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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 337 Different Positions

Stark Tower, lounge area on the top floor.

Tony was leaning on the sofa, his legs resting on the table, looking uncharacteristically slutty. He tugged on his tie, glanced sideways at Sean who was sitting at the bar, and said lazily: “You know, I never like to deal with the government people. It was like this when Fury was still here, but now If it were Ross, the relationship would only get worse.”

“I thought you would give me some face. After all, the famous Iron Man owes me, a nobody, several favors.” Sean poured himself a glass of wine, took a sip and said, “The registration bill is getting more and more intense, regardless of whether the government or the The people are very vocal.”

“Among the Avengers, Captain Rogers refused to accept the bill, Hawkeye Barton is preparing to retire, Thor is staying in Asgard, and Dr. Banner has agreed…Tony, everyone must express their position and choose a camp. Stand in line, you should know this better than me.”

Stark was silent for a long time. As a former arms tycoon, he certainly understood the rules of the game for the upper class. Before a conflict broke out, everyone had to choose a side to join, otherwise they would face attacks from others.

Stark Industries used to rely on the Department of Defense and was always a solid ally of the military. Later, it closed its weapons manufacturing plants, transitioned into the energy field, and began to contact members of Congress to seek policy inclination and support.

No matter which field you are in or any aspect of business you are engaged in, you will always need allies and exchanges of interests. This is an eternal truth.

“Tony Stark can have a stand, but Iron Man cannot.” The man with the mustache restrained his cynical smile, “Captain Rogers is right, the Avengers are formed to make the world safer, and we cannot become a tool of the government.”

In the original timeline, due to the outbreak of the Sokovia crisis and the previous Battle of New York, Tony became worried and began to reflect on the impact of the existence of superheroes on the world, so he Will agree to sign an agreement, accept government supervision, and go to a different camp from Captain America.

But in this world, nothing happened, and Iron Man still stood on a united front with Captain America.

“I know that you have a close relationship with Ross. Not long ago, you joined SHIELD and participated in the internal reconstruction and reorganization in the name of top advisor… I don’t care about Fury’s true identity, the grudge battles of the last century, etc. S.H.I.E.L.D., HYDRA, these old stories.”

Tony breathed a long sigh of relief. He had thought a lot during this time, about the registration bill and the existence of superheroes themselves…

The world is not entirely kind to Iron Man. The Ministry of Defense often complains that he ignores sovereignty and national boundaries and acts without regard to any consequences.

Every superhero will have this kind of controversy, including the most popular and popular Spider-Man, that good neighbor in New York, who is not welcomed by the New York Police Department at all. Chief George has made many public statements that he believes The existence of vigilantes is a violation of the law and should be controlled and supervised by the government.

“I want to retain the right to choose, at least not to be like Rhodes and let the people in the Department of Defense or the people in the White House come and go.”

Tony shook his head. Before Sean arrived, he had talked about this with Reed. The Fantastic Four were the first superheroes to sign the agreement. Unlike the Avengers, they had to deal with international disputes or deal with world crises.

As the most famous superhero group, the Fantastic Four are more like stars, often attending various talk shows, ribbon-cuttings of the New York Police Department or charity dinners of the Fire Department, and occasionally fighting bank robbers and mercenary groups.

“But you have to accept the reality. In half a month, the United Nations will hold a meeting in Vienna to formally discuss the implementation of the Superhero Registration Act. This is not a unilateral decision by SHIELD or the United States. 117 countries will vote on it. , the whole world is watching you.”

Sean smiled. S.H.I.E.L.D. needs to establish some superheroes as positive image representatives, obviously similar to Iron Man, Fantastic Four, and Spider-Man, which are more suitable for publicity.

In fact, Captain America is the best candidate, but unfortunately the other party will not agree, probably because it will remind him of the embarrassing memories of performing on stage in a star-spangled uniform to sell national debt in the last century.

“Maybe Captain Rogers can stand his ground and fight against the world, but you can’t, Tony.” Sean said solemnly, “You are not alone, just like Stark Industries has faced pressure from the Department of Defense before, this time it will only be stronger. “

“Superheroes want freedom, and the world needs order. The Avengers bear the brunt. You will no longer be a private organization, and any future actions will be supervised by SHIELD.”

The rest area suddenly fell silent. Tony stood up and sat on the edge of the bar. The amber liquor was poured into the cup, mixed with ice cubes, and poured down his throat in one breath, as if he had swallowed a ball of fire.

“You’re such a good lobbyist.”

There was a look of struggle in Stark’s eyes. He likes to be unrestrained by nature. He used to be a bohemian playboy, and even the Ministry of Defense could only endure it silently. Later, he experienced a series of crises and became a little more mature and stable, without the cynicism of the past. , laughing and scolding with an indulgent look, sometimes even Pepper would be surprised by the change.

“I did not ask you to sign immediately, and the registration bill will not be promulgated and implemented so soon. You have sufficient time to consider and verify whether this decision is good or bad.”

Sean shrugged. He knew Tony’s complicated mood, but the reality was that the superhero could not be allowed to act independently, even without his own help, he would face such a situation sooner or later in the future.

The establishment of a new world requires a stable order.

The Avengers and other superheroes are obviously obstacles standing in the way.

Rather than leaving the world’s security to them, it is better to create a super army of mutants and super soldiers who obey orders. Coupled with Umbrella’s ongoing genetic evolution project, superheroes will become a thing of the past sooner or later.

The power of an individual is always small. The general trend of the world is so vast that any person is insignificant in the face of this trend.

“Tony, you have worked so hard to develop Ultron, isn’t it just to give the world an absolutely safe environment? Now the opportunity is at your fingertips, the Insight Project has been launched, and the entire planet is under SHIELD’s surveillance. We can delegate it at any time. Superheroes go wherever there is a crisis.”

“Everyone needs to compromise at the right time so that we can sit down and discuss cooperation. The reason why I am the first to advise you is because I don’t want to see Iron Man become a fugitive on SHIELD’s wanted list.”

Sean looked at Stark deeply, and took out a videotape from his arms, which was marked “December 16, 1991”, “I found this in SHIELD’s files, you have the right to know the truth.”

Tony, who had drank several glasses of wine in a row, took it blankly. The familiar time touched the painful memory in his brain. It was from that day that he lost his parents.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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