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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 339 The Beginning of the Civil War


Steve exclaimed. He hadn’t seen Stark since SHIELD was in chaos. He had been focusing on developing Ultron and upgrading the Iron Legion for a long time. He didn’t care about the world at all. Most of the company’s operations were handed over to Stark. Po’s hands.

After the “Superhero Registration Act” was proposed, Captain America once met with the other Avengers, but the results were not good. Hawkeye Barton was disheartened and prepared to retire. The same was true for Natasha, who did not want to get involved in this mess anymore. Coming out of troubled waters, excluding Thor, the God of Thunder, who is staying in Asgard, and Dr. Banner, who just wants to live a quiet life, only Iron Man can be contacted.

However, Tony made it clear that he did not want to get involved in SHIELD’s internal disputes. As for the “Superhero Registration Act,” the other party temporarily expressed its rejection.

With Iron Man’s temperament, it is impossible for him to be willing to accept government control, which is not surprising to Steve. SHIELD, led by Fury before, couldn’t control Stark, let alone others.

“Look, Captain Rogers, this is none of your business, I’m here to give this guy a hard time.”

The steel armor landed smoothly, and Tony’s voice came from the speaker. Who could hear that Iron Man was furious at this time, as if he wanted to find someone to fight immediately.

The Winter Soldier, who had been hit by a palm cannon, stood up, swept his body, and slammed into the steel armor like a bouncing cheetah. The metal arm activated its charge and hit the opponent’s head!

Tony could not help but shake his head as if he had been hit by a hammer. The retinal screen inside the armor glowed red. Even with its excellent shock absorption, he still felt slightly dizzy.

“No need to say anything now.”

Tony’s eyes were red, like a ball of fire jumping. He finished watching the videotape Sean gave him, and the surging hatred swallowed up the reason in his brain.

On December 16, 1991, his parents were killed in a car accident on their way to the Pentagon.

This is a painful memory that cannot be erased from Stark’s heart. Before he even had time to say goodbye to them, he lost his only family member in the world forever.

In the years that followed, he lived in guilt and grief, living wildly and indulgently, until he graduated from college and began to gradually take over Stark Industries.

Tony watched the video tape from the last century several times, showing how the man known as “Sergeant Barnes” smashed his father’s head with an iron fist and how he broke his mother’s neck. .

The scene that stung his eyes aroused the anger in Tony’s heart. He had never wanted to kill someone so much!

Fire erupted under the steel armor’s feet, and it instantly accelerated towards the Winter Soldier. An electromagnetic pulse cannon burst out from the palm of its hand and hit the opponent’s head!

A shield flew over and deflected the mechanical arm that erupted with beams. Steve didn’t know what happened, but he couldn’t just watch Bucky’s head smashed into pieces and become a cold corpse.

“Captain, are you trying to become my enemy…” Tony asked angrily.

Before he could finish his words, the Winter Soldier, who had escaped death, twisted and kicked, hitting the chest of the steel armor. He was a killing machine trained by Hydra, and he had a keen intuition about the enemy’s fatal weaknesses. The five fingers of the metal arm were like hooks, and it grabbed onto the Ark reactor, causing “sizzling” electric sparks to explode.

Tony remained expressionless, focused his energy on his chest, and blasted out a cluster cannon, knocking the Winter Soldier away. Two red lasers shot out from the right side of the mechanical arm.

Bucky rolled sideways, picked up the vibranium shield that fell to the ground, and hit the steel armor with a fierce knee against the red laser cutting it. Then he raised the shield and slammed it down.

“Do you remember them? What did you do on December 16, 1991?!”

Stark roared angrily, his whole body glowed red like lava, with irregular light spots all over the place. He raised his hand to hold the smashed shield, the propellers under his feet sprayed flames, and an accelerating knee hit the Winter Soldier’s abdomen.

The mechanical arm pressed the opponent’s head, and the long hair covered the cold, emotionless eyes. Tony clenched his fist into a fist and continued to hit the face.

“Sam! Stop him!” Steve shouted at Falcon.

“Who can tell me what’s going on?” The jet-powered glider on the combat suit unfolded, and Sam used his feet to start running, leaping into the air, trying to kick Iron Man away.

The wings made of lightweight titanium ribs and polyester film opened with a swish, taking the falcon into the air, doing a beautiful flip in the air, and kicked the steel armor hard with both legs.

“Sorry man, I’m a Captain Rogers fan.” Sam muttered to himself.

“Get out of my way!”

Tony, who was furious, raised his arm and ejected the shackle launcher from it. The heavy shackles attracted by electromagnetism immediately locked Sam flying in the air. Falcon lost control of his body and was punched away by Iron Man.

“Do you know what he did?” Stark removed his steel helmet and looked at Captain America. “He did the cruelest thing in the world – to me!”

“Bucky was brainwashed by Hydra. He doesn’t know anything, Tony.”

Steve remembered that in the underground computer room in New Jersey, Zola once said that Hydra planned to assassinate Howard Stark.

“That’s not the real him, Hydra controlled his mind…”

“Shut up!” Tony’s mechanical arm tightened and strangled the Winter Soldier’s neck. “Those are my parents, Captain.”

“My father kept mentioning you, hundreds of times, thousands of times. He once felt guilty for you…because after you fell into the glacier, he originally wanted to rush to salvage you immediately, but found the Cosmic Cube halfway. , missed the last chance.”

“The only time he got drunk in front of me was when he said he hoped you could forgive him… He was wrong, you don’t deserve to be my father’s friend!”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The mechanical arm clenched its fist and beat the Winter Soldier until blood flowed everywhere. Tony looked back and stared at the enemy who killed his parents, “I want him to die in pain – just like my parents.”

“I’m sorry, Tony. He’s my friend.”

Steve rushed forward, bent down to pick up the vibranium shield, and pushed away Iron Man like a cannonball.

“Me too before.”

Tony raised his hand to launch the micro-missile mounted on his shoulder, but Captain America raised his shield and smashed it. The opponent hit the steel helmet with an uppercut, like a boxer looking for an opportunity, releasing a violent storm. offensive.

Relying on the super soldier’s strong physique and his understanding of Iron Man, Steve barely blocked Tony, losing the destructive thermal weapon, and the two sides temporarily fell into a stalemate.

“You have a problem with your judgment, just because he is Barnes, your friend, so you can ignore his mistakes?”

Tony raised his hand to block the vibranium shield, and Jarvis updated the combat style analysis system. He had already figured out Captain America’s punch trajectory and subconscious move habits.

The propeller in the palm of his hand ejected in reverse, and a powerful and heavy accelerating fist was thrown on Steve’s cheek, followed by another punch that hit the bridge of the opponent’s nose, and found an opportunity to counterattack. Stark launched a long series of The combos poured down like a torrential rain, and the final kick knocked the opponent to the ground.

“You shouldn’t have done this, Tony. Bucky should be punished, but not by lynching…you wanted to kill him!”

Steve panted violently, barely supporting his body to stand up, and put on a fighting stance. He had been like this since he was a child, never giving in when facing a strong enemy.

“Then you must block my way?” Tony’s tone was cold.

No matter what, he must kill the Winter Soldier, otherwise the scene on the videotape will replay in his mind day and night, so that his heart will never be able to rest.

“Hey, everyone has run away, what are you still doing here?” reminded Sam, who finally broke free from the shackles.

Falcon stood aside, looking at Captain America and Iron Man who refused to give up, thinking that from this moment on, the Avengers should be completely torn apart and cease to exist.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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