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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 319 The dust has settled

A week has passed.

The United States, which was plunged into turmoil and chaos, has finally calmed down. Although the country is still shrouded in a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere, people will take to the streets from time to time to offer flowers and candles to the innocent people who were victims of the bombings. TV stations also reported that event The sensational funeral seemed to make everyone immersed in sadness for a moment.

But time will heal all pain. The world does not exist only for one person. People still have to survive, no matter whether the state is good or bad.

Even if they lose a family member or a national leader, the trajectory of life does not stop because of anyone.

The sky was blue and cloudless that day, and the morning sun was shining on my body, making me feel warm. On Umbrella’s lawn, Maya Hansen pushed Pepper in a wheelchair. The two outstanding women chatted with each other and seemed to get along pretty well.

“Ex-girlfriend and current girlfriend…why are you watching from the side? Come over quickly.”

Sean walked to the transparent corridor, holding his hands on the railings, with an interesting smile on his lips. It was rare to see Tony Stark, a playboy, with a depressed expression on his face.

“You did it on purpose, right? You have to bring Maya and Pepper together!”

Tony complained that he had been ridiculed and ridiculed by Pepper a lot these days, and all his past love affairs were revealed.

This makes the playboy who used to roam the flowers and indulge in love affairs inevitably feel a little embarrassed. After all, not everyone is willing to examine their ridiculous past.

“The Extremis virus was invented by Ms. Maya Hansen. It makes sense for me to hand Pepper over to her.”

Sean shrugged, his tone innocent, and God knows if he was snickering in his heart, waiting for a good show.

Tony was choked to the point of speechlessness and tilted his head in annoyance. All the blame was on Killian, that bastard, who actually injected Pepper with the Extremis virus. If he hadn’t been lucky enough to withstand the painful process of genetic modification, he would have been shrewd. A capable little pepper will probably explode into a ball of fireworks.

Thinking about it now, he still feels a little scared. There are so few people worth cherishing in this world. If he loses Pepper by his side, Tony doesn’t know how he can bear the pain.

A week has passed since the terrorist attack by the Ten Rings Gang and Mandarin. Tony, who summoned the entire Iron Legion, and Killian’s Desperate Warriors had a fierce battle on a cargo ship on the coast of California. fighting.

To be honest, this should be the most dangerous time in the history of Iron Man. After the ultimate transformation, Killian has completely become a super human. His entire physical fitness has been horribly improved, and he can dodge even close-range palm cannons. Come on.

And he also has strong recovery ability. As long as his heart and brain are not injured, he can heal quickly. The high temperature attached can make him spit out flames, melt gold and iron, and continuously dismantle several steel armors with his bare hands, leaving Tony almost completely useless. The ability to fight back.

“By the way, I’m sorry, I couldn’t save the president.” Sean’s eyelids drooped and his tone was gloomy.

“It’s not your fault. No one would think that those bastards would blow up the plane.”

Tony waved his hand, and the Ten Rings gang blew up Air Force One. President Ellis and members of the Secret Service were all killed. This incident was called America’s second “911”. The world was shocked and the whole country was in grief, just like the assassination of John F. Kennedy. .

Vice President Underwood immediately took over the position and officially entered the White House. At the same time, he reorganized the cabinet and stabilized the domestic turmoil with quick responses and flexible means. Not long ago, I was delivering a eulogy at Arlington National Cemetery with a sad face, claiming that this was a difficult test for the United States. They would never surrender to terrorists. Every citizen of this country would bravely join hands and get out of this difficult situation.

This statement was unanimously recognized by the public, and there was endless praise. Many people believed that under the leadership of this new president, the United States could dispel the heavy haze of terrorist attacks and usher in the long-lost light.

Sure enough, the Ten Rings Gang was quickly destroyed. Aldridge Killian, the mastermind behind the scenes, died at the hands of Iron Man, and the actor Trevor Strawry, who played Mandarin, was arrested and imprisoned. Tony’s old friend Justin Hammer went to keep him company.

The culprit was punished, which allowed the public’s anger to pour out. The originally turbulent public opinion gradually subsided, and life returned to normal. Except that the country had a new leader, everything seemed to have returned to the way it was before.

“The root cause of all mistakes lies with me.” Tony looked at the green lawn, a trace of regret flashed on his face, “I created Killian, and he created the Ten Rings Gang and Mandarin, the prank in 1999, That was probably one of the biggest mistakes I made in my life.”

These days, he has been reflecting on his past. His once arrogant and bad character has indeed hurt many people. Arrogance is a characteristic of the Stark family, but excessive acrimony is a bad habit that needs to be broken.

“Tony Stark who reflects on himself is really rare.” Sean’s relaxed laughter diluted the tense atmosphere.

It seems that this self-centered Iron Man is on the way to transformation and maturity. At least he has completely said goodbye to his previous image of a lothario.

“Killian said something very strange before he died. The Mandarin would avenge him, and he said it in Chinese. But in fact, this person does not exist, there is no Mandarin, and there is no Ten Rings Gang.”

Tony was a little confused. He had investigated all this. Killian had established AIM since graduation and was committed to building a complete scientific think tank. He had long accepted investments from unidentified mysterious organizations and followed the clues. For some leather goods companies located overseas, the true flow of funds cannot be traced at all.

The only thing worth noting is that Kilian has been to China and is very fond of Eastern culture. Other than that, there is no useful information.

“Do you think there is really a Mandarin in this world? The guy who plays him is staying in prison, and I heard he has become a star.”

Sean patted Tony on the shoulder and said with relief: “Find a better psychiatrist. Your anxiety disorder is very serious.”

“Maybe you’re right.”

Stark nodded. He also thought that he was overthinking. The nightmare was over, and the crisis was settled and over.

Although Iron Man did not save the world in the end, Killian’s plan to assassinate the president was still successful, but at least the Ten Rings Gang was eliminated and the murderer behind the scenes was allowed to face the justice he deserved.

In a way, Tony did everything he could, and even in the midst of it, someone got hurt.

But as Sean said, they are not omniscient and omnipotent saviors and cannot play the role of God.

“Pepper said you took away a copy of the Extremis virus?” Sean asked casually. “Don’t try something dangerous.”

“I have my own ideas.” Tony replied vaguely.

Killian’s Extremis Virus gave him a lot of inspiration and inspiration. The power of steel armor alone was not enough. He needed to become stronger.

At least hope that when the next crisis occurs, no one will be harmed.

ps: There are a lot of things going on these days, and I am not in a good state, so I am unable to update. I reflect deeply (╯︵╰)

To briefly summarize the above sentence: I may continue to do this, please understand~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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