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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 328 Who is it?

In the dark room, only one desk lamp was on. Nick Fury tried his best to open his eyes. His groggy consciousness gradually woke up. He subconsciously struggled with his body and found that his hands and feet were imprisoned on the seat and could not move at all. No.

“If you want any secrets from me, you may be disappointed.”

The black director’s voice was hoarse, his throat was burning, and an unprecedented feeling of weakness ran through his body. Perhaps it was due to the injury and excessive bleeding, so he could only lean back on the seat with a tired expression.

He squinted his eyes and looked over. There was a metal table opposite, which glowed coldly under the illumination of the desk lamp. A black figure stood beside it, motionless, like a silent statue.

This is the cold-blooded killer known as the “Winter Soldier”. S.H.I.E.L.D. has internal files about the opponent. It is said that he has carried out more than 20 assassination missions in the past fifty years without any failure. He once worked secretly for the former Soviet Union, and later The red empire collapsed and he became a non-existent black ghost.

“Director Fury, we don’t want to know any secrets about SHIELD.”

A soft female voice floated out, which surprised Nick Fury a little. The surrounding environment was too dim, so he didn’t notice that the person sitting across the table was actually a woman.

“Is this how you invite me to drink coffee?”

The black director chuckled mockingly. As a senior agent, his psychological defense and anti-interrogation abilities were at the top level. In other words, it was almost impossible for him to confess easily.

Even mental brainwashing has little effect. As early as the last century, after the crisis of Secret Invasion, Nick Fury allowed the brain to form a self-defense mechanism. To put it simply, it added a safety lock.

Once an external force invades, the brain will first shut down the logic center, briefly clear the consciousness, and let the mind enter a dormant state. This is a defense mechanism that he gradually formed after repeated training to prevent anyone from taking out the secrets from his head.

“To be precise, I asked you to cooperate with the performance.” The female voice said calmly.

“No matter what you kidnap me to do, you will never succeed.”

Nick Fury’s tone was cold. The black director was not afraid of death. As a veteran and experienced commander, he had experienced countless crises, whether it was physical torture or death. No threat can knock him down.

Fury has been affected by the craze of patriotism since he was a child, and his inner beliefs are extremely firm. At the same time, he has an almost cold way of thinking and an unscrupulous behavior style to achieve his goals. It was for this reason that the World Security Council chose him to be the leader of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Facts have proved that this decision was not wrong. It was originally an intelligence department under the federal government, but it grew and grew in the hands of this one-eyed black man, and later became the spokesperson of the World Security Council. It has deep power and huge power, enough to compete with the White House and the White House. The military forces compete.

“Maybe you thought the Avengers would come to save you,” the woman said softly. “But they were going in the wrong direction.”

There was sarcasm in the other party’s words, which shocked Nick Fury. As a veteran agent with keen intuition, he realized that the situation might not be as optimistic as he thought.

“Who are you?” The black director opened his only remaining eye.

“Director Fury, who do you think I am?” the woman asked with interest.

It’s like a game of cat and mouse. It’s a different kind of fun to slowly appreciate the desperate posture of your opponent.

“I know this man…” Nick Fury looked at the Winter Soldier with empty eyes and a dull expression. “He was a killer from the former Soviet Union. Howard Stark died in a car accident. It was his masterpiece!”

“You have been hiding in the darkness for so long, and finally you dare to come out and see the light? I have long noticed that there is another force within SHIELD, like an invisible undercurrent, lurking among us.”

“So I adopted segmented management and developed an insight plan, all in order to find out your existence!”

“Hydra!” the black director shouted through gritted teeth.

“You were active during World War II. The leader at that time was Johann Schmidt, the first injector of the super soldier serum, long before Captain America. He took refuge with Hitler and was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany. Or, later on, the war failed and you were forced to move underground. It was probably at that time that you broke into SHIELD.”

Nick Fury has regained his composure and wants to show that he has enough information to prevent his opponents from taking any rash actions. Who would have thought that his old enemy from seventy years ago would be hiding under his nose, almost infiltrating the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Wonderful reasoning process.” There was a smile in the voice, “Director Fury writes novels, I believe he will not be inferior to Conan Doyle.”

The woman sitting behind the table clapped her hands, and the lights in the room turned on one by one. Fury blinked his eyes, adjusting to the sudden light.

“Riven Darkholm!” he exclaimed.

The woman has smooth blond hair, wears a sky blue professional skirt, and has a delicate face with a hint of coldness. There was an incredible look of surprise in Nick Fury’s eyes. This was Mystique among the mutants.

Although the opponent has ever-changing special abilities, in SHIELD’s archives, this face is the most commonly used look of Mystique.

Could it be that the long-lost Magneto and the Brotherhood have all defected to Hydra?

“Want to know who brought you here?”

Raven showed a playful smile. She began to understand why the young man did this. It was a good experience to appreciate the stunned expression of her opponent.

“Mutants…Hydra…” Confusing thoughts filled Nick Fury’s head, and a trace of uneasiness arose in his heart, “Who is he?”

“Actually, you were very close to the answer once.” Ruiwen said mysteriously.

Perhaps because she had been under the shadow of Stryker, she had never had a good impression of government agencies. Seeing Director SHIELD in such a state, she even felt a little happy in her heart.

Nick Fury was in a daze, thinking about the connection between all of this, the Mutant Registration Act… the Vice President who pushed for its implementation… Umbrella… a certain ghost who was always one step ahead…

New Mexico town…Hulk World War…Asgard…Sentinels…

The extremely powerful golden figure and the young and promising founder of Umbrella slowly reunited into one person!

There were clear footsteps and a deep voice behind him, and the tall figure stood in front of him, with a gentle smile on his young face.

“Be one step ahead every time…Director Fury, your instincts are always right.”

Sean pulled out his chair and sat across from him calmly. A series of complex emotions flashed through the SHIELD director’s eyes, including shock, surprise, relief, and then anger!


Nick Fury raised his head, clenched his hands into fists, and his dark face calmed down. He didn’t know why the other party wanted to be an enemy of SHIELD.

revenge? Ambition? Or is it Sean Sipers, the founder of Umbrella, who is also a Hydra?

“It’s very simple. A stone blocks your way. Some people will go around it, and some people will stop. What will I do? Of course, just crush it.”

The young man leaned back on the chair, just like when he was sitting in SHIELD’s interrogation room, with a relaxed expression and a gentle smile.

“Next, let me talk about the surprise gift for you.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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