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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 326 Winter Soldier

In Umbrella’s reception room, there was a glass of whiskey with ice on the table. The amber liquid was mixed with ice cubes and was drank by the blonde sitting on the sofa.

“Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. are trapped.” Sean tapped his fingers on the table and looked at Mystique, “You should understand what you are going to do, right?”

This key member of the Brotherhood of Mutants did not follow Magneto to Africa. Instead, he stayed with him as a bargaining chip, useful to obtain the other party’s place when necessary.

“How can you be sure that Hydra will definitely attack Nick Fury?” Raven asked in confusion.

She watched the chase attack in Washington, D.C. today. This young man seemed to have the magical ability to predict the unknown. The Hydra hiding in the darkness was really unable to hold back and was ready to defeat S.H.I.E.L.D. in one fell swoop.

“Fury wants to launch the Insight Project. This is an opportunity for Hydra. If Alexander Pierce wants to obtain the supreme power to monitor the world, there is no doubt that the current Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the biggest obstacle.”

Sean talked freely, but he just pushed it casually, using the White House and the military to put pressure on SHIELD to share power. In order to get rid of the current predicament, Nick Fury naturally accelerated his pace.

Little did he know that Alexander Pierce had been coveting it for a long time. He needed an opportunity to avoid the Avengers, and then he would hit it with one blow, leaving absolutely no room for the opponent to counterattack.

According to the original timeline, the black director escaped at the last minute and delivered important information to Captain America, so that Hydra fell short and was overturned.

But Sean, as a bystander, will certainly not let this happen. Without Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. will become no threat. I believe that the White House and the military will be happy to transfer this special Organization in the palm of your hand.

Then reorganize SHIELD, disperse and mix the original members, clean it from top to bottom, and completely disintegrate the internal structure… Alexander Pierce’s plan was quite perfect, and it provided him with a solution.

“With your current strength, you are enough to crush everyone – the Avengers are not a threat to you, so why bother using this method to defeat them.”

Doubts appeared in Raven’s eyes, but she knew that even someone as powerful as Eric could be defeated by Sean, and this was not all the opponent’s strength.

“That’s too simple and crude, and it can’t cause any pain to the opponent.” Sean’s mouth raised a faint smile, “A person like Nick Fury has a strong will and faith in his heart. Simply relying on force will not let him down. Surrendering will give him the opportunity to perform a heroic sacrifice.”

“Isn’t it like this in old-fashioned movies? Facing the threat and persecution of the villain, the hero is uncompromising and unyielding, and finally bravely faces death… This is a kind of fulfillment, and I don’t want my opponent to feel this way. “

“Then what are you going to do?”

Raven moved back slightly. She looked at the warm smile on the young man’s face and couldn’t help but tremble in her heart.

“If you want to completely defeat a person, in addition to erasing his physical existence, you must also destroy his will.”

Sean said in a relaxed tone: “I hope Director Fury will like this gift.”


not long ago.

“Sir is missing.” Hill urgently contacted Captain America.

In the current S.H.I.E.L.D., only Steve can preside over the overall situation. Judging from the information Nick Fury revealed intentionally or unintentionally in the past, there is definitely an unreliable mole within the organization, so she chose to conceal the information and temporarily informed Captain America alone.

“At 2:40 p.m., the chief finished his briefing, got in his car from the White House, and drove to Pennsylvania Avenue when he suddenly lost his whereabouts. At that time, Pennsylvania Avenue was blocked due to underground pipeline construction.”

“Six minutes later, the officer’s black Cherokee drove onto Seventeenth Avenue and was lost.”

Hill methodically spoke out information one by one for Captain America’s reference.

“Are there any clues left at the scene?” Steve asked with a frown.

“The black Cherokee was first hit by extremely intense firepower. The bulletproof shell was scarred, and then it seemed to have been greatly impacted. The car body rolled to the ground, leaving traces of friction on the ground. The electronic equipment in the car was damaged. It is speculated that electromagnetic pulse was used. arms.”

“Only one photo was taken at the scene.”

Hill’s expression was solemn. She called up the photos taken by the satellite. The surveillance at the time had been erased. Judging from the response measures, the other party was very cautious and professional.

The hijackers who took Nick Fury were like well-trained soldiers. They carried out combat missions with purpose and plan, and left no traces of tracking.

Hill thought calmly. The reason why she became the commander of SHIELD at a young age was not just because of Nick Fury’s trust and promotion, but also because of her own outstanding abilities.

An excellent commander must have a rational mind, a calm attitude, and an excellent overall view and strategic vision.

“Is this the person?”

Steve looked at the somewhat blurry photo, which showed a tall man wearing a black uniform with a mask on his face, and his right hand reflected the metallic light.

This figure gave him a vague sense of familiarity…

“Yes. This man is called the ‘Winter Soldier’. He is the ace killer of the former Soviet Union. He has carried out many assassination missions – including the assassination of Tony Stark. He is good at using firearms and has excellent combat capabilities.”

Hill didn’t notice anything strange about Captain America, and called up the data file codenamed “Winter Soldier”. It recorded in detail how many assassination missions this person had performed. Except for the one against Tony Stark, he never failed. record of.

“Sir, it’s possible that he fell into his hands.”

Captain America pondered for a while and asked a key question: “Why did he want to capture Fury?”

Although Nick Fury is the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he himself is not of great value. If you want to pry the secret out of him, it would be better to shoot the black man to death.

Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. loses a leader and just promotes another one, this special agency itself will not be greatly affected. Moreover, this kind of move will obviously annoy the superheroes. It is a thankless behavior no matter how you look at it. .

“Uh…” Hill hesitated and said the answer: “Because of the Insight Project!”

“Project Insight?” Steve said this unfamiliar word. It was obvious that he had not yet come into contact with the true core of SHIELD.

“Using the target positioning satellites of three new-generation sky carriers for network synchronization, we launched the Lemuria Star into outer space, using DNA reading technology and a huge database screening to complete this plan – this It is the ‘Insight Plan’ proposed by the chief to the World Security Council to prevent crimes from occurring and suppress the possibility of threats.” Hill said calmly.

“Do you think this is a form of protection?” Steve, who firmly believed in the spirit of freedom, frowned. “This is pointing a gun at the whole world!”

“The frequent occurrence of superpower crimes and the tremendous pressure faced by S.H.I.E.L.D. force us to do this,” Hill said helplessly. “Sir said that if you want to stifle the danger, you have to be one step ahead of those people – Captain, now is not the time to discuss this, we must rescue the chief.”

“Gather the Avengers, I will track down this killer.”

Steve sighed silently. Deep down, he didn’t like Nick Fury’s style of doing things. He pursued efficiency and purpose too much. If Paige hadn’t established this special organization, he wouldn’t have stayed in this place.

For a seventy-year-old man, even though he still looks young, he is getting older mentally. The country does not need him. His relatives and friends have left this world. Steve is confused and cannot see the way forward in the future. .

“Winter Soldier.”

He looked at the photo again, and the vaguely familiar feeling in his heart became stronger.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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