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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 334 Prelude

In the Basteco Building, Natasha, who had a lucky escape, was leaning on the sofa. She wiped her wet hair with a rare look of confusion on her face.

In the underground computer room in New Jersey, the truth Zola finally revealed shocked everyone. Even her, a close assistant who had followed Nick Fury for many years, could not help but begin to have doubts.

The century-long secret struggle between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra is actually nothing more than a ridiculous farce. The enemy has been lurking inside and even sat in high positions at the top.

After sorting out the context of this matter, all the evidence links are extremely sufficient and almost impeccable, from Nick Fury being taken away by the Winter Soldier, to the USB flash drive, and Dr. Zola existing in the computer room, to contacting the previous The Star of Lemuria was hijacked, and these doubts all point to the same answer.

Steve initially thought that Alexander Pierce was behind the scenes, but after they escaped, they soon learned from news reports that the new leader of SHIELD, who was the subject of suspicion, had been under suspicion for a few hours. He was shot before and unfortunately died.

The killer is none other than the Winter Soldier.

This is like a black humor. The two people who were originally prepared to fight the world alone and find the truth behind the conspiracy inexplicably discovered that they were actually in a huge lie, and all their efforts were comic performances. In vain to make people laugh.

Natasha chose to temporarily part ways with Captain America. Steve wanted to reveal the truth and prevent the implementation of the Insight Plan, but she did not want to continue.

This female agent known as the “Black Widow” was once an ace spy of S.H.I.E.L.D. She joined the intelligence system of the former Soviet Union during World War II and received training in a secret stronghold called the “Red House”. Later, the Red Empire Natasha, who collapsed and lost her organization, was absorbed into S.H.I.E.L.D. and had a legal official status.

Natasha, like Nick Fury, has received injections of anti-aging serum, which allows them to maintain the vitality and health of their body functions. The body can escape the ravages of time, but the mind cannot.

In fact, she, Fury, and Captain America all have the same problem deep inside, loneliness and confusion. Judging from their age, they are all decrepit old people who have experienced the baptism of time, joys and sorrows, but they still remain young in appearance and full of vitality in their bodies.

Nick Fury chose to give his faith to the country, while Steve followed the freedom and fairness he insisted on in his heart, but what about her?

Natasha couldn’t help but sigh. Now Fury’s identity was full of doubts, SHIELD was in chaos, and she didn’t know what to do for a moment.

Just like Captain America, when she first joined S.H.I.E.L.D., she thought she was on the right track, but she ended up working for Hydra, which Natasha couldn’t accept.

“Why don’t you turn on the light?”

There was a sound of pushing the door, and the tall figure walked through the entrance and came to Natasha.

The female agent was picked up and nestled in the warm chest. Natasha, who had endured repeated blows, actually felt a little nostalgic for this wonderful feeling.

She has been acting according to the instructions of others all her life. When she opens her eyes, she is living in an extremely dangerous spy life, full of lies and deceit. On the contrary, when she plays Miss Scarlett, she gets to live a peaceful life.

Sean tightened his embrace, his strong arms clinging to the red-haired beauty. The two bodies fit into each other, and you could almost feel the slight breath and faint fragrance coming from each other. The bathrobe wrapped the plump mountains and outlined the beauty at the same time. The curves are like a powerful female leopard, which can easily arouse the strongest desire to conquer in a man’s heart.

The night was intense, and Natasha, who was confused and entangled, took the initiative to seek tenderness from Sean. The two fell on the soft sofa, and their hot breaths sprayed on each other’s faces, like burning flames, stimulating turbulence. of hormones.


Among the Nine Realms, Asgard.

The white-haired Odin leaned on the king’s throne, with the divine crow perched on his shoulder. The majestic eldest son strode into the palace. After experiencing many setbacks, Thor seemed to have matured a lot, with a full face. Resolute and calm.

“The Rainbow Bridge will be repaired soon, and Asgard’s legion will be reorganized. Soon we will be able to quell the war in the Nine Realms.” Thor said solemnly.

In the fierce battle with the Chitauri army, Asgard’s vitality was severely damaged. It has not recovered yet. Moreover, it has lost its ability to deter the Nine Realms. The original ruling situation has been overthrown, and wars between various kingdoms have occurred frequently. , conflicts continue.

“Don’t underestimate the power of the weak. Asgard has stopped moving forward for too long. Dark elves, frost giants… Even though we have defeated many powerful enemies, we have also suffered considerable losses. Now we have no struggle. With great power and potential, it has been willing to indulge in its own glory for tens of thousands of years.”

Odin’s words were serious, and he was deeply hurt. The flame of life was like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time, so he wanted to train his eldest son to become a qualified king.

“The Midgardians who once needed our protection are constantly developing and leaping forward. If this continues, Asgard, which sits at the top of the World Tree, will surely be squeezed down.”

The King of Asgard has seen the battle between the Sentinels and Thanos. If he were still at his peak, he would naturally not be afraid of the other party. Unfortunately, as the years go by, the long life of the Asgard is coming to an end.

Although the Atrium World is inferior to Asgard in terms of high-end combat power, its development speed and population base have already left them far behind. If it is allowed to develop, I am afraid that it will one day become the new Nine Realms. host.

“I feel the boiling of darkness. The nine star regions may usher in another huge disaster. We must always be vigilant and prepare to fight.”

Odin sighed deeply. He had a vague premonition that the sworn enemy from ten thousand years ago was about to make a comeback. If those madmen woke up, they would probably set off a huge wave.

“Father, what should I do?” Thor lowered his head. The King of Asgard was wiser than himself.

“Go to the atrium world, learn to be a hero, and extend the olive branch of peace.”

Odin’s eyes flickered. He had high hopes for his eldest son. On the one hand, he hoped to polish Thor’s character, and on the other hand, he wanted to establish a connection between Asgard and the earth.

They cannot continue to fight alone. If Thanos attacks again with the Dark Order, how should the nine star regions deal with themselves?

The future of Asgard is uncertain, the dark elves, the eldest daughter Hela imprisoned in the underworld of Helm… these are all huge crises that Thor will face in the future.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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