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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 346 Little Secret

The black car slowly drove into the suburbs north of Long Island, New York. The tree-lined roads on both sides blocked the afternoon sun, and only the fine and mottled golden light fell on the ground. Sean stepped out of the car and looked up to see the towering building, like a steel giant standing between heaven and earth.

He should have stayed at SHIELD and received visitors from Asgard as soon as possible. After all, this was the first contact between an extraterrestrial civilization and the earth. It was of great significance and deserved close attention from the world.

However, the young man suggested that General Ross put Thor aside for the time being. He knew the intention of the Prince of Asgard, but this was not the best time. Negotiating an alliance was about bargaining chips and status. If you wanted to make the other party sincere, let go of your superiority. If you have a proud posture, you must be the first to show your own strength.

Showing muscles and fists is one of the essential links.

Entering the main building, the young man saw an acquaintance walking towards him, an elegant and charming intellectual girl, wearing a white loose work uniform, her head lowered and her steps hurried, as if she was in a hurry to go somewhere.

“Dr. Foster, is there a monster chasing you?”

The kind voice woke up Jane who was in a hurry. When she saw Sean, her eyes were quite complicated, with a hint of dodge, as if she was deliberately avoiding those deep eyes.

The female astronomer didn’t know what attitude she should take towards the man who changed her life. She still remembered that on the way back from a small town in New Mexico, the man’s young face was the same as that mysterious one for no reason. The deep voices overlapped.

After Jane returned to New York, she would often recall that scene in her dreams. The hot and surging energy fire rushed towards her face, and a voice rang in her ears. She subconsciously reached out and held a metal war hammer wrapped with electric light. In the sky There was lightning and thunder, and dark clouds were gathering. It was as if the Valkyrie in Norse mythology was resurrected.

It was an unprecedented and wonderful experience, as if I had seen a new world. With just a wave of my hand, the indestructible divine armor fell apart.

“Hey, am I scary? You seem to be scared by me.” Sean said with a smile.

Jane, who had always been dignified and intellectual, stood there at a loss holding a large pile of documents, like a student waiting for the teacher to scold her. That look made people a little funny.

“Uh… I’ve been having a bit of a nervous breakdown lately. Maybe I didn’t sleep well… I’m still busy catching a flight to the UK.”

Jane smiled awkwardly and lowered her head to avoid the other party’s inquiring gaze.

The smile on Sean’s face remained unchanged, but he was secretly wondering in his heart. Miss Foster was really not good at lying, and her complex emotions were clearly written on her face, but what on earth was she hiding?

Could it be said that women’s sixth sense is really so accurate?

Sean was slightly surprised when he thought of a certain possibility. Jane was indeed one of the few people who had interacted with him and the sentry. It was normal for the other party to be a little suspicious.

“Daisy said that you are not in good condition recently. If you are too busy at work, you can take a break. I don’t want outsiders to say that I am a black-hearted capitalist who squeezes labor.” Sean looked at the slightly embarrassed Jane and joked with a smile. Said: “I heard that Thor took the initiative to ask you to meet. The prince of Asgard’s pursuit is unique in the world.”

“I’m fine… Thor and I have nothing to do… just ordinary friends…”

Jian was explaining incoherently, and there was a rare trace of panic on that delicate face with light makeup.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this. I looked at the laboratory work log of the past month, and you almost regard the laboratory as your second home.” Sean’s tone became serious.

Jane shook her head hurriedly, pursed her lips, and seemed to be hesitant to speak. She looked confused and panicked. She didn’t have any of her usual elegant demeanor, but she looked very much like Thor, the God of Thunder, whom she had dated before.

Sean took Jane into the elevator and came to the rest area of ​​the main building. He said in a tough tone that could not be refused: “You can do your work anytime. Now sit down and rest for a while. Don’t think about anything. If you miss your flight, I’ll fly you to London on a private jet.”

“Coffee or tea?”

“The black tea is ready.”

Sean skillfully brewed a cup of fragrant Ceylon black tea and handed it to Jane sitting opposite. Even under the cover of loose work clothes, this elegant girl still showed off her beautiful curves.

“I heard from Dr. Connors that you took the initiative to apply for an inspection trip to London, England a few days ago?”

Sean blinked and asked meaningfully.

“Yeah.” Jane nodded slightly, “There are some abnormal phenomena there, and I’m very interested.”

“You seem uncomfortable being alone with me?”

There was a faint smile on Sean’s lips, and his soft eyes looked at the girl who lowered her head.

“No, maybe I’m too nervous.”

Jane forced a smile. She felt like she was the prey that fell into a trap, and the young man was the hunter who was pressing forward step by step. There seemed to be some kind of strange communication between the two parties.

“Why are you nervous when you face me? Have you discovered that I have another identity besides being Sean Sipers, the young billionaire and Umbrella boss?”

Sean said jokingly, with a playful look in his eyes, as if he was playing a fun game of cat and mouse.

In fact, now that he has reached this point, he no longer deliberately hides Sentinel’s identity. SHIELD has fallen into his hands and superheroes have fallen apart. Even though everyone knows that Sean Sipers and Sentinel are the same person. That doesn’t hurt either.

Since the playboy can transform into a superhero by putting on steel armor, why can’t he have another unknown new identity?

Anyway, Sentinel is not a super criminal. Seriously speaking, he saved Spider-Man, stopped the Hulk from destroying New York, and helped Asgard resist Thanos’ massive invasion.

“Huh? No…I don’t know anything!” Jane replied loudly and subconsciously.

Her intuitive guess was a secret that would always be buried deep in her heart and she was unwilling to tell anyone.

Sean covered his head. It seems that Jane is really not good at lying. This cute look that she is trying to hide doesn’t mean she is telling others openly. In fact, I know your little secret…

“It’s not a big deal. Is there only Tony Stark in this world, a superhero who has money but doesn’t have a serious job? To be honest, I also know a person who suffered from mental illness because his parents were shot when he was young. It was exciting, so when I grew up, I disguised myself as a playboy during the day, put on a cape and mask at night, and worked as a dark knight in the city… Compared to that guy, I feel like I am a normal person.”

Jane kept stirring the black tea in the cup with a spoon, creating tiny whirlpools. She must have mustered up the courage. She raised her head and looked at Sean, who still had a gentle smile and a joking tone as before. Elucidate yourself.

“…but aren’t the lone heroes in movies afraid of others discovering their true identity?”

Jian pouted slightly, and the big stone in her heart suddenly fell to the ground, and she suddenly felt relaxed.

Sean was speechless. He had not thought that Miss Foster, who had always been reserved, had a cute side like a little girl.

“Actually, I just didn’t know how to face you before.”

Jane said with relief, a delighted smile appeared on her face.

“Friends, subordinates, or…fans, it’s all fine.”

Sean shrugged. He always maintained a good attitude towards those who deserved respect or admiration.

This is his style of doing things. As a great man said, treat your comrades as warm as spring and treat your enemies as cruel as winter.

“Are there any other options?”

After the atmosphere returned to normal, Jane no longer avoided Sean’s eyes, but became enthusiastic, and her whole body was filled with the charming aura of a mature woman.

It is the beauty that women have accumulated over the years, like fine black tea, exuding a fragrant aroma.

“Okay, let’s take you to London. I happen to be on the way too.” Sean coughed twice and changed the subject.

The dark elves are about to awaken, and the ether particles are also about to appear. The young man is looking forward to what kind of surprise the third gem can bring him.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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