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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 324 Kicked Out

The dim light of the morning woke up the noisy city. After fighting all night, Sean got up and crawled out of his body. He glanced at the charming beauty who was sleeping. Her fair skin was exposed, and there was a pleasant smile on her lips. I thought that last night she had a body and mind. A wonderful experience of pleasure.

Facts have proved that for a “perpetual motion machine” like him, the battle in bed has never been won by numbers. Even if it were doubled, it would only be a one-sided crushing.

In this regard, the young man couldn’t help but miss Qin who got up in Asgard. The Phoenix girl was a real opponent worth fighting.

The misty sky broke through the thick clouds. Sean came out of the bathroom, the water on his body evaporated, and he put on a white nightgown and sat in the living room. Judging from yesterday’s fierce battle, the two sleepy beauties on the big bed in the bedroom will have to rest for at least two hours before they wake up. There is enough time for them to warm the milk, bake the bread, and make two simple meals. sandwich.

He’s already pretty good at playing the perfect lover.

Opening the laptop and browsing the information compiled by Skynet, the exposure of Asgard’s existence has indeed had a considerable impact on the world. When human beings officially learn that they are not the only life in the universe, and that there are other civilizations in the vast galaxy, they may have good intentions or may be holding shotguns.

Currently, various countries are calling on experts to prepare for the establishment of a cosmic sociology, which is mainly used to analyze extraterrestrial civilizations and life races. Jane Foster, who works at Umbrella, has been invited by the White House to join Among them, her “Foster Theory” is expected to win the Nobel Prize.

Sean is not surprised by this change. In fact, he is ready to add another fire to make this huge change that has not happened in thousands of years come faster.

In the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, adventurers would rush into the dangerous and unknown ocean abyss one after another because of rumors of gold and treasures from distant continents. Nowadays, all human beings’ thirst for resources and land can be obtained from the boundless galaxy. .

In the era of interstellar colonization, sooner or later, it will be like thunder and thunder, sweeping across this planet. Breaking away from gravity, going to space is only the first step.

“It seems Nick Fury can’t sit still.”

A smile appeared on the corner of Sean’s mouth. The opportunity came to kick away the stumbling block of SHIELD. The appearance of Asgard and the Chitauri army all made the black director feel uneasy.

He must be mentally prepared to deal with an advanced war. The power of the Avengers alone is far from enough. SHIELD must control the planet and nip possible dangers in the bud at any time.

Only in this way can Nick Fury integrate his forces, fully engage the outside world, and resist the attacks and plunder of extraterrestrial civilizations. If we can’t even control the earth, let alone face a high-level civilized war.

“Project Insight.”

Sean curled his lips. This should be the true origin of the Insight Project in SHIELD’s highest-level confidential files.

Using the collection and analysis of big data, we can predict from each person’s experience and information whether they will pose a threat to the stable order in the future. The helicarrier that takes off and patrols in the sky is like the powerful Sword of Damocles, which has a certain impact on these. May become a “threat” of dangerous elements and require a certain degree of cleanup or intervention.

To be more detailed, this plan is to conduct a large amount of information and data analysis through a person’s past behavior, such as family environment, personality factors, whether there is a criminal record, messages on the Internet, every phone call, every text message… Summarize the information and establish reasonable model operations to predict the future of the target.

Obviously, this radical approach tramples on individual free will and the spirit of modern law. Once exposed, it will cause huge turmoil. It can be called the global version of the “Prism Project.”

Therefore, Nick Fury has been hiding it, and even his dead confidant Coulson did not tell it. If Captain America hadn’t repeatedly asked, I’m afraid no one among the Avengers would have known about this plan.

It is precisely because the existence of Asgard has aroused the vigilance and uneasiness of the World Security Council that they agreed to Nick Fury’s bold move in an attempt to use precise analysis at the quantum level to prevent future crises.

In fact, from a macro level, this may be a good idea, but unfortunately it was used by Hydra as a powerful means to eliminate dissidents. If Captain America hadn’t turned the tide, the planet would have fallen into Na (na) The palm of the remnant party.

The Sword of Damocles hanging over human heads is itself the greatest danger. Nick Fury seems not qualified enough to be the one who holds power.

“Would it be too rough to kick SHIELD and HYDRA out at once?”

Sean touched his chin. He thought this was the right time. He didn’t need to use his own power. He took advantage of the two behemoths fighting each other and intrigues to add fuel to the flames and reap the results.

“Who should we start with? Nick Fury is ready.”

The young man said to himself, staring at the black director’s information. Once SHIELD loses its leader, Hydra will naturally take advantage of it and cause even greater riots.

He then pulled up the information about Steve Rogers. This war hero who had been sleeping for seventy years had a regular daily routine. He got up before five o’clock in the morning, faced the rising sun in New York, and walked along the Lincoln Memorial. Running in the church’s reflecting pool, doing his daily exercise at a steady pace of thirteen miles in half an hour.

The rest of the time, if SHIELD has no mission, Steve will return to his old house in Brooklyn, stay at home and live a normal life, such as browsing the Internet, trying to keep up with the changes of the new era, although he is often teased as… He is an old antique, but he himself wants to eliminate the barriers in his heart and integrate into the world.

Occasionally, I would go to the hospital to visit the old Peggy, who was lying on the hospital bed. This woman, a woman who was not inferior to men, once single-handedly led the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D. and laid the foundation with Howard Stark.

Sean continues to track the recent movements of the Avengers. Perhaps Asgard is still recovering, but the earth has ushered in a rare calm. Although there are turbulent undercurrents in the unknown dark depths, at least there is not much on the surface. movement.

Tony is still growing his Iron Legion and continuing to develop the Ultron program. Bruce Banner is staying at S.H.I.E.L.D. He has nowhere else to go. Thor is busy revitalizing A.D. Sigard, as for Hawkeye Barton, after the effect of the Mind Stone was eliminated, he was forced to undergo long-term psychological treatment.

Thinking of this, Sean remembered that there was a beautiful neighbor next door. The last time he met Tony, the neighbor reminded him intentionally or unintentionally to be careful of the malicious “Miss Scarlett”.

“The game should be over too.”

After closing the computer, Sean leaned on the chair and closed his eyes slightly, seeming to be thinking about something.

The notorious overlord of the universe will not give up. Thanos will one day come back with the Dark Order, and it is time for him to speed up his pace.

Asgard, dark elves, ether particles… the trajectory of the future becomes clear in my mind.

Youlan’s force field opened, and a metal glove was inlaid with two gems. Unfortunately, when he transformed into nothingness, he did not take away the authentic Infinity Glove. The counterfeit can withstand the output energy of three gems at most. This is a Not a big or small regret.

“The road ahead is long.” Sean said with emotion.

He sighed softly, turned around and walked towards the bedroom. In life, you must know how to cherish and enjoy yourself in time.

After a while, a scream sounded out, and Ke Ren’er woke up from her sleep, followed by a continuous stream of lazy moans, just like the rippling spring light.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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