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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 316 Separate Actions

9:30 p.m.

The signals on the east coast were completely destroyed. TV studios, promotional advertisements in shopping malls, and football games shown in bars… all flashed with dense snowflakes, and then turned into the logo of the Ten Rings Gang. Satellite signals were invaded, and even the White House was not spared. .

Along with the editing footage of a series of terrorist attacks, Mandarin appeared on the screen, issuing a powerful threat to the United States. His gloomy face was like the devil of hell, which made people involuntarily feel fear and tremble in their hearts.

The explosions in the past half month have caused at least hundreds of injuries and dozens of deaths. Since “911”, the United States has once again fallen into a tense atmosphere. Even SHIELD has intervened and began to vigorously search for Mandarin and the Ten Rings Gang. Currently, Iron Man Tony Stark, one of the Avengers, is still missing and his life or death is unknown.

“Mr. President, we are going to continue the class. This is Thomas Richard. He is the accountant of Raux Oil Company and he does a great job…”

The camera zoomed out to show Mandarin holding a pistol. At his feet was a middle-aged man with a face full of fear. His body was shaking like a lamb. Everyone held their breath as they realized what was about to happen.

“I confirm that he is a good man, so I am going to blow his head off in thirty seconds, in front of you. This will be a live broadcast that is powerful enough, and the one who can stop this, It’s just you, Mr. President! You have the number for this phone on your phone, and if I get the call within thirty seconds, Tom doesn’t have to die.”

On Air Force One, President Ellis, who was flying on a special plane, picked up his cell phone and found an unfamiliar number on it. He looked at the Secret Service supervisor next to him with a suspicious and questioning look.

Mandarin’s power is simply shocking. He actually hacked into his cell phone without making a sound. If the other party wanted to do something else, wouldn’t it be easy?

“We cannot allow terrorists to do whatever they want,” the special service supervisor said solemnly, his eyes flashing.

The blue and white Boeing 747 sailed smoothly above the clouds. This aircraft, known as the “White House in the sky,” has become a symbol of power in the United States. Everyone in the large conference room was silent. If this call was not made, innocent people would He will die tragically, and the president will also be charged with unfounded charges. Complying with Mandarin’s opinion will undoubtedly be a compromise with the terrorists.

After thinking for a long time, President Ellis dialed the phone number. The sound of “ding a bell” sounded in the live video of the Ten Rings Gang. Mandarin’s gloomy face relaxed a little. He stared at the camera, as if having a conversation with everyone. Eye contact, silence, only the phone ringing repeatedly.

Pulling the trigger, a gunshot rang out.

Like a thunderbolt, it frightened the audience in front of the TV and also shocked President Ellis on Air Force One.

“Mr. President, run away and kiss your wife and children goodbye, because nothing, including your military and the Iron Patriots, can stop me.”

The signal was cut off, and the video was fixed on the terrifying symbol of the Ten Rings Gang. President Ellis squeezed the phone, looked at the Secret Service Director and said solemnly: “Order Colonel Rhodes to find this madman immediately!”

“Mr. President, we have tracked this broadcast signal, and the source may be in Pakistan. Iron Patriot is on standby.”


On the private jet heading to Tennessee, Tony was browsing the video data Sean gave him, a list of disabled soldiers, all of whom were selected as test subjects by AIM. The Extremis virus has the ability to repair missing limbs.

“…You were once marginalized and disabled, but from now on, you will become the winners of human evolution! As the first batch of experimental candidates, when you look back on your life in the future, all the hardships and honors will be Let you never forget it! The glory belongs to today!”

Killian’s figure is clearly visible in the video. He is like a Wall Street economic liar. He is good at tempting and telling lies, so that retired soldiers who were injured and disabled in the war will obediently participate in the experiment without caring at all. of danger.

Later, there are shots of injecting the Extremis virus. In the experimental stage named “Ultimate Transformation”, the skin of those soldiers was red, with a faint lava-like luster. Along with severe pain, the incomplete limbs were repaired and regenerated.

But not everyone has good luck. Tony saw with his own eyes a soldier who could not withstand the rough process of the virus transforming his body. His body surface seemed to be burned by flames, his body was cracked like ceramics, and a dazzling light erupted from his open mouth. , high-temperature energy of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius exploded from the inside, and a huge explosion swept everything!

“This is the truth about the Mandarin bombing attack…” Tony muttered to himself.

From the information he obtained from Sean, he inferred that Killian sold this seriously flawed cutting-edge technology to Mandarin, and AIM made a fortune from it.

“I remember that Umbrella had developed medical technology for regenerating severed limbs a long time ago.” Tony turned to look at Sean with a questioning tone.

“Hey, when Stark Industries was the leader in the military industry, it might not be able to monopolize the entire market, let alone Umbrella… And do you know how many disabled people there are in the United States, and how many of them are retired military personnel? Tony, we Not a savior, maybe Iron Man can make the world a better place, but he cannot eliminate all crime and kill all the dirty deeds hidden in the darkness.”

Sean bluntly revealed the truth, saying that he and Umbrella did not bear the blame. Those veterans were not desperate, they were just innocent people who were bewitched by national glory or a sense of mission. Killian deceived these people with high-sounding reasons.

“I want to stop them!” Tony sighed, anxiety bothering him all the time. “Find Mandarin, the Ten Rings Gang, Killian… I have done some wrong things before, and now I have to try to undo them.”

“But what about the president?”

Sean turned the laptop in his hand, which was playing the threatening video of Mandarin an hour ago. The evil leader of the Ten Rings Gang was openly intimidating the people in power in the United States.

“And Rhodes is here…wait a minute, Iron Patriot’s new image seems to be designed by AIM!”

Tony realizes that something is wrong. Killian may have planned a huge conspiracy. Mandarin, the Ten Rings Gang, and multiple bombings may be just a cover to attract attention.

president! Their target is the president!

“Don’t look at me like that… Come on, Iron Man is the superhero. I’m just a rich, handsome, smart ordinary person at best.” Sean shrugged, ignoring Tony’s expectant look.

“Sean, you have an army of mutants, Blonsky – the big yellow guy who fights with the Hulk. Even Nick Fury wants to drag you into S.H.I.E.L.D., now you have a chance to become a hero. , are you not moved at all?”

The young man shook his head, indicating that he had no fluctuations in his heart and even wanted to laugh.

“Guess I owe you once. The worst I can do is treat you to a luxury burger when I return to New York. That’s it! I’ll go get Mandarin, and you support Rhodes!”

Seeing Tony’s rogue look, Sean smiled, a dark and unclear light flashing across his eyes.

“I have my own way of doing things, you have to think clearly.” He said meaningfully.

The President of the United States is one of the most powerful positions on the planet, but it is also a “high-risk job.” Since the founding of this country, 7 presidents have died due to accidents, 4 of which were assassinated.

Perhaps this is a rare opportunity to recreate the Kennedy incident?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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