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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 340 Wanted Criminal

Amid the heated discussion of public opinion, half a month passed in an instant, and the United Nations meeting in Vienna was held on time.

The “Superhero Registration Act”, first proposed by S.H.I.E.L.D. and unanimously approved by the World Security Council, will have a signing ceremony at 2:30 noon today. A total of 117 countries have expressed their approval and joined it.

From the day the registration bill was proposed to now, many superheroes have chosen to disclose their identities and carry out official registration, just like the mutants before. These include the well-known Fantastic Four, the well-known Iron Man, as well as Spider-Man active in Queens, Hawkeye Barton who is preparing to retire, and so on.

The other group of superheroes who refuse to accept the bill are led by Captain America, Falcon, and street heroes like the Punisher and Luke Cage. They resist contact with the government and have no respect for official institutions. I believe that before long, all these people will become part of the wanted list.

With the successful implementation of the Insight Project, SHIELD has undoubtedly become a behemoth with supreme authority on this planet. Nick Fury’s original vision has now completely become a reality, except that the holder of the Sword of Damocles has changed to another person.

S.H.I.E.L.D. has ushered in a new leadership team, led by General Ross, with Umbrella’s Sean Sipers serving as top advisor, and Helmut Zemo replacing Maria Hill as the new Commander, a new pattern has been formed. Next, we only need to gradually carry out blood transfusions of the new generation, and this huge organization will no longer have anything to do with Nick Fury.

“…We live in a crazy world, where the skies above the city are filled with uniformed superheroes and uniformed supervillains. Not long ago, we also learned that in this galaxy, the earth is no longer unique life civilization… It is undeniable that the world is changing with each passing day, and we are in an alternating stage between the old world and the new era.”

As the representative of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sean stood in the staircase hall of the United Nations conference and talked eloquently. In front of delegations from more than a hundred countries, this young man was calm and calm, as if he was a university professor giving a lecture.

“We have all been grateful for the emergence of superheroes. They save people in times of crisis, so that the weak still have hope and the cowards have the courage to resist… They are the beacons of this world, guiding the direction of our hearts—— Just like two sides of the same coin, the existence of superheroes also brings chaos and danger…”

“SHIELD has statistics. Since Mr. Stark announced that he was Iron Man a few years ago, the frequency of superpowers has doubled. During the same period, the number of incidents that may threaten the security of the world has also increased at the same rate. The proportion is increasing…Superheroes save the world, but they also cause conflicts and breed disasters. This is why SHIELD proposed the “Superhero Registration Act”…”

“Any existence that is above the government and the law should be subject to supervision and restraint. This is the first step for the security of the world and the establishment of a new world order.”


Warm applause shook the staircase hall. This speech at the conference, which was broadcast live to the world, triggered deep thinking from all parties, including Captain America, who was listed as a fugitive on the wanted list. He was staying in a hotel room in Romania and watching the video through the TV. Watched this scene.

In fact, Steve had a brief hesitation in the implementation of the registration bill. He always remembered how he was used by the senator as a tool to promote the national debt and could only be reduced to a funny character performing on the stage.

Everyone will be driven by profit. Once SHIELD is able to manage superheroes, the Avengers will be reduced to tools. No matter the results are good or bad, they will eventually deviate from the original intention. Therefore, he did not want to give up the power of choice, even though he knew that this was the inevitable trend and he could not resist it alone.

“I don’t know whether this is right or wrong, but at least someone has to stand up.” Steve said looking at Falcon Sam who was following.

Half a month ago, he and Tony parted ways, partly because of Bucky, and partly because of their differences in philosophy.

Iron Man believes that accepting government control may calm this chaotic controversy, but Captain America has a different opinion. He still insists that superheroes need freedom.

“What are you going to do when you find him?” Sam changed the subject.

Falcon, who was originally a retired soldier, chose to side with the captain. They have been searching for the whereabouts of the Winter Soldier for this period of time.

Many people know that Bucky is a close friend of Captain America. The museum still has the heroic deeds of James Buchanan Barnes, who was the only Howling Commando member who unfortunately died.

Who would have thought that Bucky, who originally fell off a cliff and became a martyr, would suddenly become a Hydra killer, codenamed “Winter Soldier”. He had also killed Howard Stark and his wife, and carried out many assassination missions. , hands covered with blood.

Regarding the battle half a month ago, it is difficult to judge right from wrong. Tony wanted to avenge his parents, but Steve believed that Bucky was just a tool to be manipulated at that time. He may have made many mistakes. But it was not intentional, the source of all this was actually Hydra.

“Clear some things and let Bucky receive the punishment he deserves. He may be imprisoned and lose his freedom forever, or live in repentance and guilt for the rest of his life…but he cannot die in Tony’s hands. That is a personal vendetta. , revenge, not a fair trial.”

Captain America shook his head and couldn’t help but recall his time in Brooklyn. At that time, he was still a thin young man weighing less than a hundred pounds. His father served in the 107th Infantry Division during his lifetime and unfortunately died of German mustard gas. His mother was The nurse in the tuberculosis ward was killed by a stray bullet. Bucky’s father was also a soldier of the 107th Infantry Division during his lifetime and was later accidentally killed during an exercise.

They have the same background and experience. They lost the protection of their parents early. Under the encouragement of public opinion, they wanted to serve the country. Steve, who has a stubborn personality, is often bullied, and this guy never knows how to escape. He is beaten black and blue every time. Fortunately, Bucky helps, otherwise there may not be the future Captain America.

“The Insight Plan has been implemented. SHIELD will find Bucky soon. We must take him away before Tony arrives.”

Steve’s expression was serious. He didn’t want to conflict with anyone. This was a meaningless battle.

And to a certain extent, he did betray Stark. He learned the truth about Howard’s death in a car accident from Zola, but he did not tell him immediately.

If he had not concealed anything at the time and sat down with Tony to have a serious talk, maybe things wouldn’t have been so bad.

Now that Iron Man is raging with rage and unable to listen to any explanation, he naturally loses the last chance to relax.

Steve looked at the United Nations meeting played on the screen, his eyelids drooping. Maybe the old era has completely passed. People think that he is a legendary figure who came out of history. Everyone calls himself “Captain America”, but few Who cares who the little man named Steve Rogers is under the Stars and Stripes uniform?

“who I am?”

Steve often asked himself, a lonely ghost living in the new century, or a confused retired veteran?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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