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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 325 Attacked

“A bunch of hypocritical politicians!”

Nick Fury strode out of the White House and cursed in a low voice. Since the last time the World Security Council asked S.H.I.E.L.D. to open up some database permissions, some fools who were blinded by interests have taken the initiative and made other ideas.

They were like a pack of hungry hyenas, surrounding SHIELD, wanting to bite them hard and tear off large chunks of flesh when they got the chance.

I don’t want to think about it at all, who will protect this world?

“Maybe I should be more low-key.” Fury knows that a big tree attracts attention. SHIELD has indeed seemed to be too eye-catching over the years.

He got into a black Cherokee and held a file about the Sentinel in his hand. There was not much information on it. The other person was like a ghost, suddenly appearing and disappearing out of thin air.

Even if Fury himself was a top agent, he would not be able to draw any useful clues from it. It is unimaginable that in terms of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s global surveillance, there would be someone who did not leave any traces.

Fury judged that there were two possibilities. Either Sentinel himself was a powerful hacker and he was the one who invaded the global network; or this mysterious guy of unknown origin was not on this planet at all.

“Who are you anyway?”

The black director was holding the steering wheel and thinking to himself. Before he could clear his mind, a huge impact suddenly sounded!

On Pennsylvania Avenue in Capitol Hill, a specially reinforced off-road vehicle rushed out and hit Nick Fury’s black Cherokee with a loud bang. The strong force directly caused the metal door to collapse.

The black director, with blood spilling from his nose, shook his head, and the driver’s seat airbag popped out, slowing down part of the impact for him.

“Fracture detected…recommend injection of anesthetic.” The intelligent assistant mounted on the car plays the voice.

Before Fury could react, there was another violent impact and repeated connections. He was blocked by reinforced off-road vehicles in front, back, left and right. At this time, he had become a turtle in a jar and it was difficult to escape.

“Dammit! Call the D.C. police for me! There’s a terrorist attack on Pennsylvania Avenue!”

Nick Fury gritted his teeth and took out a white potion from the front mezzanine. He needed to be awake and calm now. He first had to suppress the pain in his body.

“Sorry, the Washington, D.C. Police Department has no police force in this area and cannot respond.” The smart assistant replied stiffly.

The off-road vehicle retreated, and many heavily armed soldiers stepped down. Without too much hesitation, they directly raised their submachine guns and started shooting intensively. The bullets hit the bulletproof glass, causing fine cracks.

This is a driving tool equipped with the highest level of bulletproof equipment. It was manufactured by Tony Stark himself, and its quality and sturdiness are absolutely guaranteed.

“Get me out of here!”

Nick Fury ordered the intelligent assistant. Although this was not as good as Iron Man’s Jarvis, it was enough to handle crisis situations.

“The propulsion system is disconnected…” Even in this critical moment, the voice still answered steadily.

“Then restart quickly!”

The black director yelled, and the sound of intense shooting echoed outside, and a fire flashed violently. Even a vehicle with excellent bulletproof performance could not withstand such a blow.

Seeing that the black Cherokee did not fall apart in the fierce shooting, the leader immediately ordered his men to carry out a demolition tool that looked like a battering ram. Four metal brackets were nailed into the ground, and then the front end continued to expand and contract and hit. The fierce force almost destroyed the entire vehicle. Overturned. They used the simplest and crudest method. The time to block the streets was not too long, and they had to complete the task as soon as possible.

“The window integrity is 19%… It is recommended to take offensive measures.” The smart assistant reported the situation.

“Wait a moment!”

Another violent impact shook Nick Fury from his seat, but at this time the veteran agent did not panic too much. He has been experiencing battles all his life, and even in the face of danger, he tried his best to remain calm. This is the only way. , can we find a glimmer of vitality from it.

“The window integrity is 1%.”


The one-eyed black man shouted, and quickly grasped the four-barreled machine gun ejected from the mezzanine with both hands. He fired fiercely, clearing away the attacking team waiting outside. Finally, he launched a mini-missile, and the off-road vehicle carrying those people overturned. Falling to the ground, flames shot into the sky amidst the violent explosion.

“The propulsion system is now connected.” At this time, the body’s propulsion system happened to be restarted.

“Full speed ahead now!”

The black director couldn’t help but thank Stark from the bottom of his heart – although he usually didn’t have a very good impression of the playboy.

The machine gun unleashed fierce firepower, and the black Cherokee hit the off-road vehicle blocking the road, flew straight out, and finally escaped from the encirclement.

“Initiate vertical takeoff.”

Nick Fury said loudly that this car is not only equipped with intelligent systems, bulletproof shells, weapons and equipment, but also equipped with flying ejection tools for escape when necessary.

“Flight system damaged.”

Unfortunately, things didn’t go as smoothly as he thought. The heavy firepower destroyed the flight system installed on the car.

“Then activate the navigation camera and switch to manual driving.”

The black director was not discouraged and issued a second set of instructions. As long as he escaped from Washington, D.C. and delayed until reinforcements arrived, he would be safe.

“Contact Agent Hill.” Nick Fury wanted to inform another trusted subordinate.

“Communications cracked and damaged.”

“What’s not damaged?”

“The air conditioning system is currently operating normally.”

While having a meaningless conversation with the smart assistant, he was driving a black Cherokee through the traffic. The black director had already rushed out of the ambush site on Pennsylvania Avenue, followed by several persistent off-road vehicles. Both sides were crowded with traffic. shuttle chase.

“There is traffic control ahead.” The smart assistant calculated the route forward.

“Find another route.” The black Cherokee barely passed by a bus, which was dangerous and exciting.

“There is a traffic alert on the Roosevelt Island Bridge, all traffic is stopped, and 17th Avenue is clear three blocks away.”

According to the route planned by the intelligent assistant, Nick Fury drove the black Cherokee onto a relatively empty road with less traffic. During the tense and exciting chase, the one-eyed black man used various means to attack the attacker who was pursuing him. He is a well-trained soldier, a level 10 agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., with extremely rich combat experience and military knowledge. In front of superheroes, he can only show an unparalleled strategic mind, and his own abilities are instead ignored. Ignored unconsciously.

This SHIELD director has participated in and passed all the training of the Green and Black Beret special forces. He is a top military expert and can quickly formulate corresponding tactical measures according to changes in the battlefield situation. To a certain extent, He is something of a super soldier in the military.

“Finally you can’t hold it in any longer? This time I’m going to find you out completely!”

Nick Fury looked at the attackers who had been thrown away in the rearview mirror, and said harshly in his heart that without Stark’s new vehicle, he would have fallen into the hands of those people this time.

Every time he thought about the undercurrent lurking within SHIELD, like a poisonous snake that chooses people to eat, always waiting for an opportunity to destroy this special agency dedicated to maintaining world security, his heart was full of anxiety. .

The front window of the car was covered with fine cracks, and a black figure suddenly appeared. He was wearing a black uniform and a half-face mask. He was holding a launch gun steadily. His eyes were indifferent and emotionless, like a machine without thought. .

A transparent shock wave blasted out, like a weak force field formed by a strong pulse wave, like a big net tightly wrapping the fast-moving black Cherokee. The car jumped into the air and fell to the ground, making a harsh sound on the ground. And a streak of sparks.

Nick Fury struggled to keep his eyes open and saw the black figure gradually approaching, using a metal arm to pull open the car door, and then his consciousness fell into darkness.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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