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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 310 Emotion

For the next week, Sean concentrated on studying the power of the Mind Stone. For him, this secret base of Hydra was unprotected and useless, whether it was its real owner, Baron Strucker, or the person responsible for it. Dr. Stoker, who is in charge, is all immersed in illusions.

When the effect of the Mind Stone disappears, they will only feel empty in their hearts and their brains will go blank, as if someone took something away, and they will not remember anything else.

This medical center in Sokovia has now become Sean’s independent kingdom, and every staff member firmly believes in the fictitious identity. PhD.

As for Pietro and Wanda who participated in the experiment, they were stupidly kept in the dark, thinking that this was some kind of clinical trial of medical drugs, and they were able to enjoy sumptuous food and generous allowances with peace of mind.

In the simple and bright infirmary, Sean in a neat suit sat on a chair. Opposite him was a sturdy bald man. This was an experimenter brought by Hydra from a mental hospital, a patient with dual thinking and emotional disorders. ——He is slower and poorer than ordinary people when thinking, and his reactions to emotions that ordinary people can feel, such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, are also slower.

The reason why Sean uses mentally ill patients as experimental subjects is because if Sean wants to deeply grasp the power of the Mind Stone, he must understand the spirit and emotions of each creature, and the consciousness of mental patients and normal people are completely different. This is his The conclusion reached after a week of “psychotherapy”.

Normal people’s logical thinking is like a complicated viaduct. Although it looks very messy, it is actually very organized. Different ideas, through different thinking, will produce different emotions. When you see a friend or relative crying, you will feel… Sad, but laughing when encountering good things worth being happy about, this is how normal people behave.

But mental patients are different. Their thinking is chaotic and fragmented, like a maze with no beginning and no end. It is difficult to get out of it because there is no so-called entrance and exit.

They may be relatively slow and indifferent to feelings, and may also be extremely sensitive. Their minds are filled with all kinds of meaningless abstract symbols, and their consciousness is like an illiterate person typing an article randomly on a typewriter, between upper and lower sentences or contexts. There is a lack of coherence, and each sentence is incomplete, disconnected, chaotic and fragmented, and ordinary people cannot understand the content and thoughts at all.

It is precisely because of this that Sean is more interested. Mental patients often cannot distinguish between illusion and reality. To other people, they are no different from lunatics. But in his eyes, these people have purer minds, simple emotions, and complex consciousness. , suitable as a research object for soul gems.

The yellow glimmer lit up, and secret fluctuations invaded the bald man’s mind. Sean’s thoughts seemed to turn into a soft sun, illuminating the other person’s consciousness clearly, and the scattered pictures gradually connected into one——

A little boy sat alone on the grass. Because of his emotional disorder, he could not laugh or cry. His father regarded him as a freak. He had no friends in school. He was laughed at by others as a “wooden man”. His father was an alcoholic. After that, he beat his wife, and the mother, who suffered domestic violence, vented all her grievances on him.

Everyone regarded him as an ignorant fool, until one day, anger emerged in his slow brain, so he picked up the ax outside the courtyard and slashed at his parents who were quarreling in the house, with a strong and dazzling blow. The bloody light, his father’s roar, and his mother’s wailing did not cause any disturbance to him. Without any hesitation, he slashed hard again and again!

He is a fool.

Sean’s eyes flickered, and after admiring the other person’s twisted and bloody childhood memories, the Mind Stone reflected a red light, which was the emotional color of extreme anger.


He outlined in the report that the emotions of every living thing have their own colors. They are like a huge spectrum, intertwined and blended, forming the soul ocean of all living beings.

This reminded Sean of another world, where there is a special group of people who use will as their power. Those people know how to forge their spirits, use their emotions, and turn them into their own strength, and can condense their fantasies into reality.

“Forget the past…Imagine you are floating in the warm ocean, your body undulating with the waves, the blue sky and white clouds, the seagull beach, everything is peaceful…Forget the mistakes, forget the anger.”

Sean’s eyes moved slightly, and the yellow light projected by the Mind Stone was like a tidal wave, guiding the bald man’s thinking, and brand-new memories were woven out of the various illusions.

The Hydra researcher took the bald man out and was extremely surprised. He witnessed an incredible scene with his own eyes. This mental patient had always been dull and occasionally became extremely manic, but in front of Dr. Sipers, Just like an obedient child.

Standing aside, Wanda’s eyes were filled with brilliance. This astonishing change was like a miracle. It seemed that Sean was filled with a magical power that made people feel peaceful and peaceful.

“How did you do that?” she asked curiously, blinking.

“The power of the mind.” Sean shrugged, with a rather mysterious look on his face. “How’s Pietro doing?”

“He is very good. He is in high spirits every day, as if he has endless energy. He runs on the playground downstairs every day… He said he likes the feeling of running.”

Wanda felt obvious changes in her brother Pietro. She seemed to be different from before. She would fall into various strange dreams every night, and her spirit would be particularly sensitive after waking up.

She didn’t know that this was the infection effect of the Mind Stone. As for Pietro, Sean did not directly modify it to stimulate the innate ability in the body. Instead, he first increased the opponent’s physical strength and dynamic vision step by step to adjust to the best state. , preparing to finally become “Quicksilver”.

“Pietro thinks he can become the fastest man in the world.” Wanda covered her mouth and laughed.

“It’s still far from it, unless he can surpass the speed of light and turn back time.” A faint smile appeared on Sean’s lips.

The title of the fastest man in the world does not belong to Pietro. It belongs to a speedster from another world.

“The day flies by so fast. Do you want to have dinner together later?”

The young man extended the invitation sincerely with a gentle smile on his face.

Wanda is a person with natural psychic abilities, and her perception is extremely keen, which is especially suitable for the transformation process of the Mind Stone.

Sean is preparing to shape this girl into a more perfect “Scarlet Witch”. He himself is also curious about what kind of magical abilities the Mind Stone can give her.

mind control? Modify probability? Or is it a chaotic power similar to magic?

“Okay.” Wanda nodded and accepted happily.

At this moment, the girl’s mind glowed with a pink and purple emotional halo, which was particularly bright.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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