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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 336 Recommendation

The black car parked in front of the Army Club. Sean, wearing a suit and ties, stepped in. It felt like he had entered a party venue in the 1960s and 1970s, with melodious and soft classical music, smooth and neat marble floors, retro wooden bar counters, and a nostalgic style. The decoration and furnishings give people a dreamy feeling of returning to the last century.

“Sean, long time no see.”

General Ross, wearing a straight military uniform, sat on a high swivel chair, holding a thick cigar in his hand, with a faint smoke floating.

“Please forgive me for not visiting you recently.”

Sean nodded apologetically. President Underwood and General Ross were now two indispensable chips in his camp.

The former provides strong support in terms of political power, while the latter is responsible for the gradual construction of network channels.

“It’s understandable that young people are busy with work. I used to go on overseas missions and couldn’t take care of my family at all. Just don’t neglect Betty.”

The general didn’t care about these red tapes. He smiled and waved his hands. With his talkative look, he seemed to really regard Sean as his wife.

This young man has outstanding vision and decisive execution, which Ross, who has always been picky and strict, appreciates, especially since the two parties still have an interest relationship. If they can go further, it will be of great benefit to both their own development and that of the family. Help.

Judging from his age, retirement is not too far away. Although the general thinks that he is still in good health and can continue his career, he has reached an age where he needs to think about his future affairs.

In terms of money, General Ross is not worried. The military’s salary is quite generous. Even the lowest-ranking brigadier general’s monthly salary is basically between 8,000 and 10,000 US dollars, and the monthly salary of the general level is as high as 20,000 US dollars. In addition, senior generals also receive free housing, food and uniform subsidies.

Based on his qualifications, the pension he will receive after retirement will even be higher than his salary during his employment. If he is unwilling to be lonely, he can also publish a book or work as a consultant for a large company.

General Ross devoted his life to this country and no longer had any worries. The only thing he worried about was his only daughter, Betty.

If Betty were a boy, the general would definitely try his best to help her develop in the military and inherit her career. The family has rich connections in the military. Even if she does not reach her own height, she will at least be able to move forward quite steadily.

Unfortunately, Betty is not a man and has no interest in serving in the military, which bothers the general. Fortunately, Sean, an ambitious and capable young man, came into Ross’ sight.

“Congratulations, General, on your appointment as the supreme commander of SHIELD.” Sean coughed twice and changed the subject.

Without the stubborn obstruction of Nick Fury and the secret control of Alexander Pierce, the government’s intervention in SHIELD is the inevitable trend. No one will let go of a huge organization rooted in their own country.

“It’s just a temporary replacement. If I don’t get the recognition of the World Security Council, I won’t be able to sit in this position for long.” General Ross didn’t care and patted the young man on the shoulder, “By the way, I also want to thank you for your help. , those mutants are particularly obedient in your hands.”

If Sean hadn’t provided a lot of inside information about Hydra, General Ross might not have been able to secure his position. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been under the control of Nick Fury for a long time and has already formed a set of inherent teams. Coupled with Pierce’s long-term penetration, it is not easy to clean it up in a short time.

“I have only temporarily taken control of SHIELD. If I want to fully gain a foothold, I cannot do without your help.” General Ross said seriously. “There are plans to create a top adviser in the White House, and I have recommended you.”

Sean nodded and did not refuse the proposal. This was a great opportunity to enter SHIELD in an honest manner. With the implementation of the Superhero Registration Act, both the Avengers and other superheroes will be subject to jurisdiction and control in the future.

“I can introduce you to an excellent leader. With his presence, Nick Fury’s influence will definitely be eliminated.”

The young man asked the bartender for a glass of whiskey. Nick Fury and Alexander Pierce were eliminated one after another. Sooner or later, SHIELD became his own.

“The person who can make you praise me like this is definitely not an ordinary person.” General Ross couldn’t help but feel curious.

“I met a friend in Sokovia. His name is Helmut Zemo, a colonel of Sokovia’s elite troops. Believe me, this man will definitely satisfy you.”

Sean was not stingy with his appreciation. In the original timeline, it was this man who single-handedly dismantled the Avengers, accomplished what many villains had failed to accomplish, triggered a civil war, caused superheroes to kill each other, and made steel Captain America and Captain America almost turned against each other, and ended up going to different camps.

Zemo is an ordinary person. He is neither a scientist with a genius mind nor the extraordinary ability to fly into the sky and escape from the earth. However, his outstanding patience and analytical skills allowed him to see the weaknesses of the Avengers and then defeat them one by one.

From the perspective of being in the same villain camp, Sean really admired each other, so he recommended it to General Ross, purged Nick Fury’s direct line of power, and then kicked Hydra out of the game. SHIELD needs to accept it next Blood transfusion, cultivating new strength.

“I have another thing to do today.” The young man picked up the cup and took a sip. “I hope the military can establish a powerful army for foreign operations as soon as possible.”

The battle between S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra has come to an end, and Sean is ready to expand beyond the Earth. He believes that Asgard and the Dark Elves will come soon. He wants the whole world to witness the superhero. The government troops can still fight against any enemy they can.

At that time, the Avengers will completely become a thing of the past.

“Foreign war?” General Ross seemed to have thought of something and asked hesitantly: “Is the news accurate?”

The existence of Asgard has been known to the world, and various countries are actively preparing. For this reason, the World Security Council has launched the Insight Project.

A certain external pressure has caused people on this planet to take action. The Ministry of National Defense has long had a strong call to establish a super army, but it has not yet been implemented.

“Believe me, it’s absolutely true.” Sean’s eyes were full of confidence. “The military has been eclipsed by the aura of superheroes for too long. General, it’s time for everyone to know that the security and stability of the United States should Guarded by the military, not the Avengers.”

“But the bureaucrats in Congress…”

General Ross is obviously unwilling to take risks. He is gambling with his political life. If he is not careful, it may become a stain for his life.

No matter which era there are, there are warring factions and peace-seeking factions. Many bureaucrats in Congress believe that the earth can establish equal exchanges with extraterritorial civilizations, completely ignoring the possibility of war.

“When disaster strikes, they will kneel on the ground crying and calling for their mother.”

Sean’s tone was disdainful. He looked at the gray-haired old man, as if he could look directly into the general’s hesitant heart, “You will become a hero in the history of the United States, just like Washington and Lincoln, who will still be remembered a hundred years later.”

The bewitching words echoed in General Ross’s heart, shaking his hesitant heart like a surging wave hitting a hard rock in the ocean.

“…Yes, I will be a hero.”

The general’s mind was empty as he subconsciously muttered these words.

“America needs you, General.” Sean smiled slightly, picked up the cup and touched it with the other person, making a crisp sound.

PS: The Chinese team lost the runner-up spot in the Asian Games. I want to stop updating and celebrate (ˊoo`)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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