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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 318 Air Force One

Mabury Port, seaside villa.

A large crane is in operation. The steel cantilever removes pieces of fallen and broken cement prefabricated panels or load-bearing columns, while workers wearing safety helmets clean up the rubble.

The basement, which was originally used to display steel armor and develop the Ultron program, is now covered with rubble and filled with smoke and dust. A huge explosion destroyed the entire workshop, causing countless losses.

According to the basic cost of steel armor, the cost of a suit reaches tens of millions of dollars. If equipped with complete firepower weapons, coupled with energy drive and artificial intelligence, the expenditure can easily reach hundreds of millions. By analogy, Mandarin’s One cruise missile almost destroyed a small golden mountain.

The seaside villa was blown into ruins, and the foundation beneath their feet suddenly shook. The cleaning workers heard a dense sound of gears biting. Under the control of Jarvis, the lights in the deeper underground space came on one after another, and then two people More than a dozen pieces of steel armor rose into the sky.

This is the Iron Legion that Tony had imagined before. Jarvis performs multi-threaded remote control to carry out team operations and improve the overall strength. Each armor has different characteristics and is suitable for different combat environments.

This frenzied fighting method is a complete waste of money, and only Iron Man, who has the entire Stark Industries standing behind him, can afford it. It fully explains the unchanging truth that money means you can do whatever you want.

Knowing that Killian’s target was actually the president on Air Force One, Tony quickly dialed Sean’s phone. As soon as he connected, there was a violent explosion, accompanied by chaotic fighting and Firearms exchanged.

“Mandarin is fake! Killian is the mastermind behind it! Their target is the president!” Tony said quickly.

“You said it just in time.” A joking tone came from the other end, “I was also about to tell you that Killian was on the coast of California, on a cargo ship of the Rooks Oil Company, and there was another person. Bad news, Pepper is in their hands.”

Intensive gunshots were mixed with voices. When Tony heard that Pepper was taken away, he couldn’t help but feel anxious. He knew that Killian was the real mastermind behind the scenes. Who knew whether the other party would lose his mind and do something terrible.

“Can you handle the president’s side?”

Tony is quite surprised. Iron Man has always regarded himself as a superhero who saves the world, but if he has to choose between the President of the United States and his girlfriend, he will definitely choose the latter without hesitation.

“Of course. I’m currently considering transforming into a superhero.” Sean said with a hint of sarcasm. “Iron Man is going to save his girlfriend, but I have to face a bunch of terrorists… To be honest, SHIELD might as well fire you and leave the Avengers position to me.”

“Fury should be happy to do this.” Tony sighed helplessly.

He knew that this was a bit overwhelming, so he asked Sean to deal with the terrorists of the Ten Rings Gang. Those veterans had all been injected with the Extremis virus. Even if he wore the Mark series steel armor, he might not be able to gain the upper hand.

“Sorry, I really can’t find anyone else. It’s too late to contact SHIELD now, and Rhodes has also been caught. I can’t find any extra help.”

Tony rarely showed a humble attitude. This was probably one of the few experiences in his life. Who would have thought that the proud and arrogant Iron Man would have such a day.

“Wow, Tony Stark’s apology… I recorded this, you wouldn’t mind if I posted it online, would you?” Sean said with a smile.

After finally getting the dark history of Iron Man, he can’t let it go easily. He can release it in the future if nothing happens, so that everyone can use it as a conversation piece to relieve their boredom.

“You should be glad that you are not standing in front of me!” Tony became angry, and the guilt that was originally surging in his heart disappeared completely.

Sean didn’t continue teasing. He told Iron Man to deal with Killian and rescue his beloved girlfriend, and then simply hung up the phone.

The smile on that young face faded little by little, and he was holding the immovable Iron Patriot in his hand. Ten minutes ago, Killian’s men wore this armor and infiltrated Air Force One in a grand manner.

“Sorry, I just took a call.” Sean smiled, “Can you tell me where the president is?”

As a retired soldier and a survivor of the ultimate transformation experiment, Eric Severn said nothing as the Iron Patriot’s mechanical arm was raised and slammed in.

He finally got rid of the president’s secret service security, and then planned to use the Iron Patriot armor to “airlift” the president to Killian, while he blew up the plane and parachuted out to escape.

“You hijacked Air Force One and took it out of the sight of the Presidential Flight Crew at Andrews Air Force Base. Without the black box monitoring, I was able to feel more at ease.”

Sean kept talking and casually broke off the gold-titanium alloy mechanical arm. He had no interest in an opponent like this.

The entire steel armor peeled off and decomposed, and Seven ejected from behind, roaring, dark red spots blooming on the skin of the body, and blood vessels burning like flames, forming a dense and winding network.

The broken arm regrown at a speed visible to the naked eye in clear pain. He stared at Sean in front of him, his dark red eyes becoming extremely fierce.

The temperature in the air suddenly increased. Seven stepped forward and rushed forward, blasting out an iron fist filled with flames. The distance between the two was originally very close, and there was almost no room for escape.

He is full of confidence after being injected with the Extremis virus. He has tested it several times. It is not difficult to punch through a thick steel plate with all his strength. No matter how strong the opponent is, they are still made of flesh and blood…

Such thoughts flashed through his mind, and then a sharp pain quickly spread from the knuckles of his fists to the nerves in his brain. Severn’s eyes widened, as if he had seen a monster.

The huge force that penetrated the steel plate hit the opponent’s chest. Despite the high temperature, it burned a hole in the white shirt without leaving any scars. The strong reaction force even made me feel uncomfortable.

“Are you here to be funny?” Sean’s face was expressionless.

He raised his hand and held down Severn’s right arm, and pulled it out suddenly. Hearing a “hiss” sound, the muscular arm separated from the body.

“I want to take you to the funeral!”

This insignificant little character looked crazy. He seemed to understand his situation. Since he couldn’t defeat the opponent, let’s go to hell together!

Seven mobilized all his strength, and the dark red spots spread from the body to the surface of the skin at an unprecedented speed like leaping flames.

Sean curled his lips, a faint golden light loomed, opened a strong force field, and there was a roar, like a red rain splashing!

The broken limbs exploded outward, and warm blood mixed with rotten flesh. The high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees Celsius evaporated everything, leaving only a puff of light smoke floating away.

“Pointless bravery.”

Sean commented, walked towards the large conference room, and soon found President Ellis hiding under the table. The country’s leader looked quite embarrassed, with a slight panic on his face.

“Sean Sipers…it’s so good to see you!”

President Ellis recognized Sean. He had awarded the National Medal of Science to him and Kurt Connors at the White House, and praised the young man as a rising star in the United States.

“Mr. President, I need your help.” Sean smiled slightly, and the light of the yellow gem lit up slightly, “America will remember you.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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