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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 309 Control

Straker feels that his fortune has turned around recently, as if he suddenly lifted the skirt of the goddess of luck. The experiment on human transformation that had been stagnant for a long time has made several breakthroughs in succession, which makes Mr. Baron ecstatic.

Ever since Mrs. Viper lost contact in Tokyo, Japan, Hydra has shrunk its internal forces and maintained a secretive and low-key style. Alexander Pierce originally wanted to help Loki attract the Chitauri and create more The chaos caused SHIELD to be overwhelmed and lose its strength. It would be great if they could borrow a knife to kill people and take the opportunity to kill the Avengers.

Unfortunately, Loki failed to live up to his expectations. Not only did he lose the Cube, but in the end, Thanos personally took action, causing Asgard’s vitality to be severely damaged and causing heavy losses. S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Earth became bystanders.

This made Hydra, who wanted to fight a big war, feel complicated. They had not known before that the cosmic overlord behind Loki was so terrifying. If the Chitauri army really came to the earth, I am afraid that these Nazis who want to rule the world would The remaining parties will not have it easy either.

Straker initially chose Central and Eastern Europe as his home base because he wanted to avoid the sight of SHIELD. Since the collapse of the Red Empire, Hydra has been divided into several forces. Alexander Pierce penetrated the enemy early, lurking and waiting. Given the opportunity, he even reached a high-level position for a time, and Mr. Baron took advantage of the drastic changes in Eastern Europe to take root in this turbulent and chaotic place.

The rest, like White Hall, who is dedicated to finding the magical power of extraterrestrial life, and Madam Viper, who studies viruses, are all different factions of Hydra. They usually act independently and will not contact each other unless necessary.

This ancient organization, long after the collapse of the Third Reich, split and spread with the disappearance of the Red Skull, just like a virus spreading around the world.

“Dr. Stoker, what on earth is going on?”

Straker, wearing a monocle, strode into the secret base—the largest medical center in Sokovia, which is actually a secret base used by Hydra for experimental research.

Mr. Baron’s father was a hereditary noble in Bavaria, Germany. After the head of the Third Reich came to power, he was inspired by the enthusiasm of the whole country and joined the Nazi Party. Later, he became Heinrich Himmler’s right-hand man. , one of the top leaders of the SS, Straker, who was born in such a family environment, was spotted by the Hydra led by the Red Skull and absorbed into it. After a period of climbing, he achieved his current status.

“Dr. Sipers has improved the experimental process and adopted a new type of psychological therapy. Facts have proved that the success rate of this method is higher than before.” Dr. Stock, who has a high nose and deep eyes, replied.

He is Strucker’s confidant and has been responsible for the experimental project of human transformation for many years. He has always been regarded as the second most powerful person in Sokovia.

“Dr. Sipers?” Strack sounded surprised. As the actual leader here, he had never heard of this person before.

The managers responsible for the human transformation experiments have always been Dr. Stork and Dr. Leonard. These two people believe that mental stimulation and painful experiences can stimulate the human potential of the experimenters. Together with Hydra’s transformation potion, it is enough to empower ordinary people. Unexpectedly powerful abilities.

The Absorbent Carl Creel was the product of this experiment. He could transform the properties of any matter he encountered and was appointed by Strucker as the leader of the “Satan’s Claw”.

“Dr. Sipers is young and promising. He graduated from a prestigious school with a double degree in neurobiology and psychology…”

Stork recounted that the endless illusions swirling in and out of his mind made him convinced of all this.

The Mind Stone has the unique ability to distort consciousness and control the spirit. Sean is constantly exploring it. He wants to master it deeply and free himself from the uncontrollable rampage after entering the state of nothingness.

Hearing the answer from his capable subordinate, Strack felt much relieved. He walked to the secretly located experimental center and saw a young man in a white coat conducting daily inquiries on multiple test subjects.

Judging from their physical data, Dr. Sipers made slight changes to the transformation potion, and he seemed to be very good at psychological treatment, and was very effective in mental stimulation, and he was the brainwashing master of Hydra.

Baron Strucker nodded and wanted to meet this young and promising doctor in person. He sat in the room and waited for the other party. He planned in his mind some words to win over. He promised benefits to the profiteers and dealt with the Nasty ( na) a fanatical believer in the Nazi Party, then give an impassioned speech.

There are always very few saints in this world who have no desires and desires. Hydra has always been very good at this. Among the internal factions of the huge organization, there are only a few people who can really sacrifice everything for the revival of the Nazis. More are They are a group of careerists who realize their desire for power in the name of the Third Reich.

“Dr. Sipers…how could it be you!”

Straker, who heard the knock on the door, raised his head and saw the young man walking in, his eyes filled with astonishment. He knew him.

Sean Sipers, a New York genius as famous as Tony Stark, founder of Umbrella, energy weapons and human enhancement potions, these two technologies have always been precious items that Hydra has tried every means to obtain.

The last time Loki attacked Umbrella, Alexander Pierce sent out a Hydra team, hoping to take advantage of the chaos to steal cutting-edge technology, but there has been no news yet.

It is said that Nick Fury of SHIELD regards this young man as a key target, although Straker is far away in Eastern Europe and has also paid attention to the other party’s news.

If Sean hadn’t been under SHIELD’s close attention, Hydra would have sent people to contact the opponent long ago. It would be the best result to draw in such a rare genius.

“Mr. Sipers, I think you’ve come to the wrong place…”

Almost subconsciously, Strack reached for the pistol under the table. Even though he didn’t understand why Sean was here, it was obviously not a good sign.

How could that idiot Stoker bring Sean Sipers into Hydra?

This young face has appeared on the front pages of New York newspapers many times, and even appeared in Time Magazine, making it almost a household name in North America.

“I just happened to be passing by, and by the way, I feel that your experiment on cyborgs is too inefficient, so – put down the gun in your hand first, Mr. Baron?”

Sean smiled slightly, and Straker’s body trembled as he pulled the trigger, like a robot, and put down the weapon in his hand.

“Let’s sit down and talk.”

Facing the other party’s shocked look of disbelief, the young man pulled out his chair and sat down. At the same time, against his inner will, Straker sat in his position with his hands and feet stiff.

Huge fear hit his heart. As one of the top executives of Hydra, Strucker felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He was sure that his body was not controlled, but whenever Sean spoke, his heart would unconsciously succumb.

It’s as if he is a machine that inputs instructions and cannot disobey any of the other party’s orders.

“Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a devil.”

With a warm smile on his face and the white coat he was wearing, Sean looked like a real psychiatrist.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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