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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 314 The Suppressed Iron Man

Iron Man, dressed like a plumber, was enjoying a tuna sandwich when Sean saw Tony. He came out of the hamburger restaurant with a child. He was wearing washed-white jeans, a dirty coat, and messy hair. There was no trace of the fact that he was once a famous rich man with billions of assets.

“Stand there and don’t move. Let me take a photo first. The Daily Bugle will definitely be happy to use your appearance as a front page photo.”

A Porsche Panamera was parked on the street, and Sean was leaning on the hood of the car, like a rich man who went out to catch hot beauties in the middle of the night. This behavior attracted many looks of envy or contempt. The former It was because six girls came forward to strike up a conversation within ten minutes, and the latter reason was the same.

“Thank God, you not only received my message, but also came here in person. I am very touched.”

Tony rubbed the head of the child next to him and wiped the corners of his eyes symbolically. His exaggerated acting skills clearly conveyed this insincere and perfunctory reply.

To be honest, he really didn’t have high hopes. He had long been mentally prepared to fight alone without help. Even if he lost his steel armor, Stark had to single-handedly find Mandarin and the truth behind the explosion attack.

This is a pride that belongs deep in his heart. Tony has never been a person willing to back down. Even if his life was in danger before, he would not give up his identity as Iron Man.

“Yes, it takes six hours to fly directly from Iceland to New York, but it only took me three and a half hours to get to this Canadian town from the other side of the world that is difficult to find on Google Maps.”

Sean shrugged, with a flat tone of “Actually, these are small things, don’t worry about it”, which made Tony, whose face was full of scars, look embarrassed. This proud and arrogant Iron Man rarely thanked others.

“I owe you once.” He interrupted quickly and turned to look at the child next to him. “Go home and stay with your mother. Keep my steel armor and keep in touch on the phone at all times… You are a great person. partner!”

Tony paused at the end. He was not born with the innate ability to express emotions, even to close friends or family around him.

Pride and arrogance are sometimes just a shell of self-protection, like steel armor, protecting oneself from harm from the outside world.

“Wow, I thought that last sentence was meant for me.”

Sean’s tone was joking. It was rare to see Tony express his emotions. Of course, he had to take the opportunity to ridicule him at this time and let him know what it felt like to be made fun of, so that he would not hesitate to show off his venomous tongue.

“If you can remain silent, I will thank you silently from the bottom of my heart.”

Stark is quite angry. He has been suffering from anxiety recently and his temper is not good.

Especially after what happened with Mandarin, Iron Man’s unscrupulous public declaration led to a terrorist attack that almost killed him, and also injured Pepper.

This made it difficult for Tony to let go, and the guilt in his heart could not be expressed. It could only gradually settle and turn into overwhelming anger towards the Ten Rings Gang and Mandarin.

“Where are we going?” Sean turned his head and threw an evening news newspaper over. “Theoretically, you are dead now.”

The headline of the newspaper two hours ago clearly read “Mandarin Attack! Iron Man is Dead!” The eye-catching headline was bold and bold, which was quite creepy.

This incident must have alarmed SHIELD. As a member of the Avengers and a famous superhero, Nick Fury must have activated his power and started looking for his traces.

“I found some clues about Mandarin and his bombing attacks.” Tony’s eyes showed a determined look. He must get rid of the evil leader of the terrorist organization.

“Are you referring to using soldiers as experimenters and treating them as human bombs?” Sean twitched the corner of his mouth and showed a mysterious smile, “Or you want me to go to Tennessee and accompany you to find Mandarin’s lair. , catch the mastermind behind the scenes?”

“You…know everything?”

Now it was Tony’s turn to be shocked. He finally connected the Mandarin bombing attack with the Rose Hill accident in Tennessee from Jarvis’ previous data model and a large amount of data analysis—— An explosion occurred at the military base there. A soldier named Charlie Davis suspected of committing suicide by detonating explosives, killing six people.

“What do you think I was doing during the three and a half hours on the plane? Partying with beautiful women, or watching pole dancing performances?” Sean ridiculed without sparing any effort.

These things were all Tony’s favorite things in the past. He gathered a bunch of hot models, put on stewardess uniforms, held sexy parties on private planes, and other ridiculous behaviors. , the title of New York’s number one playboy.

“So you must make me feel ashamed today and find a hole in the ground to crawl into?” Tony asked angrily.

He has always been the only one to criticize others. When did his position change and it became an embarrassing situation where he was criticized and couldn’t refute?

Past opponents or strangers, ranging from the dead Obadiah Stane to Justin Hammer who was in prison picking up soap, even military bosses like General Ross and high-ranking people. Congressman, who hasn’t felt Tony Stark’s vicious attacks?

If they knew about this, they would probably open a bottle of champagne to celebrate, and then clap their hands and say, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and God will reincarnate!

“It’s not just Jarvis who has huge computing power, you’re not the only one who knows how to build data models, analyze situations and find clues from massive amounts of information.”

Sean saw that Tony was showing signs of anger, so he was quick to stop. It was not a good thing to make an anxiety patient angry.

“How many clues do you have?” Tony took a deep breath and asked eagerly.

“It’s almost the same as you. The only thing is Mandarin’s lair in Tennessee, the specific location of a private estate in the suburbs, and they have been using military personnel to conduct experiments. Those bombing attacks were actually failures caused by insufficient technology.”

Sean started the car, and the engine roared. Aldridge Killian must have known that Tony was still alive, and maybe he would send a killer later.

Although he didn’t mind pushing along the way, knocking over Killian who had been injected with the Extremis virus, destroying Mandarin’s lair, and stopping their plot… But why did he do this?

Sean has never assumed the identity of a superhero. Everything he did was initially for a better life. Then as his strength increased and his desires expanded, he launched an attack on money and power, trying to become The big shot at the top of the pyramid.

In the end, he discovers that he can do more, create a new future, and even take the entire world into his own hands.

As Sean said, he accepted the darkness in his heart and faced his insatiable ambitions and desires.

Bystanders and guides, this is the correct position for young people to give themselves.

“That’s all?” Tony curled his lips, secretly glad that he didn’t lose too badly.

“Of course more than that.” Sean replied with a smile.

“I also know that all of this stems from the prank you played thirteen years ago. You teased a loyal fan with a sensitive heart named Aldridge Killian.”

Sean smiled happily and took time to admire the look of astonishment on Tony’s face. This expression alone was worth traveling a thousand miles to put aside all the things in Sokovia and rush back.

“Killian? Who is he?”

The confused Tony asked back.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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