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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 322 The Power of the Ten Commandments

The Mandarin’s eyes were solemn, his ring finger suddenly jumped, and the ring set with sapphire shimmered. His thoughts immediately spread out like a tide, but it was like hitting a hard rock.

The dull sound echoed in the spiritual world, and the sapphire ring that amplified the spirit burst out with light. Several people in the private room lost consciousness one after another, as if they were trapped in darkness, and their eyes gradually became empty and lifeless.

He threw away Trevor, whose face was filled with fear. The Mandarin’s black robes rustled like a flag fluttering in the wind. His steps sounded like a bell——

“Why hide your head and show your tail! Don’t you dare to come out and see me?”

The wooden door of the Accord opened with a bang. The gemstone ring on the middle finger of the right hand stirred up the air. The high-speed rotating vortex compressed and shot out like a cannonball!

The air flow screamed, and Pei Ran’s power was enough to crush steel! Like the high-speed vortex of a cannonball, it hits the invisible force field and releases strong wind pressure!

The young man appeared from a hidden corner, it was Sean who had been watching for a long time.

He was slightly shocked, not expecting that the tracking device quietly installed under Trevor’s skin would be discovered by the other party. The power of the legendary Ten Commandments with different powers should not be underestimated.

“Who are you?”

The Mandarin frowned. He was unable to capture the flaw in the other party’s mind. With the help of the ring, the spiritual power increased like mercury rushing out, but he was blocked and unable to start.

The sky sapphire on the little finger shone brightly, and a condensation of frost shot out, as fast as frozen light, and went straight to Sean’s face.

His ten rings are collectively called the “Ring of Power”, and each one has a special ability, such as emitting freezing rays, stimulating electric current, amplifying the spirit, or ejecting flames… and so on. foot.

The origin of the Ten Commandments is very ancient. They were discovered by the Mandarins in the Eastern Valley and were powerful creations from foreign civilizations. He lived in seclusion in the mountains for many years, exploring the techniques of manipulation and practicing them in an attempt to find the long-awaited technique of immortality.

Sean raised his eyebrows, and the golden flames flashed away, colliding with the freezing frost air, making a “chichi” sound.

Then he gently raised his hand, clapped his hands in the air, and the invisible space solidified like a mirror. Trevor and the other members of the Ten Rings Gang were thrown away, leaving only himself and the Mandarin.

“It turned out to be Kama Taj’s mage… just like the monks from Kunlun, they are all annoying guys.”

The Mandarin’s eyes were as solid as ice, showing an awe-inspiring coldness. He had dealt with Kama Taj and the Kunlun Iron Fist in his long life.

Especially the latter, the creator of the Ten Commandments, has a close relationship with the “dragon” in Kunlun legend. They seem to belong to the same civilization and visited the earth in the ancient times. Then they disappeared for unknown reasons, leaving only the remains of the dragon bones that made the Hand Union crazy.

“I live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, but I haven’t killed anyone in a long time.”

The Mandarin didn’t say much, and directly used the power of the Ten Rings. The black gem on the little finger of his right hand lit up, forming a force field that was close to a black hole, absorbing light from the outside world and blocking his vision! Immediately, the green zigzag-shaped gemstone ring burst out with strong current, intertwining into a network! At the same time, the explosive flames like lava were released, surging like a tide, roaring and raging!

By activating three rings at once, the Mandarin was as powerful as a rainbow and confident of winning. In terms of his strength, he was not afraid of Kama Taj’s temple mage. Even the Kunlun Iron Fist, he had fought with him several times. Never fell behind.

The corners of Sean’s mouth curled up slightly. The power of the Ten Commandments was extraordinary, and he would have to learn a lesson from it today.

A golden stream of light covered the whole body. When he raised his hand, the air rumbled and vibrated, like hundreds of gunpowder barrels detonating. Just by punching out, the dull sound was like thunder rolling past, like a cruise missile exploding in the air, causing shocking destruction. Shake the entire mirror space!

The electric current and flame were like the glimmer of a firefly, and were crushed in an instant!

The Mandarin looked horrified, a strong vortex erupted from the ring, and he moved quickly to avoid this extremely terrifying heavy blow.

Even a giant steel ship would probably be shattered to pieces under this punch!

In his long life, he has never seen such a being. He can actually unleash tens of thousands of tons of power with just a raise of his hands and feet, just like the monks in mythology who can capture dragons and throw elephants, and are omnipotent.

“Who are you?” the Mandarin asked for the second time.

His eyes were full of surprise and uncertainty. Although some of Kama Taj’s mages were good at melee combat, they could reach this level just by relying on their physical strength. This was simply unprecedented.

“They’re just people passing by.”

Sean shrugged. He and Tony had the same suspicion. There might be a real mastermind behind Killian, such as the Mandarin who did exist.

So he used Trevor as a bait and put it on the table openly. When no one knew it, he used the medical technology of the Regeneration Cradle to install a miniature tracking device under the opponent’s body to see if he could lure out the Ten Commandments Gang.

“Actually, I’m just a little interested in your ring, but if you make such an unreasonable request directly, you will definitely be rejected.” Sean said in a relaxed tone. “Instead of rambling a lot, let’s start with a fight.”

Golden flames shot out from the body like fierce light. Billions of rays of light twisted the air and steamed the air. Three small suns condensed behind them, like a supernova explosion, crashing towards the standing Mandarin.

The true master of the Ten Rings Gang had a solemn look on his face, and the rings on his hands burst into glory. Frost storms, lightning currents, flame explosions, high-speed vortices… all kinds of special abilities were released at once.

The majestic elemental energy pours out like a rushing river. The violent energy collides and mixes into a colorful arc halo, like lanterns that light up, glowing with dazzling light.

The stable and solid mirror space, with the violent flash of strong light, the air flow continuously vibrated and resonated, emitting a harsh scream, and the entire extracted mirror world fell apart, like a broken mirror cracking, and breaking with a “bang” dissipate!

The aftermath of the spill was like a thunderous explosion, impacting directly from the Accord on the second floor. The antique wooden building collapsed and sank, and debris flew everywhere!

The crowds of tourists and pedestrians outside the street suddenly panicked, thinking that it was an explosive detonation or a terrorist attack. Like a spark falling into a frying pan, the noisy world boiled into riots!

A blue light wave opened in front of Sean, like overlapping void portals, swallowing up the violent energy, and the aftermath was like a breeze blowing on his face, without any harm.

The Mandarin obviously didn’t have it so easy. Half of the thick beard on his chin was burned off, and his sinister face was no longer majestic, but turned gray. His black robe with complicated patterns was in tatters, and wisps of blood dripped from his mouth.

This may be one of the few serious blows he has suffered in his long life. The bitter taste spreads in his heart, which is the bitter fruit of failure.

A sharp pain hit his brain, and a slow pain spread throughout his body. The two arms were separated from the body, and the light of the ten rings was dim. The Mandarin looked exhausted and gritted his teeth. Even though blood oozed out bit by bit, he still did not cry out in pain.

Those majestic eyes lost their former ambition and became dim and lifeless, like stars extinguished by fire.

He stared at Sean, the fire of hatred erupting like a chao.


“There are so many words.”

Sean waved his arms, and the blue light rippled like water, covering the completely defeated Mandarin, and threw the loser who had lost his arms and the power of the Ten Rings to an unknown place.

With a slight thought, the ten rings fell off automatically and were suspended in the smoke-filled air. The gemstones of different colors were dim and dull, like gravel.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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