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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 320 The Return of Evil

“…My name is Jackson Norris, and today will be the most important day of my career. I will be conducting an interview with America’s most horrific and ridiculous criminal, whom the world thought was known as ‘The Mandarin.’ terrorist, and now, it is said, he is nothing more than an actor. The subject of this interview has so far been vague and clearly unaware of the point of my interview. In fact, he seems unaware of anything except that he is increasingly Growing fame.”

“Now that the world knows his name, this is my last chance to see through his lies and excuses and confront him with his past to uncover the truth. Because we need to know, once and for all – Trey Who is F-Slattery?”

Jackson set up the tripod, turned on the Sony camera, and then sat down in a chair, waiting for the actor who played the leader of the Ten Rings Gang to arrive.

He is a staff member of the ABC TV station, and he came specially to interview Trevor Slattery, a little-known third-rate actor who became a household name for his role as the notorious terrorist leader.

After waiting for less than twenty minutes, Trevor, who was wearing a yellow prison uniform, walked into the private cell. Because of his informing behavior, the judge handled it at his discretion, so he received special treatment. The spacious and clean separate cell was decorated with details. It looks like an actor’s dressing room, with costumes from when he played Mandarin hanging on the wall. Compared to other prisoners, this place is like a presidential suite.

This short and thin old man was followed by a tall and burly black man named Herman, who was Trevor’s loyal fan and housekeeper. He was responsible for protecting his safety, fetching food and water, and cleaning up.

What is surprising is that after this third-rate actor was imprisoned, he really fooled a lot of people with his outstanding eloquence and mystical skills. He did not end up with the pitiful end of being bullied. On the contrary, he lived a very nourishing life. Protected by black gangs inside the prison.

“Start when you’re ready.” Jackson raised his hand to check the time. Four prison guards were sitting at the door behind him.

Even though it has been almost a month since the president was killed, the Ten Rings and the Mandarin are still hot topics of discussion. Everyone likes to talk about Trevor Slattery, the down-and-out actor who played the terrorist, and the man who died. As an upstart in science and technology, the Daily Bugle also opened a special column to tell the twisted and tragic life of Aldrich Killian, which naturally included some embellishments and artistic processing.

Killian, who planned to assassinate the president and supported a terrorist organization, was described as a poor man who was discriminated against and bullied as a boy. He had an ulterior obsession with Tony Stark and later turned to crime due to psychological problems. Its twists and turns and hints of heavy taste have increased the newspaper’s sales a lot.

“Let me do some vocal exercises first. This is an old habit from stage performances.” Trevor twisted his waist and made strange noises from his mouth, like a clown.

“At the beginning, you would never have thought that you would end up in this situation.” Jackson looked at the yelling old man with contempt in his eyes.

Before the truth was revealed, who would have thought that the leader of the Ten Commandments Gang was such a playful and smiling old man, and there was no trace of the terrifying, gloomy and strong majesty in the video.

“A lot of people want to know about you, the real Trevor Slattery, behind the video. You know there are a lot of internet rumors and tabloid revelations, and none of them are personal about you.”

Jackson looked at the old man sitting opposite, stroking his beard, with a hint of coldness in his eyes.

“I think it’s better for actors to maintain some sense of mystery, otherwise it will affect the audience’s perception.”

Trevor didn’t care. He lived in his own spiritual world. His failed acting career in the first half of his life made this down-and-out third-rate actor addicted to drugs and alcohol. Later, he was discovered by Killian and placed in the spotlight. The tabletop became a string puppet.

If he didn’t have a little conscience in his heart and realized that he was no longer useful, he might have been regarded as an abandoned son by Killian. He promptly told Tony Stark all the information he knew.

This move also allowed Trevor to enjoy special treatment, so that he would not be thrown into a dark cell with no light or endure bullying from prison bullies like others.

“You seem to view your life as a series of missed opportunities and are unwilling to take responsibility for any of them.”

During the next ten minutes or so of Jackson’s interview, Trevor was as vague as ever, talking about him in all directions, like a cunning old liar who didn’t reveal any flaws.

“Do you know that your performance may offend some people? For example, the Ten Rings Gang.”

“That’s all fucking fake. There’s no Mandarin or the Ten Rings Gang!” Trevor swore without hesitation.

Jackson stood up, took off his brown suit, pressed his finger on the camera, and the internal components rotated and assembled to form a pocket pistol.

“Perhaps you don’t know that the Ten Rings Gang and the Mandarin actually exist. A more correct term would be the Mandarin.” The young reporter looked at Trevor and said a sentence in Chinese, “He is a warlike king. , a descendant of Genghis Khan, it is said that he founded the Ten Commandments Gang in the Middle Ages, and it may be traced back to even further ages…”

“Who the hell cares, man! People will remember not Mandarin because of my performance, but the name Trevor Slattery.”

Trevor posed for the camera like an old gangster who didn’t give a shit about the Mandarin or the Ten Rings.

“Maybe you are right, but soon you will be in pain because of this. Every ring we believe in will leave a corresponding hole in your body.”

Jackson’s eyes were cold, and the pocket pistol hidden inside the Sony camera ejected. He held it with extremely fast movements and fired four shots, killing the prison guard guarding him. A strong black man named Herman rushed up, and he pulled out the swing stick from the tripod and knocked him to the ground.

“Target captured, already in place, evacuation team begins action.” Jackson raised his hand and said to the miniature communication device on his watch.

He picked up the prison guard’s pistol and pointed it at Trevor, who was lying under the table. On his exposed arm was the symbol of the Ten Rings gang – ten rings connected in a circle, with two scimitars crossed.

“Don’t worry, I’m not here to kill you, although I really want to put ten holes in your body because you insulted the respected Mandarin.” Jackson’s eyes were cold, “You used his name in vain, and I’m sorry I want to help him get his name back.”

“But the Mandarin needs a replacement, so you can continue to live and continue your work, Mr. Trattri.”

Jackson put down the gun in his hand, and a riot broke out inside the cell. Alarms sounded like buzzers, intensive firefights were faintly heard, and strong firelight exploded, like heavily armed terrorists attacking the prison.

“Now, I want to take you to meet the real Mandarin.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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not work with dark mode