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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 323 The turmoil caused by the show of affection

The real Mandarin and the Ten Rings Gang died tragically before they could stand on the world stage. Their appearance did not cause much disturbance, and most people would not associate the explosion in Chinatown with the prisoner riot in Star Prison.

As for whether Tony will continue to pursue the investigation, that is not within the scope of Sean’s consideration. He easily solved the real leader of the Ten Rings Gang, saving Iron Man from future troubles, and then immersed himself in Umbrella. at work.

After a long period of accumulation of strength, Umbrella has now made leaps and bounds, its scale and influence have gradually expanded, and its profitability has increased steadily. It turns out that what Sean told Dr. Connors was to build the world’s best scientific research team has become a reality.

The original spire-style main building has been expanded many times, and tall buildings like sails have been added to both sides, connected by a straight corridor, which looks like clustered peaks from a distance. This is a research building for biomodification and genetic engineering, led by Dr. Connors and Maya Hansen respectively.

Researchers are joining in one after another, including spies from S.H.I.E.L.D. or undercover agents from Hydra, but under the confidentiality measures implemented by the Red Queen, all evil intentions are difficult to achieve. Ordinary researchers and scholars have no access to the core content at all. As for senior management, they also adopt information isolation and loosen externally and tighten internally. The nails buried in Umbrella are useless.

Instead, every once in a while, Bronski, as the security director, would randomly find a name to eliminate a group of people. Some people joined, some left quietly, and some disappeared forever. Such a trivial matter did not require the young boss to worry about.

When Sean established Umbrella, he chose three main directions for this emerging scientific research institution-biology, energy and precision manufacturing. At present, they have taken the lead in making huge breakthroughs in the biological field. Whether it is genetic medicine or biological modification, they are undoubtedly at the forefront of the world. Energy and precision manufacturing have still achieved impressive results, especially the energy weapons developed by Vanke and his son, which have begun to be applied at the cutting-edge technology level.

To this end, the military provided a large number of orders and signed a special confidentiality agreement with the Ministry of National Defense, deciding that both parties would share cutting-edge technologies for energy applications. Ivan Vanke was hired to become General Ross’s scientific advisor, entering and exiting the Pentagon anytime and anywhere, so that the Vanke family could regain its former glory.

The internal development has not stopped, and the same is true externally. Umbrella continues to absorb new technologies and products through mergers and acquisitions in other regions such as North America and Europe to open up a broader market. It also accepts commissions from some government departments and public welfare organizations to resettle a large number of mutants and promote community development. Establish and create a good living atmosphere.

To this end, Sean also financed the purchase of a 20,000-acre piece of land in Westchester for US$30 million as a future resettlement site. The local government readily approved the purchase permit. A shrewd and calculating bureaucrat would not refuse such a good thing that proactively contributes to economic benefits.

In addition, the Umbrella Rapid Response Team under Umbrella officially established a security company and reached a joint defense agreement with the New York Police Department to be responsible for joint vigilance tasks in the event of serious disorders – this is also thanks to Gwen’s father, who Since Director George was promoted, he has been worried about the security of New York day and night.

The endless stream of superheroes or super villains is beyond the capabilities of ordinary police officers. However, under Umbrella’s name, a team of mutants has established a powerful security system. It is said that even the Asgardians can resist. If there is a protective umbrella, as New York City The safety guarantee may allow citizens to reduce complaints and complaints.

Umbrella grew up rapidly in this way, from a fragile baby who was a toddler to a strong and powerful baby who could withstand violent storms. It runs forward step by step along a clear trajectory until it reaches the end.

“Rome wasn’t built overnight, take your time.”

Sean leaned on the seat in the lounge area, sipping the strong coffee, and caught a glimpse of Gwen in a white uniform striding towards him. He was just about to say hello, but the other party snorted, pretended not to see it, and turned around to leave. .

The young man was a little confused. Could it be that he has been busy with work recently and neglected the gentle and pleasant Miss Stacey?

After going to Asgard and fighting Thanos, he stayed in Sokovia for about three months, deeply mastered the Mind Stone, and then dealt with the Ten Rings Gang and Killian. Thinking about it this way, it was indeed a long time. I have never enjoyed the world between two people.

“Don’t you know what you did?” Maya Hansen rolled her eyes at Sean as she passed by, “Next time you give a gift, remember to buy a few more.”

Looking at Ms. Hansen swaying and leaving, Sean seemed to remember something. He took out his phone and clicked on Betty’s Twitter. As expected, he saw a photo of a gemstone ring with the note “Thank you dearest.” “He” is undoubtedly Chi Guoguo’s show of affection.

The most terrifying thing is that Betty actually favored herself. Looking at the blessings below, Sean couldn’t help but have a headache.

Moreover, Tony Stark and Harry Osborn, these two bastards with nothing to do, actually forwarded it in unison, with meaningful expressions, almost saying “remember to send me an invitation when you get married.” Something like that.

No wonder Gwen didn’t pay attention to him. If Qin was still on Earth, she might be on her way here with a knife at this time – although the Phoenix girl didn’t care much about this kind of thing, but sometimes when women take it seriously, it’s terrifying beyond imagination. .

Sean rubbed his eyebrows. He happened to have an appointment with Betty for dinner a few days ago and got ten rings from the Mandarin. He studied them carefully for a while and analyzed some of the cutting-edge technologies, such as energy conversion and material change. Wait, it has a similar effect to Kama Taj’s secret magic.

Later, I thought that I wouldn’t need it anyway, so I simply reshaped the model, cut and engraved it, and gave one of them to Betty as a gift. It was thought to be a way to please women, and the ring itself also has multiple abilities, with additional positioning and spirituality. Branding and other effects.

Originally, each person was considering one as a proof of close relationship, but whoever wanted to get Betty to take the lead and directly show off their affection would be a silent provocation to others.

Therefore, not everyone can have a harem. If you are not careful, you will have to face the Shura Field.

Sean sighed helplessly and took a sip of coffee. Maybe he could call everyone over tonight and have a frank chat with each other to resolve unnecessary misunderstandings.

“I have to be busy saving the world and preventing fires in the backyard. I am under pressure that I shouldn’t have at this age.” He thought.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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