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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 313 Desperate Virus

Sean was sitting on the plane, browsing the recent headlines, and he was quite curious in his heart whether the “Mandarin” existed in this world.

In the original timeline, the evil leader of the Ten Rings Gang “Mandarin” was just a puppet, a fabricated false character. His true identity was actually a down-and-out British actor who loved Shakespeare and a luxurious life, and was put on the stage to attract attention. The guise of force.

But as Iron Man’s old enemy, the Mandarin did indeed exist – an unknown parallel world. He has many aliases and a long life. He was born in the far east. He claims to be a descendant of Genghis Khan. He has a similar experience to Tony Stark. He became extremely wealthy at a young age. He has a smart mind and with the help of strong financial resources, Pursue the legendary art of immortality.

It is said that the opponent possesses ten magical rings with different abilities, is proficient in ancient mystical secrets, and has put Iron Man into dangerous situations several times. He is an extremely terrifying super villain.

“It’s really fun.”

Sean stared at the pattern of the Ten Rings that was fixed on the computer screen. Ten rings connected into a circle. This symbol was not unfamiliar to him. A long time ago, before Tony became Steel, Stark Industries The former top executive, Obadiah Stane, had collaborated with Afghan warlords, plotting to kill the playboy and embezzle the Stark family’s military and industrial empire.

It was that group of people who hijacked Tony Stark. The warlord leader was also a member of the Ten Rings Gang. Iron Man originally destroyed their lair, but now this terrorist organization has resurrected and has a new leader. figure.

“Tony, does this count as repaying debt for the mistakes you made back then?”

A faint smile appeared on Sean’s lips. Maybe Iron Man was still in the dark and didn’t understand what happened, but he knew it clearly.

Aldridge Killian, this name often appears in technology magazines or weeklies recently, almost as frequently as himself in the past. The tall, high-spirited man on the screen is AIM (Pioneer Technology) ), the second largest emerging scientific research institution in North America, excluding Umbrella, which has risen irresistibly.

In recent days, the outside world has often compared the name Aldridge Killian with Sean Sipers. Just like the latter and Tony Stark were regarded as rivals by the media. .

It is said that this man was born with a physical disability and was often bullied and ridiculed by his classmates in middle school. It was not until he entered college that Killian showed a genius mind and won the admiration and respect of many people.

This kind of inspirational story, after being exaggerated and exaggerated by the media, was immediately dubbed “a role model for teenagers” and “the American dream of the new era”. This kind of routine was the same as when Sean first rose up, and he used it on himself. The dazzling aura tells the story of past hardships and efforts, arouses sympathy and admiration from the public, and wins the favor of the news media.

The young man who browsed these messages smiled knowingly. It was obvious that this was a “genius” who was good at showing off and packaging. People always like bumpy experiences and tragic pasts. It is often stories like this that touch people’s hearts and resonate – Of course, the protagonist must have a happy ending in the end.

Without these seasonings, how can we cook a fragrant pot of chicken soup for the soul, allowing the audience to become themselves, until they are moved to tears and immersed in it?

Having said that, genius always has a side full of paranoia. Killian idolized Tony Stark when he was a boy, believing that aloof, arrogant and proud man to be a supreme genius in the true sense, and he looked forward to the day when he could do so. Meet or talk to them.

This kind of admiration is just like the band members who want to be the Beatles and the basketball players who pursue Michael Jordan. At least half of the young people in the United States will regard a bohemian and smart guy like Tony as his idol. Idol, the other half of the people will envy and envy this lucky person who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

After graduating from university, Killian founded AIM alone. While struggling to maintain the operation of the institution, he paid attention to the research results of academia. It was not until New Year’s Eve in 1999 that he saw the mind at an academic seminar in Bern, Switzerland. object of worship.

Unfortunately, the result was not pleasant, it could even be said to be a heavy blow. At that time, Tony Stark was still a cynical playboy who liked to ridicule and tease others. When he saw Killian, who was disabled and poorly dressed, he had a not-so-funny joke with him. The joke made this loyal fan blow the cold wind on the rooftop rooftop all night.

He must not have known at the time that his unintentional actions had hurt the fragile heart of an enthusiastic fan, and also created an enemy who almost put him to death.

“Extremis virus.” Sean whispered a word.

This is an invention of Maya Hansen many years ago. The initial prototype was a bioelectric technology that can enter the repair center of the human brain and recode it. If the biological system of the human body is compared to a computer, the Extremis virus is Top hackers who sneak into tampering.

Later, various ideas were derived, such as editing DNA at will and modifying gene fragments. This is the most mature stage of technological development. For now, limb regeneration, immunity awakening, and physical enhancement are no longer out of reach. scientific problems.

Many venture capital companies are extremely optimistic about the future development of AIM and believe that in the near future, the other party will be able to compete with the rapidly growing Umbrella.

As a result, Aldridge Killian frequently made headlines in newspapers and was hailed by the public as a “technological upstart”, and he was in the limelight for a while.

Sean tapped his fingers on the table. At first, Maya Hansen sold the Extremis virus technology to Killian due to lack of funds. Later, she joined Umbrella and focused on genetic engineering research projects with Dr. Connors.

The reason why he did not continue to support Dr. Maya Hansen in conducting experimental research on the terminal virus was because this seemingly promising cutting-edge technology had major flaws that were difficult to make up for. All humans have 99% of the The same genes, but 0.1% difference, determines that everyone is a different individual.

This leads to the irregular repellency of the Extremis virus. Not everyone can adapt to the transformation process of coding genes. To solve this problem, it is an extremely huge computing project, from the price paid to the results gained. Look, obviously the gain outweighs the loss.

It can be seen from Kilian’s research process that it was completely reliant on human life. Retired soldiers were recruited to become test subjects. The terminal virus was unstable in the early stage and had a very high mortality rate. The skin temperature caused by the internal body was too high, and finally it lost control. It causes a huge explosion, which is full of danger and uncontrollable.

Perhaps this cutting-edge technology can create a super army, but it is very difficult to apply it to all mankind. Even Sean, who has Skynet, has no idea of ​​​​restarting it for the time being.

Therefore, it is obvious that there must be unknown hidden forces behind the rising scientific star, Aldrich Killian, who was able to develop the Extremis virus in just thirteen years. When it comes to the human body application stage, the financial and human resources required are absolutely astronomical.

The bombing attacks planned by Mandarin were actually to cover up the failure of the Extremis virus experiment. No bomb remains could be found at the scene. That’s because the real “bomb” is actually human beings themselves.

“Is it Hydra or the legendary ‘Mandarin’ behind this?”

Sean narrowed his eyes and smiled with interest.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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