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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 317 Miscalculation

Tony and Sean were divided into two groups. The former went to Mandarin’s hometown in Tennessee alone, while the latter was preparing to rush to Air Force One to prevent the president from being hijacked and prevent accidents from happening.

Sean seemed to have casually suggested that Tony tell SHIELD, but he seemed very wary and did not trust Nick Fury.

Thinking of Stark, who was determined to be a lone hero, Sean’s mouth curled up slightly while sitting on the private plane. He dialed Francis Underwood’s personal phone number. The Vice President had already Becoming a solid ally of Umbrella, the two parties have inseparable interests.

“Are you interested in talking about entering the White House, Mr. Vice President?” The young man casually threw out a bargaining chip that could not be refused.

Kilian wants to cleanse the country’s upper-level power, and then rely on Hydra’s internal infiltration to ascend to a high position and take charge of power. This is a good idea. One hand controls the most powerful leader of Western countries, and the other One hand controls the most feared terrorist organization. Relying on the Extremis virus, AIM will develop into a behemoth and a monopoly giant.

But in order to accomplish all this, the president and the cabinet must be dealt with. Air Force One is the perfect time to do it. As for the vice president and Congress, it is natural to leave it to Hydra.

Unfortunately, Kilian did not expect that there would be a cheating player who was above the rules in this game, so his plan was doomed to be a fantasy.

After talking with Vice President Underwood for about half an hour, the ambitious veteran politician readily accepted all the conditions.

No one would let go of this opportunity to sit on the throne of the White House and become one of the most powerful men in the United States.

In the complex and dirty political game, there is always only one rule: interests come first.

“Please allow me to once again express my excitement and sincere gratitude, Mr. Sipers.”

Underwood, who was in the official residence, inadvertently changed his title. The founder of Umbrella was no longer a small figure who needed shelter before. He could talk about changing the country’s president at will, and he also had the ability to execute it. Strength.

Underwood, who has always paid attention to details, gradually adapted to the changing status of both parties. He is a mature politician with no dignity or face.

“What do I need to do?” the vice president asked in a low voice.

Even with his capital, he couldn’t help but be extremely excited at the thought of actually entering the White House, sitting in the Oval Office, and ascending to the pinnacle of power in this country.

“Stay home and prepare a eulogy,” Sean replied.

He exchanged a few pleasantries and then hung up the phone. According to Skynet’s positioning, Colonel Rhodes’ Iron Patriot arrived in Pakistan half an hour ago. Presumably, according to Killian’s work efficiency, he should probably start that project. “Trojan Horse” plan – after obtaining the Patriot uniform, he used it to board Air Force One in disguise and successfully hijacked the president.

Then Killian will use Mandarin’s puppet identity to publicly execute President Ellis in front of the entire world, creating huge panic. Then Hydra will appear and make trouble.

“Have a nice trip, Tony.” Sean smiled.

Just as Killian said, he will soon become the power behind the country, and Umbrella’s grand territory can begin to expand.


“I wonder if that guy Sean can handle it?”

With a bunch of gadgets he invented, Tony sneaked into the lair of the Ten Rings Gang, which was empty of defenses. Thanks to Killian taking away a large number of manpower, the security force inside the manor was reduced by two-thirds, leaving only a few fierce ones. A sturdy mercenary.

With the help of small electromagnetic pulse weapons, electric shock gloves, and homemade grenades, Tony still successfully entered the manor even without steel armor.

“It would be great if Jarvis was here. I should have filmed the scene just now to let everyone know that I actually have the potential to be an agent.”

Tony praised himself without hesitation, and he carefully opened the door. The living room was in a mess, like a scene after a rave party. What came into view were wine bottles, pizza boxes, women’s clothing scattered on the ground, and a tuo dancer lying on a table.

After taking down several security guards by surprise, Tony held a pistol and broke into the spacious hall that was decorated like a studio. The screen was full of Mandarin’s threatening videos, and the walls were painted with the slogans of the Ten Rings Gang. pattern, the table is filled with simulated firearms.

It’s more like a movie shooting scene than a terrorist organization’s lair.

Tony, who sneaked deep into the bedroom, found the culprit who plunged America into a tense atmosphere, a chattering old man.

The other party did not have the gloomy and majestic terrifying aura in the video. This Mandarin had a playful smile, as if he was on drugs, and his words were inconsistent. There was no trace of the leader of a terrorist organization.

It’s more like a third-rate comedian, which makes people feel ridiculous.

“That’s enough! You’re not Mandarin, where are you really?”

Tony pointed his gun at the old man. He couldn’t believe that the man in front of him was the leader of the Ten Rings Gang. Although they all looked the same, their temperaments were really different.

If all this was disguised by the other party, then Mandarin’s acting skills would be too good.

“He’s here, but he’s not here anymore. It’s very complicated… Wait, don’t shoot! My name is Trevor Slattery. I’m not a bait or a stand-in. I’m just an actor.” The old man said with a look on his face. With an innocent expression, he directly confessed all the information he knew, “This is just a character, ‘Mandarin’ is not a real person.”

“You know, as an actor, it’s normal to take drugs from time to time, and then when I was delirious, I did something bad… They found me and said they would give me more drugs and other things. s things……”

“Killian created you? He also planned the bombing?” Tony asked coldly.

He had speculated before that Killian might be the mastermind behind all the incidents, and had only a cooperative relationship with Mandarin and the Ten Rings Gang, but he never expected that in fact, this terrorist organization and its leader were simply fictitious. .

“He needed someone to take responsibility for these terrorist attacks, so he created the image of an evil leader… Of course, it was mainly because of my wonderful performance that the character of Mandarin was fleshed out.”

“Your performance? Is killing one of your performances also part of it?”

Tony looked at the other person speechlessly, and when he thought that this guy was Mandarin, he felt ashamed. The evil leader he wanted to destroy turned out to have such a character.

“Look around you, the costumes, the green screen, the fake guns, I don’t kill people, I’m just a dedicated actor.” The old man opened a can of Coke by himself.

“Where’s Killian? And his super legion?” Tony asked the key question.

He originally thought that the Mandarin lair was the most dangerous place, so he asked Sean to rush to rescue the president, but it seemed that was not the case. Killian targeted Air Force One.

“They went to implement the final plan.” The old man rolled his eyes and replied simply.

“Damn!” Tony quickly called Jarvis, “It’s time to activate the Iron Legion.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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