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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 33 Chimpanzee Caesar

A silver Chrysler drove into the State University of New York. Sean and Harry were studying at Stony Brook. This school is located on Long Island, a suburb of the city. It is a famous research-oriented public university in the United States and enjoys a high academic reputation around the world. , has the reputation of “Public Ivy”.

The car drove into the school, followed a lush tree-lined path, and finally stopped in front of a rather old-fashioned white building complex. This was originally a laboratory established within the school. Many famous figures in the scientific community, and even several A Nobel Prize winner came from this place. It was later purchased by Norman Osborne and given to Dr. Connors as a research site.

It recently changed hands again, bought out by a businessman from Hell’s Kitchen, and now belongs to Kurt Connors.

Of course Harry didn’t know what was going on when he got out of the car. He took a deep breath and couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. After a conversation with Sean a few days ago, he carefully read through the research data sent and handed it to The scientific research department of Osborne Industries was asked to conduct an evaluation, and the result was that this new drug has extremely promising profit prospects.

So Harry, who was still a little skeptical, decided to go there personally. If the final result satisfied him, then saving Osborn Industries’ crisis would no longer be a hopeless matter.

“Harry, you came earlier than I thought.” Sean and Dr. Connors stood on the steps. They looked quite happy for the arrival of their guests. “Let’s go shopping first, or go directly to see Caesar?”

“Come for a walk with me, I’ve never been here before.” Harry smiled, he didn’t want to appear too impatient.

Sean nodded and said to Dr. Connors next to him: “Then I will accompany Harry to visit first. Doctor, go and bring Caesar out. Be careful. That little guy has a bad temper recently.”

The one-armed middle-aged man who was dull by nature nodded in agreement. He was not good at communication in the first place, not to mention that Osborne Industries once resolutely abandoned Connors when he needed help the most, so for this huge company facing difficulties , he doesn’t have much favorable impressions.

Anyway, just leave everything to Sean, this student always makes people satisfied, and this new drug for brain degeneration was also developed by the other party, and I just participated in some improvement work.

Connors thought as he turned to leave. He is a pure scientist, and he has always been grateful to Sean for saving him from the difficulties in life.

“The current core project of the laboratory is still the cross-species inheritance studied by Dr. Connors. The regeneration of amputated limbs also has broad prospects in the medical industry. I think there will be many opportunities for cooperation between us and Osborne Industries.”

Sean walked in front and talked, while Harry followed behind, silently observing this somewhat old laboratory. Osborne Industries has its own scientific research department, which invests a large amount of money every year to carry out projects in various fields. Research, such as previous hang-gliding and human augmentation programs, was undertaken to curry favor with the Department of Defense.

Technology research and development is an industry that pays great attention to investment costs, and it is not possible to reap rewards every time. As the new president of Osborne Industries, Harry certainly knew that many scientific research projects that seemed to have great potential at first glance were actually just a fantasy that was difficult to realize. Even if a large amount of money was invested, there would be no return.

“If Sean really is a scientific genius…”

Harry looked at the young boy introducing the research room. He was about the same age as him, but his movements exuded a steady aura, which made people feel convinced involuntarily.

Maybe this friend of mine is really a genius like Tony Stark or Reed Richards. Otherwise, why would Dr. Connors obey his words?

“Hey Harry, why are you here?”

Gwen, who was holding a pile of documents, asked in surprise. She had also heard about the current situation of Osborne Industries. This classmate who inherited his father’s business had already completed the suspension of study. How could he appear in Dr. Connors’s laboratory?

“Sean has a great product. Let me come over and take a look. Maybe it can bring the company back to life.” Harry winked at Sean next to him. Of course, the experienced Master Osborne could see that Gwen was interested in his friend. Quite a favorable impression.

Sean burst into laughter, briefly exchanged greetings with Gwen, and then took Harry to the center of the research room. Dr. Connors had already made preparations and was waiting for their arrival.

“This is Caesar, a chimpanzee from the South African rainforest.” Through the transparent glass window, Sean introduced a young chimpanzee sitting in the room. “The DNA of orangutans is very close to that of humans. Among them, the DNA of chimpanzees , the difference from humans is less than 1%, so I chose a chimpanzee as the material for the live experiment.”

“What is it doing?” Harry stood in front of the glass window, confused.

The young chimpanzee named Caesar was sitting on a chair like an obedient student. There was a shelf and several metal disks of different sizes on the table. The researcher walked in with a plate of fruit.

“In the Lucasta game, you have to move the discs from one pillar to another. In this process, the big disc cannot be placed on the small disc. The perfect answer is fifteen steps. Caesar can do twenty Step, it has improved to sixteen steps in the past few days.”

Harry couldn’t believe it. He saw the chimpanzee moving the metal disc skillfully and quickly completing the game. Then the researcher handed over the plate of fruit in his hand.

“This… is incredible!”

Sean was not surprised that Harry would react like this. When Dr. Connors saw it, he also had a shocked expression, “Caesar couldn’t complete the game at first. No matter how much we trained him, he couldn’t make him think. Memory, and then I injected it with a drug called ALZ-112, which is a genetic drug that allows the brain to create cells to repair itself. In biology, this is called neurogenesis.”

“Of course, you can also think of it more simply as a miracle drug for treating Alzheimer’s disease – that is, Alzheimer’s disease!”

Harry looked at the chimpanzees in the room who were learning some simple pictures and words, and felt uncontrollably excited. This was an unprecedented new drug, enough to bring huge returns to Osborn Industries!

“Are there any side effects?” Harry, who was excited, suddenly asked as if he thought of something.

Of course, he will not forget that the human enhancement plan that dragged Osborne Industries into the abyss was abandoned by the Ministry of Defense precisely because it could not solve the side effects caused by injected drugs.

“A little bit.” Sean looked at the nervous Harry and said with a smile: “Currently, Potion 112 has only had one side effect. For some reason, green spots appeared on the orangutan’s iris, but this It should not be reflected in humans.”

“How about it, do you want to cooperate, Harry?” Sean stared at the other person calmly, it was time to make the final decision, “This drug is not limited to Alzheimer’s disease, it is also suitable for different types of brain surgery. Disease, its potential is limitless and can bring us huge benefits!”

Harry was silent for a moment, looking at the chimpanzees in the room who were no different from humans, and made a decision in his heart. With the energy and connections of Osborne Industries, it was enough to get ALZ-112 into the production stage as soon as possible and ready for the market.

“A human trial still needs to be conducted, Sean. If the results are still satisfactory to everyone, Osborne Industries will become your partner!”

Sean raised his eyebrows, patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled: “Of course, do you remember what I said?”

“The future belongs to you and me!” The young boy’s eyes were shining, showing strong confidence.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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