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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 329 You are Hydra

“There’s nothing to talk about between us.”

Fury coughed twice. He had multiple fractures on his body, extensive muscle contusions, and a slight concussion. Waves of weakness surged through his heart, but his one eye was unusually sharp, like a blazing fire.

He never thought that his intuitive guess would be the final answer. The other party is wandering on the edge of various events. It seems to have nothing to do with it, but in fact it is full of many strange things worth pondering.

The black director has had doubts more than once. Judging from Sean Sipers’ life history, every unexpected and rapid rise is accompanied by the collapse of a certain person or company.

The gang, Kingpin, Osborne Industries, Watsonton Company, Stryker… a series of accidents coming together is definitely not a simple coincidence.

“Don’t you want to know the reason why you are here? There is no need for me to risk exposing my identity and spend so much time catching you.”

Sean looked at the one-eyed black man sitting in front of him. So far, the S.H.I.E.L.D. director still maintains his tenacious fighting spirit. Even the physical pain and the heavy news that he is the Sentinel have not completely destroyed him. knock down.

Even without reading Nick Fury’s inner thoughts, he can be sure that the other party must be deliberately looking for opportunities to ask for a chance of survival or to pass on the news.

This kind of professionally trained top agent has extremely tough psychological quality. Even if he is tortured, he may not be able to pry his mouth open. They often regard torture to extract confessions as a game, and psychological tactics and hallucinogenic drugs are more effective than physical torture.

“Ruiwen said before that she wants to ask you to cooperate in the performance, so let me read the script.”

Sean saw that the black director didn’t say a word and picked up a document directly from the table. The Hydra emblem was branded on it, and the red skull was waving its tentacles, which was particularly eye-catching.

“Your full name is Nicholas Joseph Fury. You participated in the military’s SSS program and took Professor Berthold Sternberg’s anti-aging medicine to slow down the aging of your body. You were sent to me. Agent Natasha Romanoff was also injected with a similar serum drug.”

Nick Fury’s eyes blinked. He did not expect that Sean’s intelligence network was so extensive that he could actually find his own information files dating back to the last century.

“You are an excellent soldier, and an excellent agent and strategic expert. You have participated in and passed all training of the Green and Black Berets. You have served as an instructor, a military adviser to the White House, and later joined the Chinese Army. zhong) CIA, who has served as the top commander of multiple intelligence agencies… You were able to take the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. not only because of Alexander Pierce’s recommendation, but your own resume and ability are also important factors.”

Sean had a soft smile on his face, but Nick Fury, who was confined in his seat, felt that there was an unfathomable malice hidden behind the faint smile.

“Later, you entered the sight of the World Security Council, created the ‘Supreme Headquarters International Espionage Law Enforcement Section’, and began to frequently perform international missions to deal with disputes between countries. Africa, Eastern Europe, the Middle East… are all your battlefields. . It is worth mentioning that you joined S.H.I.E.L.D. as early as the last century. Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and even Hank Pym, these veteran figures have all had contact and communication with you.”

“That eye of yours should have been lost during a crisis at SHIELD… Let me guess, Skrull?”

As soon as Sean finished speaking, Fury’s one eye burst out with sharp light. He stared at the young man, as if he wanted to penetrate the gentle smiling face and see the real face under the mask!

For the “Secret Invasion” incident of the last century, no files were retained in S.H.I.E.L.D., whether it was the core database or paper documents, all were destroyed and kept confidential. If Sean knows his past, it can be explained by his strong intelligence ability, but naming the Skrulls is more than just investigating the background.

Those who knew about this incident, Howard Stark died unexpectedly in a car accident, Peggy Carter was lying in the intensive care unit, aging, and as for Carol Danvers, the powerful heroine who had experienced it personally, had long been Forget.

Only Nick Fury is left, and he is the only insider.

“Who are you?” Fury asked through gritted teeth, his blind eye beginning to hurt again.

“Relax, I’m not an alien, this is just a small guess… But judging from your reaction, I should have guessed it right.”

Sean waved his hand. He was curious, where was the heroine who was said to be the most powerful in the world?

According to the original timeline, even after experiencing the Battle of New York by the Chitauri army, the invasion of the Dark Elves, and the Ultron crisis created by Tony, Nick Fury never asked Captain Marvel for help. From this, it can be judged that the other party may Doesn’t help the Avengers.

But when Thanos snapped his fingers and destroyed half of all life in the universe, the black director used a pager. What was the reason for this?

“Okay, let’s continue reading the script.” Putting aside his doubts for the time being, Sean flipped through the document.

