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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 341 Persuasion

In the hall of the United Nations, after signing the bill, representatives from various countries talked and walked around with each other, waiting for the grand dinner later.

In fact, more than 100 countries may seem like a large number, but those who actually have the right to speak are only the five permanent members, and they also happen to be the highest decision-making level of the World Security Council.

The so-called democratic voting and signing of treaties are just performances officially announced to the world. Prior to this, the exchange of interests between countries had already been achieved.

Even though the United Nations exists in name only to promote cooperation among countries in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights and the realization of world peace. But in essence, it is still a powerful voice. The five major countries still have the decision-making power, and the other small countries are just vassals, joining in to boost momentum.

It is precisely after seeing this that Sean wants to take over S.H.I.E.L.D., indirectly infiltrate the World Security Council, increase his influence, slowly expand his territory, and gather power.

Standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, the young man felt a little satisfied. Tony Stark, who was formally dressed and wearing sunglasses, walked over. He is a role model for the Avengers and a representative of superheroes who supports the registration bill.

Not far away, there were the Fantastic Four who had not been seen for a long time, and the slightly reserved Spider-Man Peter Parker. It was the first time for the latter to publicly attend such an occasion as a superhero, so it was understandable that he was a little nervous.

Unlike other superheroes, this good neighbor in New York has already lived a happy life. He will soon get married to the goddess of his dreams, Mary Jane. The Daily Bugle’s career is also booming. The mean and stingy boss James recently planned to Create a special superhero column for Peter to tell the true story behind the Spider-Man mask.

“It’s actually not that bad, right?” Sean looked at Tony, who was in a bad mood, “Still thinking about the Winter Soldier?”

Since parting ways with Captain America, Iron Man has returned to his previous state of anxiety. He has been suffering from insomnia for a long time and can only rely on high-intensity work to relieve stress. Even Pepper secretly went to Sean and expressed his inner feelings in a secret way. worries.

“Next time before you use me as a typical person, you should tell me in advance.”

Stark changed the subject. He didn’t want to talk about the cold-blooded killer who killed his parents.

In Tony’s view, Captain Rogers’s defense of the Winter Soldier was undoubtedly a betrayal of himself, as well as a betrayal of his father.

“How could he…not care at all! My father regarded him as a friend and one of the people he admired most in his life, and that bastard was the real murderer of my father!”

After a moment of silence, Tony punched the floor-to-ceiling window with a heavy punch, making a dull sound, which attracted suspicious looks from around him. Fortunately, the glass curtain wall is made of special materials that can withstand even bullets, so there was no bigger commotion.

“People’s feelings always have tendencies, just like if you were asked to choose between Pepper and others, you would definitely choose the former without hesitation. Barnes is a close friend of Captain Rogers. They trust each other and fight side by side. , this feeling is not comparable to ordinary people.”

Sean said casually, even if the Sokovia crisis did not break out, the inertia of time would still allow this civil war to unfold in another form.

Of course, there are many reasons why he contributed to this. As the obstacles on the way forward gradually decrease, there is no need to deliberately hide the dual identities of Sentinel and Sean Sipers.

Choose a grand moment to officially appear in front of the world, or you can put it on the agenda as an important event.

“Did SHIELD track the whereabouts of Barnes?”

Tony turned his head away. He just wanted to catch the Winter Soldier, so that the nightmare lingering deep in his heart could be eliminated.

“Four hours have passed since the last location. He should still be in Romania. It is not easy to find the target among 20 million people.”

Sean shrugged. The Winter Soldier had outlived its usefulness. He simply threw him out as the final bait to attract Captain America and Iron Man, causing the Avengers to completely disintegrate.

“I heard that SHIELD built a special island prison?” Tony temporarily put down the Winter Soldier and asked another question, “To imprison us?”

“This wasn’t my idea.”

Sean raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. He explained: “The original intention of this prison was to imprison mutants. You know, a few years ago, before you became Iron Man, Magneto and Magneto His brotherhood was so violent that the government specially designed a separate prison, located underwater, and named it ‘The Island’.”

“You didn’t answer my question directly.” Stark’s smile was sarcastic.

He deeply understands the nature of the government, just like a prostitute who can turn away and refuse to recognize anyone after he lifts his pants. This was also the reason why I was wary of SHIELD before.

Saving the world and maintaining order, these high-sounding and righteous reasons and excuses can only be heard casually. Anyone who takes them seriously is the real fool.

“I understand what you’re thinking, Tony.” Sean put his hand on the other person’s shoulder, “If you want to change the world, it’s easier from the inside than from the outside. Political games, capital games, these all have rules, like us Such people can easily master it.”

“Greed, selfishness, pursuit of interests…these are the bad qualities of human beings, and they are also the driving force for their evolution. It is useless to control them blindly, why not make use of them.”

Sean said calmly. If he said this to Captain America, he would definitely be rebutted and scolded by the other party without hesitation. But Stark was different. He was born into a wealthy family, and his father was an American military industrial giant.

Compared to Steve Rogers, who grew up in Brooklyn, Tony Stark understands the rules of the game in the upper world better. He used to look at those dirty power-money transactions with conceited and disdainful eyes. Everything is thrown to Obadiah Stane, but this does not mean that this former playboy does not understand the mystery.

“The president needs votes, reputation, and support; General Ross needs honor and a future; the World Security Council needs to represent the interests of all countries… There is a saying in the East, which means that everyone in the world must rush for the fame and fortune in front of them. “

“As long as we can give the right chips, we can always sit in the winner’s position.”

Sean held Tony’s shoulders, his eyes shining with determination.

Stark understood what the other party said, and he couldn’t help but admired that the young man in front of him thought more deeply and thoroughly than himself.

“If I transplant your Ultron program to SHIELD’s Insight Project, it can become a solid barrier to protect mankind… It is a skynet that covers the sky above this planet.”

There seemed to be uncontrollable excitement in Sean’s tone, and Tony seemed to be moved as well. He originally had no intention of cooperating with SHIELD, but his originally firm will was now shaky.

“Maybe you’re right,” Stark murmured softly.

If you want to become a real superhero, you don’t necessarily have to use fair and aboveboard means. Most of the time, conspiracy can often achieve your goal.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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