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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 331 Tracking

Central Park Cafe, Greenwich Village, New York.

Steve was sitting on the side sofa in casual clothes and a peaked cap. He was now a wanted criminal of SHIELD. An hour ago, Alexander Pierce, who took over Fury’s job, issued an arrest order for himself.

If he hadn’t noticed it earlier, Steve might have been trapped in SHIELD headquarters. The current situation is unclear. As the director of SHIELD, Nick Fury doesn’t know whether he is alive or dead. He must find out the truth.

Greenwich Village, also known as the West Village, is the home base of American counterculture, where artists, radicals, and rebels have gathered since the end of the last century. Most of the people who live here are writers, artists, and actors.

Rock singer Bob Dylan once sang the rebellious sound of the 1960s here, and famous Hollywood movie stars Robert Drone and Al Pacino also grew up here before starring in “The Godfather.” In the theater, he worked tirelessly to pursue his dream of acting.

The roads in this area are complicated, very different from the checkerboard urban planning, and there are relatively few surveillance cameras, which makes Steve choose to hide here. After he left Pierce’s conference room, he took a USB flash drive from Fury’s office when no one was paying attention. The true content of the encrypted message was to tell him its location.

“Captain, your disguise skills are really not that good.”

Just as Steve was holding a cup of coffee and thinking about what to do next, a woman also dressed in low-key clothes sat next to him.

“Before SHIELD’s rapid response special forces arrive, you have half an hour to decide whether you should trust me or not.” Natasha said softly.

“Fury said you were on a secret mission. He also told me, don’t trust anyone.”

Steve kept a close eye on the top agent in S.H.I.E.L.D., known as the “Black Widow”. Like Hawkeye Barton, he was Fury’s right-hand man.

“I know who took Fury away.” Natasha said calmly, “Many intelligence agencies do not believe his existence. His name is the ‘Winter Soldier’. In the past fifty years, he has been involved in more than twenty cases. The assassin. Five years ago, I was escorting a nuclear physics engineer out of the Middle East and someone blew out my tire near Odessa and a bullet went through me and hit the engineer.”

Natasha lifted the hem of her coat, revealing the scar on the right side of her lower abdomen. After losing contact with Nick Fury, the female agent followed Captain America closely. Like Maria Hill, they both believed that they could only Trust Steve Rogers.

If there is anyone else, it cannot be a spy of Hydra, it must be Captain America. There is no doubt about his morality and character.

“It’s impossible to track the Winter Soldier. I tried it, and it was a ghost.” Natasha said with lingering fear.

The dangerous experience five years ago is scary even when I think about it now. The other party was like a machine, completing the task calmly and rationally, and then walked away.

There was no sloppiness at all, and he didn’t even see the shadow of the other party. If it weren’t for the Soviet bullet left in the engineer’s skull, Natasha might have thought it was a dream.

“Then let’s see who this ghost is.” Steve replied.

He is a veteran and has never understood what it means to retreat. Since Fury left clues for himself before he was taken away, he could just follow the clues and find them.


Three hours later, Steve and his companion Natasha arrived at Caspian Training Camp in New Jersey. This is the place where Captain America once received recruit training, and it is full of memories of the times.

They evaded two searches by SHIELD’s rapid response special forces, and then opened the USB flash drive in a crowded electronics mall. The internal data was protected by artificial intelligence and could not be read, so Natasha used The tracking program located the exact location where the signal was sent.

Steve never thought that one day he would return to this place. The training camp had been abandoned for a long time and was overgrown with grass. It had obviously become a useless building and would probably be demolished and razed before long.

Looking at the rusty flagpole standing upright, Steve seemed to hear the roar of Colonel Phillips again in his ears. At that time, he was still a thin little man and relied on Dr. Erkins to open the back door before passing through. Military physical examination.

No matter which training event he was in, he always came in last. Colonel Phillips once couldn’t understand why Dr. Erkins chose him. It was not until later that he understood the saying, “Character is more important than muscles.”

Steve Rogers lived up to Dr. Erkins’ expectations. He always did the right thing and strived to be a good and trustworthy person.

“This is the wrong location. There is no thermal image, no signal, not even radio waves.” Natasha took out the instrument and scanned it, and said frustratedly.

She felt she had been deceived and had gone all the way from New York to New Jersey, but found nothing. Every barrack in this abandoned training camp was checked, and there was nothing suspicious.

“No, we did not find the wrong place. Military regulations stipulate that it is prohibited to store military supplies within 500 yards of the barracks… This building should not exist.”

Steve waved the vibranium shield and cut off the iron lock of the warehouse door. Inside was the office of the Strategic Science Corps. There were many portraits hanging on the wall, including Colonel Phillips, Howard Stark, and Peggy Carter. An old friend from the last century.

After some investigation, they discovered the secret space behind the bookcase. They took the elevator all the way down and entered a large computer room. The antique-like server was covered with dust and it seemed that no one had taken care of it for a long time.

Perhaps because the sensor was touched, the lights inside the computer room turned on one by one. Natasha saw a brand new data interface on the operating table, as if someone had guessed their arrival.

I tentatively inserted the USB flash drive, and the silence was immediately broken. The entire computer room started to operate. It was incredible that these antiques could still work normally.

The dense and noisy sound of rotation echoed, and a line of green text lit up on the retro screen, “Do you want to start the system?” Natasha replied YES without much hesitation.

From the moment they stepped into this place, everything was full of strangeness. Steve remained silent, with a faint sense of vigilance rising in his heart, as if someone was deliberately leading him to the military camp where he once trained, the stronghold of the Strategic Science Corps, and this large underground computer room.

He vaguely felt that there was a pair of invisible eyes watching him. Perhaps as Fury said, a huge conspiracy was shrouded, and the opponent was hiding in the unknown darkness, looking down at everyone.

The data stream turned into green characters that were constantly refreshed, and finally formed a blurry face. The camera on the console slowly rotated and scanned the two people in front of it.

“Steve Rogers, born in 1918…Natasha Alia Lozna Romanov…”

Words with a strong Russian accent came from the computer, and the blurry face changed into anthropomorphic expressions from time to time, which looked quite strange.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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