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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 347 Ether Particles

London, England.

The morning sun revealed a tiny ray of light from the horizon, and a light mist filled the city, seeming to be shrouded in a layer of haze. The capital of Great Britain is always gray, and the weather is rarely sunny.

During the Industrial Revolution of the last century, London was world-famous for its smog, and was dubbed the “Smog City.” Coal burning and large amounts of industrial emissions made the air pollution extremely serious, and later even killed about 12,000 people. Deaths, mostly from respiratory diseases.

Of course, after that, the British began to reflect on the bitter consequences of air pollution, which led to the introduction of the Clean Air Act, the world’s first air pollution prevention and control bill. It took about half a century and huge sums of money to control the smog all over the city to a certain extent, but unfortunately the blue sky and white clouds are no longer there.

Like an ordinary tourist, Sean wore a long windbreaker and strolled slowly on the street. In the past few days, he accompanied Jane, who was here for inspection, to visit the Greenwich Observatory, which overlooks modern London, and St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is full of religious holiness. Then we went to the London Eye, where we saw some majestic boulders standing in a ring in the green wilderness. They were Stonehenge, the most famous and mysterious prehistoric site in the British Isles.

It wasn’t until she visited all the famous scenic spots in London that Jane threw herself into her work with joy and satisfaction, leaving Sean alone to walk along the Thames River.

The young man stood on Tower Bridge in London. He was waiting for Jane to discover the ether particles and then awaken the dark elves. For the earth that was gradually moving towards a new pattern, the pressure brought by Asgard alone was not enough.

Human beings must intuitively feel the aggression and destructive power of extraterrestrial civilizations. Only then will they wake up from the entangled internal strife and understand that they are like prey walking in a dark forest, and a shotgun will be stretched out around them at any time to pull the trigger. .

The tense sense of oppression will prompt this civilized race that likes to kill each other to unite and work together. Under this vast trend, order will be established faster, the implementation of the registration bill will be promoted, and the superheroes will be able to Stay in the cage honestly and accept the constraints and control of the rules.

“Haha, make an alliance…”

Sean smiled contemptuously. Thor came to Earth with a mission of peace. Asgard took the initiative to extend an olive branch, hoping to establish communication and sign an alliance.

This is still not enough for him, because it does not mean that the earth and Asgard are sitting on the same position. Odin just needs a strong enough ally. In other words, he likes It is the power of the Sentinels, rather than acknowledging the power of the Earth.

If both sides do not have the qualifications and bargaining chips for equal dialogue, it is inevitable that one side will lose its balance and become a puppet without any say. So Sean advised General Ross to hold off Thor with the cumbersome process of receiving foreign ambassadors for the time being, and then wait for the right time to show off his muscles and fists.

“It’s time for the earth to get rid of the old impression of barbarism and backwardness and establish a new side.” This is what he said to General Ross.

Perhaps in the eyes of Asgardians, thousands of years are just a blink of an eye, but for this blue planet, it is enough to span several eras and show a jaw-dropping development speed.

“The third gem is about to be obtained.”

Sean was satisfied. He traced the breath of the ether particles through the energy of the Cosmic Cube and the Mind Stone. However, the reality stone that once belonged to the dark elves was not on the planet under his feet, but was sealed in the desolate and silent edge of the star field.

The dark elves obtained ether particles tens of thousands of years ago. They regard the precious gem that can manipulate the rules and distort reality as the ultimate weapon of their own civilization. They attempt to take advantage of the astronomical phenomenon “Nine Stars in a Row” that occurs once every five thousand years. “——The nine star fields are connected in a straight line under the action of gravitational migration. At that time, the boundaries between the worlds collide and contact each other. The energy tide makes the space barriers extremely fragile, and the nine kingdoms seem to be connected. together.

Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, wants to take advantage of this golden opportunity to unleash the powerful power of ether particles, distort the laws of matter, create a dark universe, and build a perfect home for his people.

But Asgard blocked this plan. Odin’s father, King Baur, led the army and took the opportunity to seize the ether particles and defeat the dark elves. It was during that period that Asgard’s absolute prestige was established in one fell swoop.

Until now, this magnificent epic still exists in the ancient books and sung poems of Asgard.

The king of Asgard at that time sealed the ether particles in the deserted land, and no one knew their whereabouts. Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, led a part of the surviving tribesmen to sleep in a corner of the nine star fields. Waiting for the moment of comeback.

Sean is like a bystander, looking forward to the arrival of new enemies and teaching the world a good lesson.


In an abandoned factory on the outskirts of London, Jane took her intern Daisy to the destination of her trip.

According to news reports, this power plant, which was abandoned last century, has often experienced some strange phenomena that are difficult to explain scientifically in recent times. For example, a tanker truck parked in Westminster crossed a long distance without warning and landed inside the factory. No one knows how it did it.

In addition, there are some other situations, such as keychains floating in the air, and Coke bottles that keep falling back and forth.

Various signs of abnormality caused the Metropolitan Police Department to report the case to SHIELD, and then filter the data based on artificial intelligence, and finally upload it to the database center, and Umbrella, as a friendly cooperative unit, can also check it.

That’s why Jane ran from New York to London. According to the data from the measuring instruments, this factory is likely to be a gravity anomaly field with very confusing spatial boundaries, which is of great research value.

After showing Umbrella’s work badge, Jane entered the factory as she wished. What came into view was a floating oil tanker. The heavy body was suspended off the ground, as if gravity had lost its effect.

A policeman leading the team gently raised the front of the car, and the heavy tanker turned over effortlessly. This made Daisy behind Jane open her eyes wide and hold the measuring instrument in her hand eager to try.

They followed the policeman guarding the place up the stairs. The policeman came to a specific location, picked up an empty bottle and threw it down from a height. After falling a certain distance, the Coke bottle disappeared, and then appeared from above within a few seconds.

It was as if this section of space had been intercepted and made independent of the world. The bottle went back and forth in a cycle, falling back and forth until a few minutes later, it never came back.

“This place is very weird. Sometimes things can come back after being thrown away, and sometimes they can’t. Even Scotland Yard’s consultants can’t explain it.”

The police are used to it. They have tried throwing down living animals such as mice, but the results rarely come out, and there is no pattern at all.

Jane looked at the rising data on the measuring instrument and felt surprised in her heart. This situation only happened a few times in small towns in New Mexico when the Asgardians came.

Ignoring Daisy, who was having a great time playing on the side, Jane walked around alone with the measuring instrument until she came to an empty corridor, where the data showed the largest peak.

The dark corridor set off a whistling sound, and a violent pulling force dragged Jane into the invisible space passage. The female astronomer seemed to be submerged in the water waves, and her figure suddenly disappeared.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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