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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 32 Funerals and New Medicines

The patter of rain fell like countless silver threads from the cloudy sky. High-end cars were parked on the road outside the cemetery. Everyone had a solemn expression and a look of deep mourning on their face. .

This is the famous Trinity Church, located at the junction of Broadway and Wall Street in Manhattan. The funeral of the famous Norman Osborne was held here.

This successful man who single-handedly created a huge business empire is now lying quietly in a cold coffin. The serious priest stands in front of the tombstone and talks about Norman Osborne’s glorious past and glorious deeds to the standing crowd. The new successor of Osborne Industries, Harry Osborn, had a sad face. Even though he usually had an indifferent relationship with his father, he still felt extremely sad when his only relative in the world truly passed away.

“Harry… you have to cheer up, Uncle Norman doesn’t want to see you like this…” Mary-Jane, a red-haired woman, comforted her boyfriend softly. Peter, who was not far away, saw all this and couldn’t help but lower his head and sigh.

The young and immature Spider-Man didn’t know what happened that night. He was beaten unconscious by the Green Goblin, and when he woke up, he found a burnt corpse. Peter had no idea that the person under the Green Goblin mask would be Harry’s father, the respectable Uncle Norman.

In the end, Peter decided to hide the cruel truth. Harry was already suffering from the pain of losing a loved one. If he were to know that his father, who was respected by outsiders, was actually a cruel and murderous Green Goblin, it would be unimaginable what would happen. s consequence.

As for him and Mary-Jane…

Peter glanced at the red-haired figure who accompanied Harry and walked lonely into the rain. Through many battles with the Green Goblin, the young Spider-Man had grown a lot. He understood that as long as he still wore the Spider-Man If he wears the Xia Xia’s suit, he can’t really be with Mary Jane, not to mention that the person who needs her most now is not himself.

“Peter, where are you going?” Sean, holding a black umbrella, stopped Peter who turned to leave.

Looking at Sean who came with Gwen, Peter smiled reluctantly: “I have something else to do, so I have to leave for a while.”

Looking at the lonely figure leaving in a hurry, Gwen looked up at Sean and said, “Peter, and Mary Jane Harry, what on earth is going on with them?”

Sean held a black umbrella and shrugged helplessly, indicating that he didn’t know anything about it. Watching Spider-Man and his best friend trapped in a complicated and tangled love triangle, this feeling was quite strange, like watching a live-action version of Dogs. Blood drama.

Gwen stopped asking questions and walked into the cemetery close to Sean. Today she was wearing a dignified black dress and a little makeup. Her long blond hair was tied behind her head. She was no longer her usual youthful and pretty look. , but adds a bit of mature temperament.

By the time the mass and sacrament meeting after the funeral were over, it was almost evening. Harry, who had finished dealing with all the guests, walked into the living room with a trace of apology on his young and handsome face.

“Sorry, Sean, I didn’t expect to be so busy and made you wait for me all afternoon.”

Harry apologized to his friends as soon as he opened his mouth. He was so busy today, dealing with various shareholders of the company, and sorting out his father’s personal connections during his lifetime. A series of trivial things piled up together made Master Osborne drink water. There is no time.

“I’m sorry about your father…” Sean leaned on the sofa and took a sip of strong black coffee. “You don’t have to apologize to me, Harry. You have a lot of things to deal with, whether it’s the company or not. It’s your own… I can understand this feeling. A loved one who can rely on suddenly leaves, and you have to face the whole world alone. This is very uncomfortable…”

Harry’s eyes were slightly red. Of course he knew Sean’s rough life experience. His parents passed away when he was young. Later, even his only uncle also left this world, and he has been living a solitary life.

“Thank you for your comfort. I’m very grateful that you can say these words to me at this time… This will make me feel better, at least I won’t be as sad as before.” Harry, who gradually lost his former frivolous nature, patted On the shoulders of his best friend, he is trying to learn to be a qualified helmsman of the company. He is no longer like before, he only knows how to indulge in fun.

“The first step is always the hardest. I heard about the current situation of Osborne Industries. The shareholders of the company are not very optimistic about you. They all want to jump off the big ship of Osborne Industries, and they also want to take some money. Get a huge reward… They are just a group of vampires who only want to make more profits and don’t care about the life and death of other people.”

