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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 345 Thor’s purpose

Thor was sitting in a famous superhero-themed restaurant in Manhattan, feeling a little uncomfortable all over. The waiters dressed in various fancy clothes and deliberately dressed as superheroes were walking back and forth in the restaurant carrying rich and delicious food. Occasionally, there would be admirers. Visitors who come ask for photos.

With the gradual implementation of the registration bill, superheroes are at the forefront of public opinion, and are being discussed intensely in newspapers every day. The owner of this restaurant is obviously a smart man. He saw a business opportunity and quickly seized the opportunity to take advantage of a hot spot, thereby attracting many customers.

“Sir, would you like something? We have sandwiches and signature burgers here. How about tacos?”

A waiter wearing an old-fashioned Stars and Stripes uniform, who looked somewhat like Captain America, came forward with an attentive smile.

“I’m waiting for someone, step back…I don’t need it for the time being.”

Thor, the majestic God of Thunder who fought in the nine realms, coughed twice and tried his best to restrain his arrogant attitude as the prince of Asgard.

He rarely took off his eye-catching mighty armor and put on a black formal suit. However, this formal outfit looked even more weird sitting in a superhero-themed fast food restaurant.

Thor also felt very uncomfortable, as if his tall figure had been stuffed into a small condom, and his whole body was full of awkwardness. He touched the umbrella at hand and waited for the girl he had been dreaming about.

“Sorry, I’m a little late.” Jane, wearing a floral dress, hurriedly sat down on high heels.

This astronomer, who is now famous in academia, had an embarrassed expression on her face. She looked at the surrounding environment and thought to herself that she would never leave this kind of thing to Daisy next time.

Who would let an Asgardian prince eat burgers and tacos at a fast food restaurant?

“It’s okay, I didn’t wait long… This experience is very novel. I have never waited for anyone before.” Thor grinned with a silly smile.

This tall and heroic man has a fluffy beard, like a lion who is not angry and self-confident. His dazzling blond hair and his tough marble face are enough to make any girl’s heart flutter.

Unfortunately, it seems that the prince of Asgard is the one who is fascinated by the person. He is like a young man on a first date, chatting endlessly about his heroic achievements, without paying any attention to Jane’s gradual progress. Stiff and polite smile, although the other party is quite eloquent. After all, he is from the royal family and has received professional education. He talks about the scenery of the Nine Realms and the beautiful scenery of Asgard, which is quite lively and interesting.

In the past, Jane might have put her chin on her hands and acted like an interested listener. It’s just that she is no longer the same person she used to be. After returning to New York from a small town in New Mexico and joining Umbrella, Jane devoted herself wholeheartedly to her work and pursued the development of her career, especially when she exposed her existence in Asgard and published a series of rich stories. Influential papers, academic status is rising day by day.

She is no longer the innocent self she used to be. As long as she has water and bread, she can drive a pickup truck loaded with hand-modified instruments and survive alone in the wild for a month or two, chasing abnormal astronomical phenomena everywhere, as if it will last forever. You will feel tired.

Today, Jane frequently visits the White House, participates in world seminars, and is regarded as a female representative in the scientific community. She is very proud and has a bright future. But as she grows older, she needs more and more emotional comfort, but in this regard, she is very unsatisfied with her successful career.

In the final analysis, maybe there is still an illusory figure in her heart. It is difficult for her to tell anyone, even Daisy, who is close to her, and Selvig, who cares about her. She can only bury it silently in her heart.

“The Chitauri army left, we repaired the Rainbow Bridge, and then led the Asgardian legion to quell the war. The nine kingdoms are fighting on their own. We need to unite these people and establish order…”

Thor was still talking, so he picked up the Coke with ice and took a hard sip, frowning involuntarily. The Midgardian wine tasted too strange.

Then he took another sip, and drank the cold soda down his throat, feeling an inexplicable sense of pleasure. The prince of Asgard slammed the paper cup to the ground to express his appreciation.

Jane looked at the excited Thor. To be honest, the prince of Asgard was not annoying. Although he was occasionally overly conceited, he had a heroic appearance and a kind personality. When she was still in a small town in New Mexico, she Maybe you won’t resist the other person’s approach.

It’s just that everything has become different. There is always a certain anxiety in Jane’s heart. This inexplicable feeling makes her turn this supposedly pleasant conversation into a torment. Ten minutes ago, she could still deal with a few words casually. , but now I can only bury my head on the plate, staring at the sandwiches and burgers in a daze, with a polite yet awkward smile on my face, but in fact my thoughts have already flown to the sky.

Thor, who kept talking non-stop, did not feel at all that the atmosphere at the table was getting weirder and weirder. He happily talked about his heroic deeds during this period, leading the army to conquer the nine realms, in order to win the favor of the beautiful lady.

This Asgardian prince has never seen a woman as charming as Jane, independent, resolute and courageous. Although his childhood sweetheart, Sif, whom he grew up with, is also heroic, but limited by the traditions of the divine realm, she is still docile and obedient in front of him in private, and puts the title of His Royal Highness at the top of the list.

“Want to get you a nice bottle of wine?”

At the critical moment, Daisy, wrapped in a fashionable coat, stepped forward to save Jane who was trapped in boredom.

Thor looked up and found that it was the girl he had met in New Mexico before. Although he was a little dissatisfied with the appearance of the other party and disturbing their beautiful world, he did not say anything out of politeness.

“Thor, why are you here?” With Daisy joining in, the atmosphere returned to normal and became cheerful.

She patted the Prince of Asgard on the shoulder carelessly, looking familiar. Without waiting for Thor to answer, she looked at the overjoyed Jane and said, “I went to Umbrella’s laboratory, and you didn’t stay there to sort it out.” file, and then went to your house again. You didn’t stay in your pajamas in your pajamas. Your mind was filled with the sounds of small towns in New Mexico that made you pick up a hammer…”

“By the way, Thor, did you bring that hammer? I figured since Jane could pick it up, maybe I could too.”

Thor looked depressed, looked at Daisy who was chirping, and replied seriously: “Mjolnir is not something that just anyone can hold. Only when it is recognized can it be held.”

After saying that, he stared at Jane sitting opposite, his eyes filled with affection, almost engraved with admiration on his face.

“Oh, then why did you come to Earth? I watched the global live broadcast and heard that Asgard was invaded by aliens.” Daisy picked up the sandwich in front of Jane and blocked Thor’s gentle sight, “That Who is that guy who looks like a big purple potato? And that shiny golden glove…”

“Thanos is a frightening name in the universe. He conquers planets, slaughters life, and leaves mountains of corpses wherever he goes… He is the last survivor of Titan, claiming that he has seen the future of this universe, and everyone Thought he was crazy.”

Speaking of the notorious overlord of the universe, Thor’s face became solemn and his voice became deeper: “I came to the Atrium World to establish communication with the earth on behalf of Asgard, but I learned that the Avengers were disbanded and God The Shield has also changed a group of people, Coulson, Nick Fury… I can’t even find them.”

“A group of agents in black came to me and told me that they would hold a ‘special meeting on Asgard’ tomorrow and asked me to wait.”

Thor shrugged. He always hated this red tape, so he simply asked SHIELD to help him make an appointment with Jane. It was more comfortable to stay with the girl he liked than to sit in a hotel.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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