“You took over the position of Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. from Alexander Pierce and reorganized it. It was recognized by the World Security Council and grew rapidly. During this period, you established a divided management authority system and developed the Cosmic Cube. Form the Avengers, formulate an insight plan…step by step to reach the top, and want to put this planet under your control.”

“But what is the truth behind this? How many secrets have you concealed? Is everything you have done really to make SHIELD a strong shield to protect the world?” Sean’s mouth curled up with a mocking arc. “Of course not. History tells us that under those glorious legends, there is always an unknown, dirty and dirty side.”

“You’re a HYDRA, Director Fury.”

The young man spoke the answer calmly.

“That’s a really funny joke.”

The black director sneered. Even if the other party wanted to throw dirty water on him, it would be too clumsy.

“…Your grandfather worked as an elevator operator for forty years, and every night he had a large roll of tips and a loaded .22 Magnum in his lunch bag. Your father fought in the First World War, Then the economic crisis broke out, and more than 25,000 veterans demanded compensation. The government at the time promised that all soldiers who participated in the war would receive a salary of one dollar a day, plus an additional 25 cents as an overseas living allowance. “

“But they did not get the money. After the war, Congress passed the Certificate of Service Amendment Act in 1924, which stipulated that the U.S. government would first issue a subsidy certificate to veterans of World War I and promised that the owed wages would be paid within twenty years. Later, they were paid in cash at the rate of one dollar per day based on the number of days they served in the army… However, due to the economic difficulties caused by the Great Depression, a large number of veterans who were struggling to make ends meet began to demand that the government immediately pay the salary that should not be cashed until 1945.”

“In June 1932, veterans from all over the world flocked to Washington, D.C., where they gathered to camp and demanded that the government pay the compensation they deserved, and then the curtain of this ‘historic march’ began…”

“On the night of the 17th, veterans occupied a row of red brick buildings on Pennsylvania Avenue, and 8,000 people gathered in front of the Capitol. President Hoover, who was in office at the time, decided to use force to drive away the marchers and mobilized two companies of Marines. Marine Corps, headed by Chief of Staff Mike Arthur.”

“Five tanks rumbled through the streets of Washington, D.C., two hundred cavalrymen roared out from the White House lawn waving sabers and battle flags, and about three hundred Army soldiers, wearing helmets and loaded with ammunition, threw tear gas canisters at the crowd… This is a war. The sound of gunfire, shouts, curses, blood, and corpses of veterans are particularly dazzling under the shroud of gunpowder smoke.”

Sean closed the document and looked at Nick Fury with a smile. The huge malice rushed towards him like an overwhelming wave!

“Your father broke a leg in that chaos and died two months after returning to his hometown. Maybe it was at that time that you planted the seeds of hatred in your heart.”

“It wasn’t until you joined the Strategic Science Corps, the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., that you met Arnim Zola, a German scientist and a backbone of Hydra. The seeds of hatred have grown vigorously since then, and you have the secret support of Hydra. , gained the trust of everyone, as a patriot, Alexander Pierce has no doubts about you, and even recommended you to take over his position.”

“This is why you adopt divided management. Using this method to let Hydra infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. and develop the Cosmic Cube is also to continue Red Skull’s evil plan. As for forming the Avengers, it is just to transfer the world. It’s just vision, the Insight Project is the Sword of Damocles you use to cleanse the world…Nick Fury, you are the most hidden Hydra.”

“What on earth are you talking about…madman! You are talking nonsense! You are already crazy!”

The black director’s eyes were horrified, a trace of panic flashed across his dark face, and the ominous premonition deep in his heart became more and more real.

“In about an hour, you will send the Winter Soldier to assassinate Alexander Pierce, because he begins to doubt you… and the reason why you fake your death is to avoid sight and hide yourself.”

“All of this will eventually be discovered by Captain America. Steve Rogers, the war hero with justice and freedom in his heart, will make the truth known to the public.”

Sean stood up and looked down at Nick Fury. He gave the play a happy ending.

“You son of a bitch! These are all your words! No one will believe you… Captain Rogers will not believe it!”

Fury’s eyes were red, like an angry beast, struggling desperately, but in vain.

The SHIELD director’s psychological defense was finally shattered by these heart-chilling words of indifference!

“He will believe it. I gave reasonable evidence. Arnim Zola will identify you, and Alexander Pierce will also leave key information. More importantly-all the truth is Captain Rogers.” ‘Proactive’ discovery.”

“‘You’ sent an encrypted message to Captain Rogers, found the USB flash drive, and then led him to the secret stronghold in New Jersey. Dr. Zola made a brilliant appearance to complete the final step.”

Sean smiled and looked at the roaring Nick Fury with his deep eyes, and said calmly: “You are Hydra.”

ps: This chapter took a long time to write, sorry~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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