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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 34 Press Conference

Harry Osborne acted quickly. After the company’s scientific research department confirmed the authenticity of the experimental data, he directly informed Sean that the two parties had reached a preliminary cooperation intention. The new president of Osborne Industries saw that the person who really took the lead was actually his friend who was the experimental assistant, not Dr. Connors, the owner of the laboratory.

Therefore, whether it is negotiating or signing a cooperation treaty, Sean is solely responsible for acting as the agent. Dr. Connors is also happy to do so. His research has reached the final critical stage and he has no intention of dealing with these complicated matters.

In the conference room of Osborne Industries, a cheerful Harry stretched out his hand, and Sean, who had signed a formal contract, also stood up. The two looked at each other and smiled. As early as three days ago, the laboratory conducted the first human test. Facts have proved that ALZ -112 not only works on chimpanzees, but also on humans. The achievement of this cooperation has allowed Osborne Industries, which has been suffering from public pressure and internal conflicts recently, to temporarily regain some vitality.

“Osborne Industries will reach its peak again in your hands.” Sean said with a smile. After careful planning, he finally waited until the harvest period, and he was in a good mood.

“Thank you, Sean. Don’t forget that Osborne Industries now also has your share. You and Dr. Connors jointly hold shares in this company.” A smile appeared on Harry’s young face. The huge pressure these days has put this young man who hastily dropped out of school into an anxious and depressed mood.

If Sean hadn’t taken out ALZ-112 and saved the Osborn Industries that was about to collapse at a critical moment, Harry really couldn’t imagine what he would have become.

Sean smiled lightly. Since Osborne Industrial’s capital chain was currently broken, cash flow was somewhat stretched. Therefore, when negotiating with himself, Harry decided to give a certain share of the company’s shares as compensation. However, the agreement stated that it could not be held for a long time. Yes, we will settle the repurchase in cash after ALZ-112 is officially launched.

This deal, which can be considered a happy one, was concluded.

When Sean walked out of Osborne Industrial, he looked back at the towering modern buildings, his eyes flickering slightly. Maybe he was walking too fast and too impatient, which aroused Harry’s subconscious vigilance, so The other party would add a special note to prevent him from joining forces with Dr. Connors to covet Osborne Industries.

“It’s progressing very quickly.” Sean shook his head, with an interesting look in his eyes. For him, Osborne Industries was just a springboard, and he had no intention of eating this rich cake.

Next, it’s time to wait for the results to come.

The young boy put his hands in his pockets, his eyes full of expectation, and his tall figure gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​people.


“…Dr. Kurt Connors and Mr. Sean Sipers, the product they jointly developed, ‘ALZ-112’, is an epoch-making genetic drug and good news for all patients suffering from brain diseases. ! Osborne Industries is determined to contribute to this cause that benefits mankind, and we will join hands to promote this new drug to the market to save those who are suffering from the disease!”

On TV, the young and handsome Harry talked with great enthusiasm. He was able to respond to questions from media reporters with ease and showed his humorous side from time to time.

“Human potential is incredible. The Harry Osborne I met some time ago was just a rich boy who indulged in fun. Now he has transformed into a qualified group president.”

Sean sat in the cafe and took a sip of Blue Mountain coffee. Today, he was invited by Gwen. He gave himself a rare day off to go shopping with this blond girl whose thoughts were already revealed.

“The one who is truly remarkable should be you!” Gwen stirred the coffee in the cup, her beautiful eyes flashing with astonishing light, “You completed the research and development and manufacturing of a new drug with Dr. Connors at such a young age, and It can be put on the market soon and create huge profits. Isn’t such an achievement something to be proud of?”

“What do you mean by that…I just stand on the system…oh no, on the shoulders of giants.” There was a smile on Sean’s lips. If he wants to reach the top of his life, it all depends on the power of the system!

“Anyway, you are already famous. You know, the newspapers portray you as a new generation of geniuses, just like Tony Stark and Reed Richards of Columbia University. They were all in their youth. Just stand out and show your extraordinary talents.”

Gwen was even more excited than the person involved. She recounted the exaggerated reports of the media reporters in a playful tone. Sean listened quietly and occasionally echoed a sentence or two.

It’s no wonder that Sean became a celebrity overnight. Compared with Dr. Connors, who had an ordinary experience in the first half of his life, his background is undoubtedly more story-telling. Not only did he achieve great achievements at a young age, he also lost his parents when he was young and was killed by his uncle. After he was raised and his only relative passed away, he lived alone and maintained excellent academic performance. He was admitted to the State University of New York through his own efforts, and then devoted himself to the great cause of science…

Such motivational and inspiring news reports are what New Yorkers love to see. Every day there are scandals about a certain billionaire and playboy. Everyone is a little tired of it. It’s time to change the taste and do something different. s things.

Following reports from the news media, coupled with the conscious promotion of Osborne Industries, what was originally a simple and ordinary press conference was hyped as the birth of a genius scientist. Some people questioned that this was deliberately false commercial marketing, but once such a sound was made , and was immediately submerged in the boiling and noisy tide of public opinion.

Who cares what the truth is?

What everyone wants to see is an eye-catching legendary story, a story of a young boy working hard and becoming a new generation of scientific genius. Compared with Tony Stark, who inherited his father’s business and acted dissolutely, this is the real America. Dream!

As for what the facts are, no one cares. People just want the satisfaction of participating in this public opinion frenzy, nothing more.

Sean saw clearly that Harry wanted to take this opportunity to reverse the negative image of Osborne Industries, while the news media finally found an excellent material and could not easily let it go. In order to increase newspaper sales, they continued to exaggerate In fact, by the way, Tony Stark was brought in to hack it.

Each party has its own purpose, and Sean is happy to do so. Anyway, everything he does has a reasonable explanation, not to mention Dr. Connors as a shield, even if there are some small doubts, it doesn’t hurt.

Through the glass window, looking at the people coming and going on the street and the constant flow of vehicles, Sean suddenly felt a little dazed. He had finally taken his first step in this world.

Gwen tasted the bitter yet sweet coffee, and placed her soft eyes on Sean. The young boy seemed to be deep in thought. The afternoon sun shone through the glass and fell on the other person’s young face, adding an inexplicable feeling. of mystery and attraction.

Soothing music flowed in the air, the surrounding noise gradually faded away, and a quiet and subtle atmosphere spread. When Sean came back to his senses, he found Gwen sitting opposite, her beautiful big eyes like a wave of spring water. , staring closely at himself, his confused affection almost overflowing.

“What happened?” Sean was full of doubts. He clearly had no intention of flirting with her, and he kept a distance from her, but it was still difficult to stop Gwen’s approach.

Could it be that the system has incidentally increased his charm value, allowing girls to take the initiative to throw themselves into his arms?

What a distress. The young boy looked up at the ceiling with a cheerful smile on his face.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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