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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 31 Exchange System

“I’ve been coming back late and late lately! I’m starving… I’m starving!”

When Sean stepped into the house, he immediately felt the deep resentment of a certain blonde lolita. Mindy was rolling around on the sofa while eating ice cream, complaining about the late return of the nanny and part-time cook.

“Hey, hey, can you be reasonable? Classmate Mindy McCready, I give you enough pocket money every day. At least you can go to a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown or a nearby Burger King for a big meal.”

Sean closed the door and looked at the reluctant little Loli with a speechless expression. This super-killing girl who once killed people without batting an eye has now transformed into a lazy, lazy fish who can only act coquettishly and cutely. Living a comfortable life with clothes on hand and food on hand every day made Sean feel that it was a hugely wrong decision to pick him back up in the first place.

“I’m almost going to be your housekeeper, Miss Mindy.” Sean complained in a low voice, but he honestly put on his apron and started preparing dinner.

“Sean, in addition to being the most considerate nanny in the world, you are also the best cook and the most generous cash machine!” Mindy, who was lying on the sofa watching “How I Met Your Mother,” was not stingy at all. words of praise.

“By the way, did you get into a fight today?” Little Loli turned her head and asked.

Sean, who was busy in the kitchen, hummed. Mindy was very sensitive to the smell of her body. As long as she participated in a battle or a fight, the other party would notice it.

“I helped a superhero take down the villain. I think the New York Police Department should issue a certificate to encourage my selfless behavior in facing injustice and bravery for justice!”

Regarding Sean Tian’s shameless behavior of putting gold in her face, Minty sneered to express her contempt and disdain. The assassination of Wilson Fisk that shocked New York last week has not yet subsided. The mayor and Mr. The police chiefs jointly issued a statement, claiming that the murderer would be caught and that this cruel and terrible terrorist criminal would be punished by law and justice.

For this reason, the entire Hell’s Kitchen gang was more or less affected. Due to the pressure exerted by the above, the police began to investigate frantically, not letting go of any clues, and almost turning the New York underground world upside down. The Irish and Japanese Hands, who originally thought they had taken advantage, are probably having a headache now.

“Are the police still investigating the assassination of Kingpin?” Sean turned his head and asked.

He still underestimated the impact of the death of a famous real estate tycoon. Moreover, this was not a simple assassination. Heavy firepower weapons such as rocket launchers were used. It was almost considered a terrorist attack. No wonder the New York Police Department was going crazy. !

“Don’t worry, they are still using the same old investigative methods, starting with weapons, tracking arms dealers in the black market, monitoring retired soldiers or killers who have recently entered the country… If they continue to search like this, they won’t be able to find us even if the world ends. On the head.”

Mindy, who has experienced many battles, has a calm look on her face. Her father was once an elite policeman. He knows the methods of the police very well, and it takes only a matter of minutes to hack into the New York Police Department database.

“I’m not worried about the police. We have cleaned up all the clues. The main reason is that I’m afraid that if the organization gets involved, it will cause a headache…” Sean finished cooking a sumptuous dinner and put Mindy who was lazily lying on the sofa. Carry it to the dining table.

He didn’t want to attract SHIELD’s attention early. Being targeted by the one-eyed black director would definitely not end well.

“Remember to wash the dishes after eating… Don’t be cute. We agreed to do it once per person. It’s your turn today!” Sean looked at those big watery eyes without any fluctuation in his heart. Although he was not a Saint, he still had the same moves. It becomes ineffective after being used too many times.

The night was getting darker. After enjoying dinner, Sean glanced at Mindy who was obediently clearing away the dishes and washing the dishes. He was secretly satisfied. There was still a long way to go to train the naughty child, and he was very happy to be able to achieve this level.

Back in the room, Sean, who was preparing for daily physical training, frowned. There was something strange in his mind. He had had this strange feeling since he killed Kingpin and Bullseye last time. He wanted to solve it with his own hands tonight. The Green Goblin, becomes clearer again.

“what happened?”

Calmly settling down, Sean closed his eyes and carefully felt the soft white light in his mind. The system panel that had not appeared for a long time resurfaced again. On the originally hazy frame, except for the last activated card option, , there is another choice and a clear string of data.

“…Redeem points?” After his thoughts were immersed in it, Sean felt a little confused. What is this?

Since the last time he accidentally activated the card option, Sean has been studying the system from the virtual fighting game in his mind for a while. Except for the mysterious bottle of potion at the beginning, the system’s sense of existence has always been very low. No tasks are issued, there are no instructions, and there is not even a dialogue function.

This made Sean think that he had gotten a fake system. The newly activated card option, which he himself had experimented with many times, must be a famous figure in the world – such as a superhero or a popular character, voluntarily giving some kind of teaching. Or guidance, various cards of different levels will be generated, which are roughly divided into two categories: “skill cards” and “item cards”.

To put it simply, if Tony Stark voluntarily tells Sean how to make the Ark Reactor, then he will get a blueprint of the “Ark Reactor”; if the Master Supreme in Nepal is willing to accept Sean as a disciple, Professor With profound magical knowledge, he can gain a bunch of magic skill cards…

It is equivalent to a cheating tool for quick learning…

However, after several repeated experiments, Sean discovered that the generation of cards had a chance and was not 100% successful, so after studying it for a while, he put the matter behind him.

Anyway, at this stage, he would neither go to seek apprenticeship with the Supreme Mage, nor would he rush to Tony Stark and ask him how to make steel armor.

“The exchange system…is it like a game, where you can use points to exchange for mission items?”

Sean was feeling faintly excited. He remembered that in the original game mall, there were mission props from various virtual spaces. If they could be redeemed, they would become the most powerful trump card in his hand!

“Defeat D+ level character: Bullseye, reward 80 points!”

“Defeat the C+ level character: Jin Bin, and you will be rewarded with 100 points!”

“Defeat B-level character: Green Goblin, reward 200 points!”

“…The system mall initialization is completed!”

Sean suppressed his excitement and quietly opened the system mall, which was flashing with white light. A dazzling array of data lists filled his entire brain. They were core props from various virtual spaces——

“Terminator World: Skynet, a computer-based artificial intelligence defense system created by humans in the late 20th century…”

“Star Wars World: The Force, a supernatural and ubiquitous force with extremely high room for improvement…”

“The never-ending world: NZT-48, it can activate the potential in the brain, open up every nerve joint, and give yourself an unforgettable memory and super intelligence…”

Sean’s breathing was slightly heavy, and he could almost hear the sound of his heart beating violently. This was simply an endless treasure trove of things he could ask for. The technological power and civilization crystallization of different worlds were like commodities on a display cabinet, waiting for him to redeem them. , which is equivalent to having countless world cores as support behind it.

“Maybe my footsteps are not limited to this world…”

The crazy joy lasted for a few seconds, and soon Sean calmed down. He calculated how to maximize the use of the points in his hand. His eyes scanned the rows of gleaming data lists, and finally settled on an item. .

“With this, Osborne’s problem becomes simple.”

Sean exhaled. That young face was full of longing and expectations for the future. The Avengers, the Infinity Stones, the Overlord of the Universe… these will not be the end of his footsteps. Infinite excitement is waiting for him to explore!

ps: Thank you readers for your generous reward. As a newbie who is about to enter the third year of high school, I will continue to use the time in cram school to work hard on coding ̄ω ̄=

In addition, I would like to add that this book will not become an unlimited stream. At most, you can visit the DC studio next door…


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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