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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 330 The ups and downs of life

SHIELD headquarters, strategic command center.

“Attention everyone, put down all the work you are doing! Enter level one combat readiness!”

The bald agent Sitwell walks in arrogantly. Now Nick Fury’s life and death are unknown, and Alexander Pierce is in power. As a loyal lackey of Hydra, he naturally thinks that the time has come to come forward.

“Contact the Department of Transportation, turn all traffic lights in nearby neighborhoods to red, close all runways at Washington Airport, Dulles Airport, and Reagan International Airport! Transfer all surveillance videos to the main control center screen! Review All communication equipment, phones, computers, all electronic equipment, the key words are Steve Rogers, Captain America, once someone sends such a message, immediately submit the content to me…”

“With all due respect, if SHIELD ordered a manhunt for Captain America, we would have reason to know why.”

Agent No. 13 Sharon Carter interrupted. She is the niece of S.H.I.E.L.D. veteran Peggy Carter. She was assigned by Nick Fury to be Captain America’s neighbor and responsible for the task of protection and surveillance.

Sitwell was speechless, and everyone present looked at him with suspicion or surprise. This was Captain America, a war hero of the last century, and almost everyone was familiar with his glorious deeds.

“Because he lied to us.”

Alexander Pierce strode forward, and with his prestige, he easily calmed the scene. “Captain Rogers has clues about Director Fury’s disappearance, but he refused to provide them.”

“As hard as it may be to accept, the fact that Captain America is now a wanted fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D. is irrefutable.”

Pierce looked around, took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes, with a sad look on his face, as if he was very sorry for the fall of a hero.

His superb acting skills impressed everyone. Under his leadership, the leaderless SHIELD restored stable order and normal operation.

After the show was over, Pierce began a quiet purge. He was unable to determine the life and death of Nick Fury and the whereabouts of the Winter Soldier. After thinking about it, it was better to strike first.

He led SHIELD’s rapid response special forces and broke into Maria Hill’s office. As one of Nick Fury’s confidants, of course he had to eliminate this heroic female commander first.

“Maria Hill…” Pierce opened the door, followed by Sitwell and several burly black agents, “Sorry, you have to go with them – SHIELD is conducting an internal investigation. “

“You have no right to do this.”

Hill’s tone was filled with anger, but she was making small movements with her hands, quietly pressing the destruction program on the console. This was the last thing she could do for SHIELD.

Nick Fury once revealed intentionally or unintentionally that there may be another dark force lurking within SHIELD. Now Alexander Pierce is in power, Coulson is on vacation in Tahiti to recuperate, Captain America is wanted, and the Avengers are temporarily unable to contact him. There is no one around that I can trust.

So she had to prepare for the worst and destroy some confidential documents that could not be made public. As a qualified commander, you must have the ability to accurately analyze timing. Whether it is Nick Fury’s assassination or Captain America being wanted, it proves that a huge conspiracy is quietly shrouded.

“No, I have the authority to do this – it was granted to me by the World Security Council. Do you think you can hide the news of Fury’s disappearance? Captain America is the one who cannot be trusted. SHIELD now needs me to preside over it. Big picture.”

Pierce adjusted his glasses. Not long ago, after reporting the news about Nick Fury, the World Security Council appointed him as the new leader of SHIELD as expected.

“I want to know where Agent Patton and Agent Romanoff have gone?” Sitwell interjected.

Among the Avengers, Iron Man Tony Stark has never been interested in such internal disputes. Thor is still in Asgard, and Bruce Banner cannot help. The only remaining ones are Hawkeye Barton and Barton who are undergoing psychological treatment. Black Widow Natasha.

“You have to ask Director Fury about this.” Hill shook his head, ignored the bald agent, walked straight to Pierce, stretched out his hands and said, “I will cooperate with your investigation.”

Pierce waved, and the burly black agent stepped forward and escorted Hill toward the detention room. From this moment on, S.H.I.E.L.D. began a large-scale purge operation, and a large number of people loyal to Nick Fury , S.H.I.E.L.D., or agents and support personnel who were not members of HYDRA, were arrested and eliminated.

Hydra, which had been dormant for more than a century, finally couldn’t wait to open its huge mouth, revealing its sharp fangs and biting off pieces of flesh and blood from SHIELD’s huge body.

“Why not torture this woman? She will definitely know some useful information.”

Sitwell remained in the office, puzzled by his immediate boss’s behavior.

Although Hydra currently has the upper hand, as long as superheroes still exist, the bald agent will feel like there is a Sword of Damocles hanging above his head, and he doesn’t know when it will fall.

“Are you scared, Sitwell?”

Pierce did not look back. He stood in front of the bright and huge floor-to-ceiling windows, imitating Nick Fury, folding his hands on his chest, looking at the surging Potomac River.

“I just feel like there’s always a threat from the Avengers.”

Sitwell smiled sarcastically. He was not a fanatic with firm beliefs like Pierce. The reason why he betrayed SHIELD was because becoming a member of Hydra allowed him to gain more benefits and climb to the top. higher position.

Just as the other party thinks, he is indeed a speculator. Whichever camp is more powerful will defect to that side.

“They have nothing to fear…”

Pierce’s tone was full of confidence. After a century of hiding, Hydra could finally step out of the darkness and stand openly in the sun.

“The World Security Council agreed to my proposal and immediately launched the Insight Project. The helicarrier will take off soon, and then a larger-scale cleaning operation will come.”

Pierce is confident. He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He did not hesitate to step down as director and support Nick Fury in order to hide his eyes from others and avoid the eyes of many investigators.

Now relying on Dr. Zola’s calculation formula and global satellite reconnaissance, once the Insight Plan is officially implemented, the entire world will fall into the hands of Hydra.

Sitwell nodded repeatedly. When Hydra completely devoured and digested all the power of S.H.I.E.L.D., he would naturally get more benefits.

“This is our time.”

Even with Pierce’s calmness and calmness, he couldn’t help but sigh. Hydra has been hiding in the darkness for so long that many people have forgotten the terrifying pressure that the Hydra badge once brought to the world.

Glancing at the shining eagle emblem in his office, he smiled disdainfully.

Hydra will never die!

Cut off one head and two will grow back!

When he was satisfied, a red dot suddenly flashed across the lens of Pierce’s glasses, aiming right at his chest, and finally stopped near his heart.

An alarm sounded in his brain, and the muscles in his body tensed. Subconsciously, he wanted to escape and hide in a blind corner or under an obstacle.


The 12.7mm metal bullet penetrated the 3cm thick bulletproof glass, directly tore apart Pierce’s body and flesh, and shot into the heart!

A huge splash of bright red exploded in front of Sitwell’s eyes. It was as if a miniature bomb was hidden in the chest of his immediate boss. The entire flesh and blood in the chest was crushed by the impact of the bullet, and then sprayed out backwards. The body The bloody corpse trembled convulsively, lost control, and hit the floor heavily.

The bald agent’s face was covered in blood, which looked particularly horrifying against his absent-minded face.

Opposite the building, a tall man wearing a black mask was holding a BFG-50A semi-automatic sniper rifle. The metal arm reflected a dark light under the sunlight.

Following the command set in his mind, he deliberately took off his mask and let the ubiquitous satellites and cameras capture his face.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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