Sean put down the cup and looked at Harry with piercing eyes, his deep eyes seemed to be burning with fire. This was his first formal step to achieve his goal with the help of the vast stage of Osborne Industries!

“I never knew you knew anything about Osborne Industries…” Harry seemed frightened by his friend’s sudden change.

He suddenly felt that Sean sitting opposite him was a little strange. He was sitting upright, with a faint smile on his face, but he had a strong aura similar to his father’s, which made Harry doubt his own eyes for a moment. .

“There is news like this in the newspapers every day. Everyone is badmouthing Osborne Industries, believing that this huge business empire will collapse with your father’s departure.”

Sean tried to slowly stir up Harry’s inner emotions. He knew this young master Osborne very well. He was not as cunning and cunning as his father. He was just a rich second-generation man with a rather innocent personality and the characteristics of a young man. He has various advantages and disadvantages. He treats friends enthusiastically, likes to chase beautiful girls, enjoys a comfortable life, and lacks the enthusiasm to work hard and make progress.

Compared to Norman, who single-handedly established Osborne Industries, there is no doubt that Harry is a more suitable partner.

“I will convince those shareholders that Osborne Industries will not go bankrupt! I will definitely make it successfully survive this crisis!” The young man’s blood rushed to him. Harry was talking grandly, but he didn’t have any confidence in his heart. .

Of course he understands how critical the situation Osborne Industries is facing now. It has not obtained the procurement qualification from the Ministry of Defense, and all the large amounts of money invested in the early stage have been wasted. Moreover, coupled with the fermentation and impact of the Green Goblin incident, the company has even more trouble. The reputation of the company has plummeted. With the rupture of the capital chain and internal divisions, Osborne Industries has reached the edge of the cliff and may be shattered to pieces at any time!

Facing Sean’s penetrating eyes that seemed to see everything, Harry felt increasingly guilty. He was just a young man who took over the family business in a hurry. He had not received any systematic training or business education. He was suddenly going to take over a company involving military industry, A huge business empire in the fields of medical care and energy will inevitably have some confusion about its direction, and there is no one trustworthy within the company.

“To get through this difficulty, the most important thing is to make up for the huge losses of Osborne Industries in the military industry, so that those shareholders can regain hope and prospects. In short, you need a powerful new product, once it is launched The kind that can gain huge benefits!”

Sean held the chips prepared in his hand. Maybe Harry would doubt his purpose at first, but if he wanted to save Osborne Industries, he had no choice but to cooperate with himself.

What’s more, he didn’t deceive this poor child who had just lost his father. He needed a stage to show off his skills, while Harry wanted to stabilize the crisis of Osborne Industries. Both parties would reap benefits from cooperation.

It’s a win-win situation, so why not!

“What exactly do you want to say?” Harry looked at Sean, who had always been in control. Could this friend of his help Osborne Industries tide over the difficulties?

“Harry, Dr. Connors and I recently had a new research result for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. We conducted the most preliminary in vivo experiments, and it turned out to be very effective.” Sean sat on the sofa , throwing out the bait that had been prepared, “If you are interested, you can go to the laboratory to visit. I injected ALZ-112 into a chimpanzee named ‘Caesar’ – it quickly completed Lucas The tower game only takes twenty steps, and the perfect answer is fifteen steps.”

“Harry, it’s time for Osborn Industries to give up the military industry. You are not Tony Stark. You cannot ask officials of the Ministry of Defense to send you countless orders. The medical industry has more benefits and potential. The prospects are extremely broad. As long as the new drug passes FDA (Food and Drug Administration) review – I believe Osborne Industries can definitely speed up this process, a lot of money will flow into our pockets.”

Hearing the prospects described by Sean, Harry was undoubtedly moved. In fact, he had no other choice except trusting his friends. Osborne Industry was in danger. If a solution could not be found, his father’s life’s hard work might be lost. That was all down the drain.

This is something Harry absolutely cannot tolerate, he must keep Osborne Industries!

“I need to study data and results…” Harry exhaled heavily, and collapsed on the sofa as if he had lost all strength.

“You will see it tomorrow!” Sean stood up and stared at the complicated Harry with a smile on his face, “You won’t regret this decision, Harry, the future belongs to you and me!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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