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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 312 The Ten Commandments Gang

When Tony dragged the almost scrapped steel armor and walked alone in the cold snow, he was hesitant and helpless, like a lost traveler who had lost his direction and didn’t know what to do for a while.

An unprecedented loneliness hit his heart, and Tony fell into an isolated and helpless situation. Without the steel armor made by cutting-edge technology, the sense of security deep in his heart disappeared bit by bit.

Once on the Helicarrier, Captain America asked Iron Man, “Who are you without this steel armor?” Tony proudly replied, “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist,” with a firm tone and a stern tone. The Tucker family has always been confident.

But after the Battle of Asgard, Tony seemed to be unable to find the pride he had before. He began to have self-doubt and mental anxiety, so that he could not sleep at night and was trapped in nightmares.

Only by staying in steel armor can we find a trace of tranquility, and feel at ease when we are worried about the future.

“I never expected that I would be like a traveler in the desert, waiting for others to save me.”

After sending a message to Sean, the billionaire and superhero, wrapped in a thin blanket, huddled in a phone booth outside a convenience store. This should be a small town near Canada. Jarvis controlled steel. Armor, carry yourself all the way until the energy is exhausted.

He walked alone in the ice and snow for half an hour before he saw this convenience store. Further on, he saw a remote town with no one on the street.

It all happened so suddenly that Tony was caught off guard. He only had time to save Pepper, and then passed out in the impact of the explosion.

The story started half a month ago.

A terrorist organization called the Ten Rings Gang frequently appeared on TV news and newspaper headlines. The evil leader who called himself “Mandarin” openly challenged the United States government, disseminated videos of massacres, and made threatening remarks, causing an uproar in public opinion.

“…In 1864, in the Sand Creek area of ​​Colorado, the U.S. Army took advantage of the simple Cheyenne tribe’s brave warriors to go out hunting, took the opportunity to massacre the old, young, women and children left behind, and occupied their land. 39 hours ago, the Ariel Salem Air Force Base in Kuwait was attacked, and it was me! The church was filled with women and children, and the soldiers were all out for exercises, which means that the ‘warriors’ were not at home…”

“Mr. President, you have been resisting my education for you, and now, you should remember what I said… You know who I am, but you don’t know where I am, and you can never think of what I am going to do!”

Tony turned on the TV and saw this terrifying declaration. The evil leader who called himself Mandarin invaded the TV station’s signal and made a very provocative and arrogant move towards the United States government.

In the following weeks, the Ten Rings gang planned multiple terrorist attacks, bombing air bases and hijacking airlines, causing panic in the country. Even the presidential cabinet had to issue a solemn response, vigorously searching for Mandarin’s whereabouts, and launching a federal investigation. The Bureau and the Department of Defense mobilized a large number of manpower to maintain homeland security.

In order to appease the people’s emotions, the President also called out Colonel James Rhodes, Iron Man’s best friend, to launch the “Iron Patriot” – a second-generation model of the war machine. In fact, it was just a repaint. The silvery white color turns into red, white and blue.

This made Tony complain for a while, and Rhodes politely refused his help. Since the existence of Asgard was exposed, the Ministry of National Defense has always wanted to show its strength to restore the people’s declining confidence and consolidate the federal government’s Powerful image.

They cannot allow superheroes to be higher than the government and acquiesce that Iron Man maintains world security. This is already a huge concession. If the other party has to be involved in even terrorist attacks and homeland security, wouldn’t it be equivalent to admitting their own incompetence?

Tony did not force this. He was suffering from anxiety and the development of the Ultron program and had no intention of paying attention to these things. Fighting transnational criminal groups and destroying the lairs of terrorist organizations was something Iron Man had not done for some time.

Until the explosion in Stark Tower and the serious injury of bodyguard Happy in the attack, Tony was involved again.

There is no doubt that this is another masterpiece planned by Mandarin. The leader of the Ten Rings Gang caused a total of nine bombing attacks in just half a month. No clues were left at the scene, not even the bullet casings were found. However, public sentiment has become increasingly intense, and if this continues, the head of the FBI will probably need to be replaced.

“…I have a small holiday greeting that I want to send to Mandarin. I just thought of the words: My name is Tony Stark. You are not terrible because you are just a coward. I am ready, You wait to die, man! I will catch you, there is no politics involved, it is just for personal vendetta, I want revenge! This has nothing to do with the Department of Defense or the United States, this is a personal grudge between us.”

An angry Tony reported his home address in front of the cameras of media reporters, claiming that he wanted to have an upright contest with the leader of the terrorist organization.

As he has always said, he doesn’t have many friends. Apart from close friends like Pepper and Rhodes, Happy can also be counted on Tony’s “trust list”.

The other party has been his bodyguard for many years and has been by his side since he was twenty years old. It can be said that he has become an indispensable part of his life.

Stark has always been an activist. After openly declaring war on Mandarin, he began to compile all the information about the leader of the Ten Rings Gang. Based on the intelligence intercepted by S.H.I.E.L.D., the FBI and the CIA, he discovered some obvious doubts. .

For example, the high temperature caused by the explosion exceeded 3,000 degrees Celsius, which was enough to quickly evaporate all materials within twelve yards, but it never left any bomb debris. So Tony built a data model, collected information and analyzed it, and found some clues.

If the story continues like this, it will just be a heroic legend in which Iron Man once again saves the United States and defeats the evil leader. Unfortunately, this is not a juvenile comic, and justice often defeats evil.

That afternoon, the seaside villa in Port Marbury was attacked by Mandarin. This time it was more brazen than usual. A cruise missile and machine gun fire from six helicopters almost killed Tony and Pepper. Here it is.

“What a dry sense of humor.” Tony thought as he leaned in the phone booth.

He did not send a message to Pepper. Mandarin was actually able to mobilize six armed helicopters and launch carpet bombings within the borders of the United States. This showed that the other party’s power was far beyond his imagination.

So Tony chose to contact Sean who was far away in the North Pole. Umbrella on the other side had extremely strong security capabilities. Even Loki had suffered a big fall, and he had complete scientific research equipment, so he was undoubtedly the most suitable candidate for help.

“Hopefully that guy can hear my message…Arctic expedition? I haven’t even been there! Laid-back bastard!”

Tony was holding the thin blanket that he had ripped off from the bronze statue of the convenience store. The steel armor that was no different from scrap metal was lying outside. It was the first time that he was so at a loss. He had lost the ability to fly and escape, and he had lost his ability to fly and escape. The confidence of a billionaire… is just like that of an ordinary person.

“A Stark man never gives up.”

The golden figure standing over Asgard suddenly flashed in his mind, Tony curled his lips and encouraged himself.

PS: Ahem, dear readers…Happy holidays (ˊoo`)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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