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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 343 Island Prison

The black transport plane was like a steel bird, slowly lowering its altitude, passing through the thick clouds of lightning and thunder, and staying above the turbulent waves. The blazing white light loomed under the roaring and bumpy sea, like a giant beast lifting large and small waves. turbulent whirlpool.

“Isolated Island Prison Control Center, landing allowed.” The pilot driving the transport plane showed the SHIELD commander’s electronic pass.

A group of three people with electromagnetic shackles on their hands and feet, Captain America, the Winter Soldier, and Falcon couldn’t help but look down through the side windows.

This secret prison in the North Atlantic is said to be specially designed to hold super-powered criminals. It is tightly guarded and there is almost no possibility of escape.

The reason why it is called an “isolated island” is because it is two thousand meters below the sea level. At this depth, unless it is a submersible specially used for deep-sea exploration, the steel body will be crushed by the huge water pressure.

This deep-sea prison looks like an isolated island in the ocean when it rises, hence its name.

The raging waves roared, and the blazing white light pierced the water. A huge black “giant island” slowly rose up, like a metal island rising from the ground, exuding a solid and thick cold atmosphere. Driven by the powerful nuclear power engine, the island prison tore through the turbulent whirlpool and floated steadily on the empty sea.

Amidst the violent storm, the transport plane landed on the tarmac with a swaying effect. After a short period of time, it sank into the inner space of the prison.

The three criminals whose movements are restricted will be escorted by soldiers wearing light armor, put on blue prison uniforms, and then sent to an isolation cell. What awaits them will be a long sentence with no end in sight.

“Hi, Captain Rogers, I didn’t expect to meet again in this form.” Sean, in a suit and tie, saw Captain America and took the initiative to say hello.

He is the supreme leader of this prison, and Umbrella is responsible for all access rights, the care of prisoners, and the maintenance and updating of equipment.

The two had met at the Stark Industries Expo before. Captain America had just woken up at that time and was still quite unfamiliar with the era he was living in. He happened to bump into Sean and had a brief conversation.

“Everything is fickle, isn’t it?”

Steve laughed at himself, who would have thought that he, who was regarded as a war hero, would one day become a criminal of the government.

“It’s okay, just treat this place as your own home.” Tony said sarcastically after taking off his steel armor. “Everyone in the prison is talented and well-spoken. Maybe you will like it here.”

His eyes were fixed on the Winter Soldier beside him, and the angry fire almost condensed into substance, as if it was about to turn into sharp swords that pierced through the body, tearing this inhumane cold-blooded killer into pieces.

“You are still alive now, you should be grateful to the humanitarian spirit and international law.” Stark said bitterly.

Sean next to him shrugged and asked the soldiers to take the group of three people down. He could not guarantee whether the angry Iron Man would commit any irrational and violent behavior if he continued.

This prison exists mainly to detain and control powerful criminals who abuse superpowers. The entire building is divided into four areas. Area 1 is specially used to imprison mutants. It is equipped with a bioenergy suppression field and wears electric shock collars.

Area 2 is mainly populated by super-powered criminals, who wear gravity shackles on their feet, and higher-level dangerous people are injected with suppressive drugs into their spines.

Area 3 is for important criminals like Captain America who are on SHIELD’s wanted list; as for Area 4, which is more secretive, it is prepared for alien creatures that may appear in the future.

“This prison is very interesting.” Tony looked at it casually and praised it with rare praise.

Even if he is imprisoned here and becomes a prisoner, the possibility of escaping is extremely low. The security system, electronic alarm equipment, and emergency measures of the isolated island prison are all very perfect, and there are almost no loopholes to be found.

Within a half-mile radius outside the prison, a jellyfish with a deadly neurotoxin was released. Looking out from the thick glass curtain wall, the jellyfish emitted brilliant fluorescence, like colored lights floating in the dark and cold air. The underwater world is particularly beautiful and colorful.

But Tony knew that this seemingly beautiful jellyfish group was actually full of fatal dangers. Even large sea animals like squid, octopus, and sperm whales would not dare to approach easily. Once attacked by neurotoxins, they would soon be destroyed. It will become a sumptuous meal for other predators.

“What are you going to do with Barnes?” Tony asked.

“A fair trial… You should understand that at this juncture in the implementation of the registration bill, we are paying more attention to detail than usual.”

Sean calmed Stark’s emotions. All the other party wanted was reasonable punishment, which was not difficult to achieve.

Perhaps Iron Man, who had just watched the videotape, would be eager to kill the Winter Soldier to vent his anger, but after this period of calmness, he still harbors hatred, but he will not kill Bucky or torture him in any way to vent his hatred. situation.

After all, what probably annoyed Tony more was the attitude shown by Captain Rogers, which made him feel a complete betrayal.

Stark, who has experienced the Obadiah Stan incident, hates this kind of familiar experience. After all, with his character, it is not easy to trust someone.

“Where’s Steve?” Tony asked hesitantly.

“The results are hard to predict. Captain Rogers is a war hero of the last century and a propaganda model set up by the government. However, he blatantly refused to implement the registration bill, which made it more difficult for the White House and the Department of Defense to handle.”

Sean looked helpless, but secretly he was quite satisfied. Captain America himself was not very strong, and his own personality charm and leadership authority were the most troublesome.

In the original timeline, after Steve Rogers and Tony Stark parted ways, the Avengers declared their disintegration. A large number of people risked becoming wanted criminals and followed Captain America to fight against the Iron Man camp, and later went into hiding. Tibet would rather be hunted than accept the implementation of the Registration Act.

It can be seen that Captain America himself is a flag. If left unchecked, he may become a time bomb in the future.

A stubborn opponent with a firm stance and conviction is undoubtedly a very troublesome existence.

Rather than being ruthless and causing greater trouble when the time comes, it is better to eliminate this hidden danger as soon as possible. After all, the establishment of a new world requires a stable order.

“Captain Rogers is safe here and if he decides to accept the registration bill, we will immediately release him and declare him innocent.”

Sean patted Tony on the shoulder and said pleasantly.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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