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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 335 Superhero Registration Act

Compared to the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, Washington, D.C., is more orderly. There are no dense skyscrapers and intricate spiderweb-like highways. Instead, there are more immortal historical monuments, such as the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument, and the Congress. Buildings and more.

If New York is a modern metropolis, then it is more like a witness to the history of the United States.

In a deserted cafe, Steve, dressed in casual clothes, and his new friend Sam Wilson were looking up at the news reports playing on the TV. The chaotic struggle of SHIELD was almost over. It’s been half a month.

Due to the unknown whereabouts of Nick Fury and the assassination of Alexander Pierce, the White House and the military intervened in a legitimate manner and established a special department to station in S.H.I.E.L.D., headed by General Thaddeus Ross, who was recently appointed personally appointed by Mr. President.

As soon as General Ross took office, he canceled the wanted order for Captain America and declared that a war hero should not be treated in this way. This gave SHIELD members loyal to the Nick Fury faction a glimmer of hope.

It’s a pity that the next series of actions of this military boss exceeded everyone’s expectations. General Ross, who became the supreme commander of S.H.I.E.L.D., began to carry out a thorough internal purge, which was even more intense than Alexander Pierce. It can be called an unprecedented reform and replacement.

A special law enforcement agency was established, headed by the Umbrella Team under Umbrella’s name. The mutant army and the super soldiers injected with human enhancement agents greatly enhanced the overall strength of S.H.I.E.L.D. Any field agents with objections would Or the top brass are all in control.

A special investigation was launched into the previous S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Nick Fury, and it was determined that the other party had made private deals with the mercenary group that hijacked the Lemuria Star and conducted illegal activities beyond the World Security Council, calling him a traitor. Officially on the wanted list.

If Alexander Pierce were still alive, he would have discovered that everything General Ross did was obviously premeditated. Hydra eliminated Nick Fury’s direct forces, and the government strengthened its control over S.H.I.E.L.D. and gradually took control. Undercover agents like John Garrett and Grant Ward were swept away one after another.

“Aren’t you ready to return to SHIELD?” Sam asked.

This black man is Captain America’s new friend. He once served in the 58th Division Airborne Rescue Force and executed the EXO-7 Falcon secret program. Later, he chose to retire due to the unfortunate death of his wingman pilot and is currently working at the Veterans Service.

“It has become an intelligence agency controlled by the government. There is no need for me to go back.” Steve picked up the cup, and the black liquid became particularly bitter in his mouth. “I am tired of this kind of life.”

“What do you think of the registration bill that is about to be introduced by Congress?” Sam looked worried.

It’s as if the world has suddenly changed. Superheroes who were popular just a second ago are now subject to government control.

Two weeks ago, General Ross, who took over S.H.I.E.L.D., formally proposed the “Superhero Registration Act” to the White House, which instantly aroused turbulent public opinion. Various controversies broke out one after another, and the Avengers became the first focus of attention.

According to the original timeline, this was supposed to be Tony Stark’s creation of “Ultron”, which led to the outbreak of the Sokovia crisis, which peaked the dissatisfaction of the government and the public with superheroes, thus promulgating this bill. .

However, due to the influence of the butterfly effect, the development of the timeline has quietly changed. There is no “Ultron” belonging to Tony Stark, and the Sokovia crisis no longer exists. However, the government’s dissatisfaction with SHIELD and superheroes has always been Yes, the existence of the latter is itself a kind of anarchism, and people can’t help but think of the previous Hulk World War, where many superheroes returned defeated, causing a lot of economic and property losses and casualties.

So when the Superhero Registration Act was proposed, it received a lot of recognition, its influence continued to expand, public opinion fermented for a long time, and superheroes were suddenly pushed to the forefront.

Captain America looked at the lively and noisy spectacle on the TV screen. The front of Capitol Hill was crowded with media reporters and onlookers. Many senators said in front of the camera that superheroes should indeed be controlled and restrained. Only in this way can unnecessary casualties be avoided. and losses.

“The United States has experienced so many misfortunes, we should start thinking… whether the existence of superheroes is a hope or a disaster!” Academicians debated this fiercely.

“…They save us, but they can’t save us every time. Superheroes are like weapons. Firearms should be controlled, and they must also be restrained.” A senator commented.

“A playboy puts on steel armor and becomes a hero? A group of transvestites are flying above our heads. It should be the government, not individual organizations, that can protect us!” The Daily Bugle published a front-page news with the headline: “Who will oversee the Avengers”.


Sean, who was in Basteco Tower, saw all this. Hydra lost its direction, SHIELD was leaderless, and the chaotic situation needed someone to restore order.

He is like a chess player sitting in front of the chessboard, controlling a puppet, promoting the plan, solving two huge secret organizations, and then controlling the superheroes, and then there will be no obstacles in the world.

Everyone thinks they have seen the truth, but little do they know that there is someone else sitting behind the scenes manipulating the situation and manipulating public opinion. After suffering many disasters and attacks, the people on this land only long for a quiet and stable life. However, in this new era where superpowers are emerging in endlessly, superheroes are also beginning to be exhausted.

They are not omnipotent gods and cannot save everyone. From the initial worship, cheers, and admiration to the current disappointment, anger, and resentment, the bad nature of human beings always makes them blindly blame others for their problems. But rarely reflect on themselves.

Therefore, the Avengers were spurned and criticized, just like people usually cynicize against the government. People who suffer misfortune always find an outlet to vent their emotions. It just so happens that superheroes are pushed up by public opinion and become a focal point. target.

Looking at the increasingly lively scene in front of the Capitol, Sean’s eyes were calm. These were all within his expectations. Personal power can save the suffering people, the oppressed weak, and the women and children who cannot resist – but it cannot change the world.

Perhaps sometimes, superheroes are the source of chaos. They attract challenges, cause conflicts, and breed disasters. The world needs order, not freedom.

In another world, even if the Son of Krypton tries hard to show kindness to humans, he is still rejected by some people. Although the rays of the sun can make people feel warm, it is extremely dazzling in the eyes of people with dark hearts.

“It’s getting more and more exciting.” A faint smile appeared on Sean’s face.

Carrying warm milk and bread just out of the oven, he walked towards the bedroom. There was also a female agent waiting for him on the bed who had been lingering all night.

In the future territory, Sentinel will become the savior of all mankind, and Sean will be the founder of the new world.

The Rome in my mind is gradually being built.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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