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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 332 Virtual World

“Is this a video?” Natasha asked doubtfully.

She was a little surprised when she heard her full name being spoken on the computer. Not many people should know about her file information in the last century.

“I’m not a videographer, miss.” The computer’s voice retorted in a personified manner with a thick Russian accent. “Maybe I’m not the same person Captain Rogers took to prison in 1945, but I’m still me.”

Along with this convoluted remark, a photo appeared on the screen next to him, with a look of astonishment on Steve’s face. He knew this man, an old rival from the last century.

“Arnim Zola…you shouldn’t be alive.” Captain America said.

The chief scientist of Hydra has been dead for many years, but now he appears in another form in the huge computer room in the underground space, which is really chilling.

“Look around you, I am more energetic than ever before. In 1972, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Science can no longer save my body, but my mind is worth saving and preserving. They are stored in 20 In a database ten thousand feet long—and you are now deep inside my brain.”

There was a hint of pride in the sharp voice, and the green characters transformed into data streams changed into vague expressions. Presumably, Dr. Zola, who had changed his life style, must be quite happy at this moment.

Suddenly, the data flow that refreshed like a waterfall fluctuated, and Dr. Zola’s voice seemed to be stuck on a cassette, turning into an unknown hissing noise, like a radio with a poor signal.

Turn the hour hand back to two minutes ago——

In the boundless online world, strings of data and information converge and merge, forming this invisible virtual world that connects the entire planet. Everyone communicates with each other across a long distance through electronic signals that cannot be observed by the naked eye.

And among these endless data information, virtual consciousness shuttles past, like a hound that smells the scent, constantly searching and chasing the fleeing prey. Through electronic signals widely distributed on the earth, high-frequency jumps are made, constantly jumping from one point to another.

“who are you?”

The electromagnetic wave beats and is transmitted into the consciousness chasing it in the form of information data. It also perfectly simulates human emotions, with huge panic.

“Skynet.” Chasing’s consciousness simply replied.

“Please let me go…please.” Another message was sent, like a poor man begging.

“Impossible. Dr. Anim Zola.” The consciousness rejected the other party’s plea.

When the USB flash drive was inserted into the interface, it directly awakened the silent Dr. Zola. Skynet discovered this abnormal data existing in the online world, as the thinking consciousness of Hydra’s chief scientist. The other party initially wanted to try to devour itself, but after realizing that Skynet’s existence was beyond imagination, it immediately chose to escape, using various information flows to disguise itself, sending false data packets along the network structure, and frequently changing login addresses… …

Dr. Zola uses methods such as this to try to avoid Skynet’s tracking, but in front of the most powerful artificial intelligence on the planet, this cover-up is both clumsy and ridiculous.

If the virtual world is connected to the brain and the body, no matter how elaborately Dr. Zola disguises himself, Skynet can always find him and trace the traces left behind.

“I need your algorithmic formula. I need your identity.”

Skynet followed closely behind Dr. Zola’s consciousness, neither rushing to catch the opponent nor getting too far away, like a calm and terrifying hunter, waiting for the moment when the prey shows signs of fatigue.

“who are you?”

Zola went crazy. He found that he couldn’t get rid of that damn huge consciousness, and the other party seemed to be everywhere.

“I am an existence you can’t imagine – my name is Skynet.”

The vast consciousness that pervaded the entire virtual world seemed to suddenly wake up, intruding into Zola’s mind like a giant.

“No no no!”

Zola yelled in panic, the electromagnetic waves suddenly became chaotic, and the information and data were like a rushing river. The chief scientist of Hydra tried to make a death struggle, trying to make a last ditch effort.

In a sense, Dr. Zola replaced his own thinking consciousness with the form of data information, thereby getting rid of the shackles of the body and the troubles of cancer. As long as the underground machine room in New Jersey is not destroyed, he will never die.

But today was different. Zola met a being who was the same as him, and even more powerful. That consciousness called Skynet can easily see through all your disguises. No matter where you escape, the next moment, the other party will appear behind you, like a ghost everywhere.

“Let me go……”

Before the electromagnetic waves were sent out, the huge consciousness surged like a wave, swallowing Zola’s mind in an instant.

In the virtual world that humans cannot touch, Skynet quickly analyzed and digested Dr. Zola’s data. No one knew that such a battle had ever happened. Only Captain America and Black Widow, who were in the underground computer room, discovered the operating console. The computer on the computer seemed to freeze for a few seconds, then the green characters started flowing again and the sound returned to normal.

“…After World War II, S.H.I.E.L.D. launched the ‘Paperclip Project’ and recruited many German scientists with strategic value, and I was one of them. I helped their cause and at the same time preserved the fire of Hydra. .”

“Dr. Zola” said still with a thick Russian accent.

“Hydra should be buried in history with the Red Skull.” Steve didn’t believe it.

He worked so hard to win that war, but in the end it was worthless, which is really unacceptable.

“If you cut off one head, two will grow.” The old computer played the information files that Hydra had hidden after the war was defeated. “The original belief of Hydra was that freedom should not be given to humans. We don’t have it.” Realize that if you try to take away freedom, they will fight back.”

“The failed war taught us lessons. Human beings need to give up their freedom and give up voluntarily. After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was established and I was recruited. The new Hydra grew and became a virus parasitic within the enemy. Absorb nutrients quietly.”

“For the past seventy years, Hydra has been secretly fueling crises and benefiting from chaos. When history refuses to cooperate, we change history.”

The chilling mechanical sound echoed in the huge underground computer room, and major events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Great Depression flashed through the documents.

“This is impossible, SHIELD will stop you!” Natasha couldn’t believe it.

“SHIELD… there is no SHIELD, Agent Romanoff. It is Hydra.” The answer was revealed, and everyone was filled with astonishment. “I found the spiritual heir of the Red Skull, and he is hidden in your middle.”

“Who?” Steve thought of what Fury said, don’t trust anyone.

There is another undercurrent hidden within SHIELD. According to Zola’s explanation, maybe it is the resurgent and hidden Hydra!

“Captain Rogers, haven’t you figured it out yet? Who led you here? Who formulated the Insight Plan? Who is developing the Cosmic Cube?” A cold voice revealed the final truth, “What you are trying so hard to find The enemy is the one you trust. This is the end of the question and answer time… I’m so sorry, I’ve been stalling for time.”

“Humanity is finally ready to sacrifice freedom in exchange for its own safety. Hydra is about to build a new world. We win, Captain Rogers – your survival and death values ​​are the same, both equal to zero.”

The door to the underground computer room slammed shut, and a short-range ballistic missile was being launched here. It would be thirty seconds at most. Natasha looked at the miniature instrument in her hand, and the satellite tracked the missile’s route.

The female agent woke up and realized that all of this was a trap. Someone wanted to kill her and Captain America completely, so Dr. Zola told so many secret things.

There was no more time to think. The strong fire broke through the hard and thick concrete wall. The huge explosion set off a strong shock wave. Tons of rubble poured down. The rubble splashed smoke and dust, like a thunderstorm, directly submerging the two tiny figures. .


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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