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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 308 I object to this marriage

“We’re rich!”

On the way home, Pietro shouted excitedly and waved his arms vigorously. This energetic young man’s clothes were straight and his hair was neatly combed back. However, after an hour, his whole person looked completely new, as if he was on Wall Street. Common elite.

He put his arm around Sean’s shoulders, his attitude was extremely eager, and his face was full of smiles, without any of the previous vigilance, just like a long-lost brother.

Why such a huge change?

The reason came from another check in his hand, which was the same as the light yellow piece of paper Pietro got. The only difference was the amount on it. This one could withdraw a huge amount of five-digit cash at any time.

In Pietro’s eyes, this was an astronomical sum, enough to allow him and Wanda to live a prosperous life. Starting a small business or leaving Sokovia, away from war and poverty, were both good choices.

What’s even more surprising is that Sean handed it to him indifferently, as if throwing away a piece of waste paper, without any expression of reluctance on his face. Pietro began to realize that maybe this guy Wanda had picked up , not a trouble, but a huge gold mine.

“…So, that doctor recognized what a rich guy you are and wanted to hire you as a top manager?”

Even after retelling it many times, Pietro still felt it was unreal. He raised the check above his head and thought about going to the bank to exchange it later. He was afraid that all this would be like the sweet dream last night, and when he woke up, he would find that everything was an illusion.

“Correction, he recognized me as a scholar at the State University of New York, engaged in research in the field of biology, and was said to have been on the cover of Time Magazine – I saw the book, and the person on it was indeed me.”

Sean shrugged and said seriously. He decided to participate in Baron Strucker’s experiment on transforming humans and contribute to Hydra’s great cause.

The power of the Mind Stone needs to be mastered in depth. In the absence of testers, I think they won’t mind if they borrow the energy of the Hydra organization.

“It’s all the same, they are all rich people anyway.”

Pietro didn’t take it seriously. In his poor dictionary, there were probably only simple concepts of rich and poor. Sean, whose real identity was a scientist from the United States, undoubtedly belonged to the former.

They returned to the dilapidated old house, and the brand-new Pietro stepped on his shiny new leather shoes and kicked away the stone tiles on the ground, revealing a key underneath.

This apartment building near an abandoned factory has a dilapidated feel. It is built of red bricks. The walls have been mottled and faded by wind and rain, and the paint on the steel railings has also peeled off due to long-term sunlight. The damp corner under the wall had not been taken care of, and was covered with greasy moss, giving it an old and decadent air.

“Maybe we can change to a better house.” Pietro said with infinite longing.

It was my dream when I was young to find a better apartment to move into instead of being squeezed into this small old house. Maybe I could also buy a Cadillac.

When Wanda, who came back from get off work, learned the news, Pietro’s six-hour dream came to an end. Wanda dragged her brother into the room and gave her a long ideological education.

“You don’t have to do this.”

Sean, who was staying on the rooftop, smiled and looked at Wanda who handed the check back. Living in poverty and hardship, she could still maintain the kindness and self-esteem in her heart. It was actually very rare.

This reminded the young man of Captain America. The man named Steve Rogers was not born tall and strong. On the contrary, he was thin and short, and he could not even pass the physical examination for military recruitment.

But such a little man is the only super soldier. He has not been swallowed up by ambition like the Red Skull, nor has he followed the path of the Green Goblin, letting killing dominate the body and mind and solving everything with violence. Captain America has always been a unique person. , stick to yourself and stick to the bottom line.

“We shouldn’t accept your gift…Pietro just lost his mind. I brought you back from outside and replaced you with someone else…” Wanda stumbled and said.

“They would take off my wallet and throw it on the street – Wanda, I’m grateful to you, the money doesn’t mean anything because you did far more than the money could pay for.”

Sean interrupted the girl’s words. He hoped to give the brother and sister a little reward, at least not letting them become Baron Strucker’s experimental subjects and turn into monsters born of hatred.

In the original timeline, the fate of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch was bumpy. Because of the tragic death of their parents, the siblings particularly hated Tony Stark and voluntarily participated in Baron Strucker’s experiment on transforming humans, becoming one of the few surviving works.

Later, the Ultron crisis broke out, and they stood on the opposite side of the Avengers. However, because of Ultron’s evil plan to destroy mankind, they chose to temporarily put aside their hatred and resolutely help the Avengers. Quicksilver died tragically to save Hawkeye Barton, while Scarlet Witch During the Civil War, he was almost imprisoned.

Sean’s arrival was like a butterfly flapping its wings, changing what was supposed to happen. The Mind Stone fell into his hands, and the Ultron crisis was nipped in the bud. Now that we have met this pair of brothers and sisters who depend on each other, we need to lend a helping hand appropriately. Not that big of a deal.

After all, in the future territory, both SHIELD and Hydra will eventually be eliminated by the new era.

“If you feel sorry for yourself, you can join the experimental team. Experimental data on twins is rare.”

Sean looked at Wanda who was stunned on the spot, and the shadow of the gem flashed in his mind.

He was very curious about how the Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch born from his own hands would be different from the original ones.

Wanda’s big eyes blinked, meeting the young man’s deep gaze, her heart skipped a beat, her spirit and consciousness suddenly became confused, and her inexplicable emotions surged like a tide.

Involuntarily, she thought of the fairy tale-like dream last night, maybe it was a sign.

Sean’s eyes seemed to be full of magic, spinning multiple illusions of life and death. Most people would subconsciously want to avoid them, but Wanda found them particularly attractive.

The night breeze passed by, bringing with it the fresh air. The two of them stayed on the rooftop, chatting about the interesting things they encountered with each other, and their happy laughter spread far away.

“If that guy dares to do something, I will definitely beat him up! Don’t think you can bribe me with a broken check!”

Pietro put his ear against the iron door of the rooftop and kept mumbling to himself.

A young rich man from the United States meets an innocent girl from a remote village. This is not the beginning of a good story.

As the older brother, Pietro has already imagined a series of tragic scenarios in which Sean was in trouble and finally gave up, and then his sister grew up alone with the child.

“It’s too terrible… I object to this marriage.” He shook his head vigorously to get rid of the messy thoughts.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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