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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 342 Successful pursuit

Romania, Bucharest.

This sinful city, which was once a paradise for vampires and werewolves, has regained its apparent order under the gradual cleanup of the Temple Mage. Those dark creatures are under supervision again and are no longer at the top of the food chain.

Wearing a baseball cap, a gray coat, and an unshaven Bucky opened the door and saw Steve in uniform and holding a vibranium shield. The two looked at each other, feeling a little distant from the past.

The tense muscles all over his body relaxed. If it had been anyone else, he might have rushed forward and broken the other person’s neck with that metal arm.

“Before you left the United States, you went to a museum. What did everything there remind you of?”

There was hope in Steve’s eyes, and they maintained a tacit distance. No one knew whether the man standing in front of him was Captain America’s friend Barnes, or the Winter Soldier.

“Some broken memories. You are Steve Rogers. We met before…in Brooklyn, when you were a skinny little man who would put newspapers in your shoes…”

Bucky stood still, frowning, as if trying to remember something.

Ever since he was nearly beaten to death by Iron Man last time, the deep memories that had been blocked in his brain had suddenly filled his entire brain like a flood that had been released.

Some intermittent and messy images fly through the mind like a fleeting glance, fleeting and fleeting, making it difficult to catch.

“We delivered milk to the rich, worked as newsboys for tips… When we were kids, we spread couch cushions on the floor and played King and Guards. You risked breaking the law to join the army, going to and from recruiting stations. … Steve, I remember you and those images are running through my head.”

“These are not introduced in museums.” Steve showed a delighted smile on his face. He looked at Bucky who was motionless and said softly: “We have to leave quickly. SHIELD will come to the door soon. You hide.” Don’t chase them.”

“I did a lot of wrong things… Although I can’t remember clearly, the faces full of fear and blood are all very clear.”

Bucky sighed. Hydra had disappeared and he no longer had to go back to being a killing machine, so he walked aimlessly and finally arrived in Romania.

With the change of SHIELD, the main forces of Hydra collapsed. After General Ross came to power, he vigorously attacked this gang of Nazis, led by the new commander Zemo. There was no place for him in North America and Asia, so Bucky ran to Romania and lived an anonymous life.

Fortunately, various countries in Eastern Europe still have safe houses left by Hydra. They have fake identities, passports, a sum of cash, and weapons and equipment. Nowadays, the registration bill is in full swing, and even superheroes are subject to government supervision. The life of a wanted fugitive like me is becoming increasingly difficult.

Especially with the implementation of the Insight Project, the entire planet is under the surveillance of SHIELD. As long as they want to find someone, even if they are hiding in the Amazon rainforest, they may not be able to escape satellite detection.

Bucky knows that he is now a dangerous person who kidnapped Nick Fury and assassinated Alexander Pierce. He has the resounding nickname of “S.H.I.E.L.D. Killer”. Both directors fell into his hands and was listed as a member of the World Security Council. ‘s most wanted subject.

In fact, Bucky has a very vague memory of what he did as the Winter Soldier. Hydra’s brainwashing technology is top-notch. It treats him completely like a machine, setting up programs and issuing instructions, and there is also a backdoor switch to prevent the awakening of self-consciousness.

“There will be solutions to these things, but we have to leave quickly before Tony arrives… There is no need to end it with a fight.” Steve looked at his friend who was lost in memories and shouted anxiously.

Before he found Bucky, SHIELD had already positioned himself, and special forces should have surrounded the area to buy the superhero time.

According to Sam’s estimation, Iron Man will arrive within half an hour at the latest, and a big battle will be inevitable by then.

“It always ends in a fight, Steve.”

Bucky took off his gloves, revealing the cold metal arm. He heard the rapid footsteps coming from the stairway.

The local special forces evacuated the residents of the apartment building, and the door-breaking hammer was ready. A shock bomb broke through the window and was thrown in. Before it exploded, Captain America used a vibranium shield to throw it out.

Four special police officers broke in through the window, and the locked wooden door was also knocked open. People outside swarmed in. For a moment, the situation in the small apartment got out of control, and gunfire erupted.


When Steve saw his friend like a tiger among sheep, he knocked down a group of SWAT policemen to the ground, rushed out of the corridor and jumped down.

As an ace killer trained by Hydra, the Winter Soldier is extremely powerful in combat and is proficient in various top skills such as firearms, blasting, and lurking. The metal arm made of alloy, when driven mechanically, is extremely powerful, even if the body is Captain America, who is a super soldier, is also slightly inferior.

Falling in the air, Bucky’s metal arm forcibly grabbed the steel guardrail, kicked open the apartment door, ran quickly, and then jumped to the rooftop of the opposite building.

But the two helicopters had parked outside early. The tall elite soldiers slid down the black rope. When they were close to the low altitude, they let go of their hands and jumped directly. They stood firmly on the ground as if falling from the sky.

Their all-black uniforms were emblazoned with SHIELD’s eagle emblem, and they had Hellfire armbands on their right arms. These people moved in unison, showing an extremely strong iron-blooded temperament.

This is the “Hellfire Team” specially created by S.H.I.E.L.D. in cooperation with the military. They have been injected with human enhancement potions and equipped with energy weapons. Their extraordinary physique and extraordinary strength put the Winter Soldier at a disadvantage in an instant.

At this time, Captain America broke through the siege and chased after him. As a logistician, Falcon Sam controlled a jet-powered glider. They wanted to rescue from the side, but compared to the 30-member Hellfire Team, the strength of the two Seems too insignificant.

Once upon a time, a super soldier leading the Howling Commandos could destroy Hydra and defeat the Nazi army. But now, in the blink of an eye, Captain America has discovered that he can even be mass-produced.

“Captain, it seems we should withdraw!”

Sam’s mechanical glider was hit by an energy beam on the left wing and fell directly. They were surrounded and it was difficult to escape for a while.

Before the superheroes appeared, SHIELD’s field team alone was too much for a group of three to withstand. The Winter Soldier had already been captured, and Captain America relied on his vibranium shield to resist the destructive energy weapons.

Two pieces of steel armor fell from the sky. The silver-white war machine raised its mechanical arm, its palm cannon ready to fire, and the Destroyer machine gun mounted on its left shoulder was pointed at SHIELD’s wanted criminals.

“Congratulations, you are now a criminal.”

Colonel Rhodes stepped forward to arrest Bucky the Winter Soldier and Sam the Falcon, and prepared to put them on the transport plane.

The red and gold steel armor walked in front of Captain America, raised his hand and knocked away the vibranium shield that symbolized honor. Tony’s voice came out: “My father made this, you are not worthy of using it.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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