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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 315 The Mandarin

Tennessee, suburban estate.

Under the dark night, this holiday villa standing in the wilderness of the suburbs looks empty and quiet, but in fact it is heavily guarded, like a dragon’s pond and a tiger’s den, full of terrible dangers.

Strong and muscular security guards armed with submachine guns and leading ferocious wolfdogs patrolled the perimeter in groups of three. They changed shifts every hour. There were infrared cameras in every corner. The security system was very tight. Anyone who wanted to sneak in would have to wait. None of it is easy.

“We raided the Stark mansion, but we couldn’t find the body. Maybe he was buried under the sea, along with the steel armor.”

In the retro-decorated study room, Killian listened to the news coming from the other end of the phone, his brows gradually furrowed, obviously dissatisfied with the vague answer.

The reason why he cooperated with this group of people in the first place was because they had secret and extensive channels and were able to mobilize the powerful energy within the government. Otherwise, how could there be so many professional soldiers as experimental subjects in the process of studying the terminal virus? .

If you want to hide a terrorist organization within the borders of the United States, you must also avoid the FBI, CIA, and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s numerous investigations, invade TV stations’ networks anytime and anywhere, hijack airlines, and create multiple bombing attacks… …With Killian’s strength, this is far from possible.

You know, since the 9/11 incident, the United States has paid special attention to homeland security, and has even launched the “Prism Project” to conduct large-scale surveillance and even retrieve top-secret information from any area within the country, directly entering the central server of the Internet company to mine data, Gather intelligence.

Without the protection and help of internal forces, Mandarin and the Ten Rings Gang would have been found long ago. How could they have used cruise missiles to blow up Tony Stark’s villa into the sky, almost killing Iron Man.

“I hope to have a definite answer.” Killian emphasized, “Continue to proceed as planned and keep in touch.”

In fact, in his heart, he didn’t want Tony to die like this. Thinking of the humiliation he suffered before, this promising technological upstart was even more eager to defeat Iron Man with his own hands, trample the opponent under his feet, and trample on his dignity – just like Stark. The same thing I used to do to myself.

Killian hung up the phone simply. He had been cooperating with the mysterious forces that used the Hydera emblem as their logo for some time, and they knew each other somewhat.

After spending all his money to purchase the research information on the Extremis virus from Maya Hansen, Killian devoted himself wholeheartedly to it. Later, for some reason, he came into the sight of Hydra. The two parties hit it off immediately, spending huge amounts of money and manpower, and finally finally This technology was successfully applied to the human body.

Although the rejection problem of the Extremis virus has never been solved, Killian and Hydra don’t care. They can create an invincible super army at any time.

As for the life and death of the loser, who cares?

Killian strode out of the study. The hall was set up like a studio, with lights shining overhead, camera operators adjusting the lens, and some people carefully setting up the performance background. The logo of the Ten Rings Gang was branded on the wall. There is a retro carpet under the feet, and next to the antique sandalwood seats, there are two oriental totems cast from copper and iron.

The character setting of Mandarin is an Oriental with the ancestry of Genghis Khan. His mother is a British noble. His parents died shortly after he was born, and he was raised by his uncle.

Therefore, Killian had to be well prepared so that the poor actor he found could look like a real leader of a terrorist organization, the legendary dangerous and terrifying Mandarin. Even Iron Man died in his hands. No one can defy his will.

Wearing a black robe and ten rings on his hands, “Mandarin” is ready. This down-and-out British actor, whose real name is Trevor Slattery, once performed on Broadway.

Like most people who dream of becoming a star, Trevor is also unknown and has a hard time getting ahead. His only impression is probably that he played a Russian in the CBS TV series “The Fury”. Police, but due to poor performance in the pilot episode, subsequent scenes were cut.

Killian met this depressed third-rate actor by chance. Because of his similar appearance, he decided to let him play the role of a terrorist who terrified the entire United States.


In fact, the correct way to call this name is Mandarin, but due to transliteration problems, more Americans like to call it Mandarin.

Since then, actor Trevor has disappeared, leaving only Mandarin, the leader of the Ten Rings Gang, an evil leader who is ambitious enough to destroy the world.

Two women in cheongsam lifted the hoods of Mandarin. They had hooked noses, sunken eye sockets, thick beards on their chins, and their hair was combed into a Chinese bun. Their gloomy expressions revealed strong majesty.

This is the leader of the Ten Rings Gang, an evil leader who constantly creates terrorist attacks and casts a shadow over a country.

Killian nodded with satisfaction. Next, there was a signal that Hydra would invade the entire East Coast, and then directly threaten the White House. What they wanted to do was to create a huge crisis for this country, just like the Kennedy incident. In addition to Get rid of the disobedient guys and replace them with your own people.

The political game sounds extremely complex, full of game struggles and intrigues, but at the same time it is very simple. The premise is that as long as you have the strength to overturn the table, you can break out of the rules at any time.

This is the condition that Kilian reached with Hydra. When the new president and cabinet come to power, the Ten Rings Gang and Mandarin will be handed over to calm the anger of the people, while they will quietly take charge of power and rely on the desperate situation. The super army of viruses and the great prospects shown by AIM, punching Umbrella and kicking Stark Industries are just a piece of cake.

“Tony, it’s a shame you couldn’t witness this with your own eyes.”

Killian said with great regret. He wanted to know what kind of wonderful expression the proud and arrogant Iron Man would have on his face when he saw the business empire built by his family collapse and disintegrate?

Maybe the other person will kneel at his feet and beg for mercy in pain. The founder of AIM thought so.

In Switzerland in 1999, on New Year’s Eve, he felt eternal pain in his heart. That night on the rooftop completely changed his life.

Killian used to admire Tony Stark so much and regarded him as the best genius in the world. He placed him on the altar and wanted to worship him.

But the other party trampled his dignity under his feet and trampled it mercilessly until it was crushed into pieces!

“Master, the overture to welcome you has been played.” Killian walked out of the hall and dialed an encrypted phone number. “This country will crawl at your feet, waiting for the true king to return.”

His tone was quite exciting and full of respect. The voice on the other side was hoarse and cold, as if he didn’t care about Killian’s rhetoric.

“Have you completed your revenge?” a cold voice asked.

“Yes. Tony Stark gave me the greatest gift back then, which was despair.”

Perhaps because he was about to succeed, Kilian couldn’t control himself, and said with a trembling voice: “Back in Switzerland, I stood on the rooftop. For the first twenty minutes, I thought he would come, and then another hour passed. …I really want to take that step and fall from the sky!”

“At that moment, I looked down at the city. No one cared about me, no one even paid attention to me. However, it was you who gave me hope of living again.”

“Like you said, I hid myself and sat behind the scenes as a promoter. Until the mythical figure descended from the sky with a hammer and Asgard appeared. There is no need for us to keep a low profile. The opportunity to stand on the world stage has arrived!”

“Ambition has blinded your vision. Stay calm, Killian.” The voice coming from the mobile phone revealed a kind of indifference, “You choose your own path, and you need to bear the consequences.”

“I understand, respected Lord Mandarin.” Killian spoke fluent Chinese.

All stories have prototypes. The Ten Rings Gang and Mandarin are not made up out of thin air.

After hanging up the phone, Killian raised his hand and glanced at the time, with a sneer on his lips.

ps: Good night, sleepy~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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