factory, this guy really looked younger and more handsome, and he didn’t speak as vulgarly as they did. He would make dirty jokes when he opened his mouth. If it lasted for a long time, If you stay at home, you might kidnap your sister one day.

The sense of crisis in my heart became more and more intense. It was crazy enough to take in a stranger of unknown origin, but it would be a real loss if Wanda had to pay for it in the end.

“Ahem, let me say… Sean, our factory is recruiting people recently, are you interested?” Pietro asked pretending to be casual, completely ignoring the glare from his sister.

The place where he works is a foreign-owned factory that manufactures medical instruments. It is said that the boss has considerable upper-level power and is currently recruiting volunteers for medical trials. As long as they pass the physical examination and pass the test, they can get a generous reward.

Several workers participated. They said that the treatment was very good, with three generous meals a day and subsidies. This made Pietro ready to make a move. He just happened to call Sean along. He couldn’t let him stay at home for a long time. , they are not a wealthy family.

Sean stopped moving. From the moment Pietro entered the door, information about the other party popped up in his mind. This man who is a heavy girl-obsessed man with silver hair will be a speedster with the title of “Quicksilver” in the future. His physical strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. , and can move at high speed at the same time, so fast that even bullets cannot catch up.

Wanda is also not an ordinary person. In her vague memory, she is called the “Scarlet Witch”. She has control powers similar to psychic abilities, but there are subtle differences. Later, she seems to have become a member of the Avengers.

In the original timeline, the opportunity for them to possess superpowers was when they took the initiative to participate in the experiment on human transformation by Baron Strucker, one of the top executives of Hydra, which stimulated the potential talents in their bodies. I wonder what they will become now. .

“Okay.” Sean smiled and agreed directly.

The butterfly’s wings flapped, and the fate of the brother and sister shifted silently.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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