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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 338 Choice

Sitwell’s life has not been easy recently. Too many things have happened in the past month. Alexander Pierce was assassinated. The murderer was Hydra’s ultimate weapon, the Winter Soldier. This made the bald agent confused for a moment. Is this an internal fight or an attack by an external enemy?

Without his immediate boss and backer, this opportunist who changed his mind had to shrink his neck and reduce his presence as much as possible to avoid being attacked and eliminated. However, what surprised him was that after Pierce’s unfortunate death, Nick Fury did not return and regain power. Instead, the White House and the military intervened strongly, and General Thaddeus Ross became the new leader.

Sitwell couldn’t help but find it ironic that SHIELD and Hydra were fighting each other, and in the end no one was sitting on the winner’s throne, but an unrelated third party was able to pick up the fruits of victory.

General Ross took office and immediately appointed a new commander, Helmut Zemo, who was said to be from Sokovia and had served as a colonel in the elite force. He was seconded by SHIELD to replace Maria- Hill’s position.

This newcomer with no foundation almost uprooted the Hydra forces lurking within S.H.I.E.L.D., including John Garrett, who had been hiding for many years, and his protégé Grant Ward. This long-term undercover agent, Everything is controlled quietly and then cleaned up secretly.

From the field department to the high-level internal affairs department, there was a complete overhaul. The method was vigorous and resolute, but it did not cause any panic. This is enough to prove Zemo’s own strength. With the strong support of General Ross and Umbrella behind him, he gradually established his own status.

Sitwell began to wonder whether he should apply for a transfer to Russia, South America, or Africa to avoid this turbulent undercurrent. After all, it was well known that he had a close relationship with Pierce before. Who knew whether General Ross and Commander Zemo would settle the score later.

This bald agent is a naked opportunist with no integrity like a Hydra fanatic. In the original timeline, he was threatened once by Captain America, and he revealed all the information without even being tortured.

The reason why he joined Hydra and became a loyal dog in the hands of Pierce was purely driven by profit and had nothing to do with the lofty beliefs in his heart. It can be called a shame among Hydra.

Depressed with an uncertain future, Sitwell returned home to an apartment in Washington, D.C. The property he owns is enough to buy a villa in Manhattan, where land is at a premium. However, SHIELD often conducts irregular investigations on internal personnel. In order to pretend to be loyal and loyal, he can only live an ordinary life. .

“Agent Sitwell, long time no see.”

In the dark room, Steve sat quietly on the chair, with a vibranium shield at hand. He looked at the bald agent and asked bluntly: “I want to know news about the Winter Soldier.”

Captain America, who refused to return to S.H.I.E.L.D., still decided to track down the Winter Soldier after experiencing a series of crises. Nick Fury could not disappear in vain, and Alexander Pierce could not die worthlessly. Everything needed to be done. It’s over.

“I don’t know about the Winter Soldier… Captain Rogers, it’s against the law to break into a house without permission.”

Sitwell was startled, but then quickly calmed down. He glanced at the pistol on the table, with a sarcastic expression on his face: “Are you going to threaten me? This is not your style, captain.”

“You’re right, I really won’t do that.” Steve nodded, “Sam, leave it to you.”

The falcon with its natural protective color sprang out from behind Sitwell, grabbed the bald agent, and smashed it against the hard tabletop, making a muffled “thunk” sound.

“Wait, don’t do it!”

Sitwell, who had a negative moral integrity score, just took a hit and immediately begged for mercy. Now that Pierce is dead and Hydra has suffered a disastrous defeat, he cannot afford to continue to work for a bunch of Nazis.

“I know the true identity of the Winter Soldier.” The bald agent covered his shiny head. “He is James Buchanan Barnes, a member of the Howling Commandos and your former comrade.”

“Bucky…he has…”

The answer he got made Steve look stunned. He could finally explain the vague feeling of familiarity in his heart.

“After Barnes fell off a cliff, he lost one of his hands, which was later found by Hydra people. After the failure of World War II, he was taken to the former Soviet Union, installed with a robotic arm, brainwashed, and then trained to become an extremely loyal person. A killing machine.”

Sitwell spoke eloquently without hiding anything, “He has carried out many assassination missions in the past fifty years. After completing them, he will be frozen and will not be awakened until there is another mission.” come over.”

Steve was speechless. He didn’t expect Bucky to still be alive in the world. He looked at the bald agent with his eyes rolling around. He had followed Pierce before and should know about Fury.


A metal bullet shattered the window and shot straight through Sitwell’s skull. White brain matter mixed with blood spread on the wall like a splash of paint, like an abstract painting.

Steve squatted down immediately, rolled over and hid behind the sofa, and Falcon Sam, a soldier, also found the obstacle. Through the broken glass window, he vaguely saw a black figure flashing from the building opposite. Pass.

“Sam, you’re backing me up from behind.”

Holding a vibranium shield, Captain America broke through the window of the apartment and jumped into the building opposite. With his extraordinary physical strength and strong physical fitness, he broke open a wooden door, quickly walked through the corridor, and caught up with him. The figure of the killer appeared.

Rushing to the rooftop, Steve struggled to throw the shield in his hand. The killer turned around, the metal arm reflected the cold light, and caught the vibranium shield that tore the air, and the buzzing sound shook.

“Bucky!” Steve shouted.

Even though the other person was wearing a mask, he could still see the look of his familiar friend in those eyes.

“Who the hell is Bucky?”

The Winter Soldier couldn’t recall any previous memories. He raised his metal arm and threw the shield back with sufficient strength. Captain America’s hands were numb and he reluctantly took it.

The opponent raised his pistol, but was kicked away by Sam the Falcon, who was wearing a jet-powered hang glider. With his wings folded and folded, the new black man who joined the team shouted: “Do it, Steve!”

“Whether he was your friend before or not, this guy is a killer now! Fury, Pierce… you need to stop him!”

Steve caught the shield, with a rare expression of hesitation on his face. Before he could make a decision, a beam of palm cannon hit the Winter Soldier who stood up, and steel armor fell from the sky.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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