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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 349 Dark Elf

The dark star field with dim light is like a dead and endless void, with scattered meteorite belts floating and still. This is a no-man’s land located on the edge of the nine star fields. Looking at the past, it is desolate and cold, with no sign of life at all.

An extremely obscure invisible wave spread, as if an alarm mechanism was triggered. The black giant ship hidden deep in the meteorite belt suddenly shook, and then on the internal operating platform, small lights lit up one by one. , the red light flashed violently, and the exiles, who had been silent for tens of thousands of years, slowly woke up after receiving some kind of signal.

The first person to wake up from the dormant cabin was Malekith, the leader of the dark elves. This ambitious man who once attempted to use the power of ether particles to return the nine star regions to chaos suddenly opened his eyes!

The expression on that pale face changed, from confusion to suddenness, the silent consciousness gradually became clear, and long-standing memories flashed rapidly like fleeting glimpses, until they were completely remembered.

When the nine star regions are still in the age of ignorance, before the dawn of civilization sows the seeds, the dark elves dominate the galaxy and are unrivaled!

The leader at the time, Malekith, used ether particles to create the ultimate weapon, which could infect matter into darkness. It was called the supreme holy weapon of the dark elves.

With the birth of civilization, the light of dawn arrived unexpectedly, the nine kingdoms gradually developed, and the era of light came, ending the era of dominance of the dark elves.

Malekith was unwilling to withdraw from the stage, so he wanted to use ether particles and take advantage of the rare opportunity of celestial bodies to gather to turn the nine star fields into darkness, return to chaos, and once again build a perfect home for his people.

The thriving Asgard, under the leadership of Odin’s father, King Baur, took the lead in standing up against the dark elves. After the tragic bloody battle, Malekith lost his ether particles and was forced to exile to Rare with the remaining tribesmen. The human-traveled dark star field has been sleeping and dormant for tens of thousands of years.

“The ether particles awaken us, and the celestial convergence begins again.”

Malekith, who had an unusually pale complexion, stood on the bridge, staring out into the endless void. He once wanted to build a perfect home for the dark elves, but unfortunately he encountered Asgard’s obstruction and destruction, and finally fell short.

But now, the opportunity seems to have come again. The ether particles have awakened them, and the celestial gathering that happens once in five thousand years has just begun again.

The nine kingdoms wander and swirl in the World Tree. Every five thousand years, they slowly move closer to the atrium world and line up in a straight line under the pull of gravitational migration. During this period, the boundaries between various kingdoms and worlds will become blurred, causing an astronomical phenomenon of “nine stars in a row”.

“Someone broke the seal of Asgard. I felt the breath of etheric particles, and it was calling me.”

Malekith looked back at the dormant cabins that were opened one by one. They were the only remaining tribesmen of the dark elves. The tragic war tens of thousands of years ago had almost wiped out their entire army.

“The celestial bodies are converging. This is the best time for us to rise again!”

Malekith was ambitious. He and King Baur, the father of Odin, were the overlords of the galaxy at the same time. All the nine kingdoms were once shrouded in darkness, and no one was spared.

Until the fire of civilization pierced the darkness, Asgard, Frost Giant, Fire Giant… the nine kingdoms rose up and developed.

Although he failed miserably ten thousand years ago, Malekith’s ambition has not been extinguished, but has only grown stronger.

He has paid a heavy price. If he cannot lead the dark elves to rise again, how can he face those tribesmen who have returned to darkness?

The huge black ship with a simple shape shuttled through space and stopped at Watt Alheim. Malekith, wearing black armor, half-knelt on the ground, grabbed a handful of gravel and sighed softly.

The war burned this land, and even after thousands of years, it was still difficult to give birth to civilization and nurture vitality.

“Look what I have left behind, Algorim.”

The leader of the dark elves cherishes the glory of the past. If it were not for the sudden attack by the Asgardian army, perhaps the nine star regions would have long been reduced to a dark and chaotic void.

“I can hardly remember the days before the light came.” Malekith’s eyes were full of pain.

“The continuation of our race will be the most precious legacy you leave to future generations.” The men following behind comforted him.

In the war between the Dark Elves and Asgard, they suffered extremely heavy losses. All their people were killed and injured, and their former glory has long since been lost.

And Malekith, the great leader of the dark elves, has only a few days left. Even if he stays in the dormant cabin for tens of thousands of years, he still cannot stop the slow loss of vitality.

His lifelong enemy, the previous king of Asgard, King Baur, has long returned to the embrace of the World Tree. Even the long life of the Asa clan cannot withstand the cruelty of time, and the same is true for the dark elves.

“The pain we have endured must be repaid by the Asgardians twice as much! I want to take back the ether particles! I want to restore the home of the dark elves! I want to completely end this galactic universe where the fire of light is burning!”

Malekith raised his head and roared. He was unwilling to fall to this point. Aether particles were the last hope.

He took out a sharp knife and faced the tall and burly men behind him. Today’s dark elves cannot challenge Asgard head-on. A head-on confrontation will only make them suffer the same miserable end as last time.

Only by taking advantage of the opportunity of the gathering of ether particles and celestial bodies to drag the nine star regions into the abyss in one go, the dark elves will multiply and thrive and are destined to rise strongly and become the final ruler.

“You will be the last cursed warrior!”

Malekith walked in front of the burly men. A breeze passed by, blowing the sand and dust of Vat Alheim. He could hear a low whimpering sound, which was the cry of the dead.

The leader of the dark elves had a cold look on his face. He gently cut open the opponent’s abdomen with a knife and took out a dark red stone and stuffed it into it.

This is a crystal condensed by some kind of magical power. Like lava, it contains fiery terrifying power and can stimulate all the potential in the dark elves. The price is to pay with life.

“I am willing to give my life, like our people, like you.” The burly man replied, without the slightest fear or panic in his eyes, “I will completely crush any enemy that stands in the way and destroy Asgard. line of defense until we build a brand new home for you!”

In the overcast and desolate Vat Alheim, the black giant ship slowly moved forward, like a mammoth sharp sword pointing vertically downward, cutting through the atmospheric dust and heading towards the place where ether particles finally stayed – the atrium world!


In the calm and distant Asgard, the white-haired Odin seemed to sense something. He stood up from the king’s throne and looked far away, through the towering palace and into the boundless void.

He clenched the Eternal Scepter in his hand, pondered for a while, gave up the idea of ​​letting Heimdall inform Thor, and sat down again.

Maybe this is not a bad thing for Asgard.

It’s time for the Atrium World to intuitively see the true strength of Asgard, so that they can take the initiative in future cooperation and avoid losing their position as co-leader of the Nine Realms.

Even after experiencing the invasion of the Chitauri army and the brutal attack of Thanos, Asgard still maintained its stable position, and pacifying the wars in the nine kingdoms was only the first step.

The next step is to build momentum for Thor, form an alliance with the Atrium World, and mobilize all forces to resist the Dark Order that may come back and the overlord of the universe who failed last time.

Dark elves might as well be used as stepping stones to establish Asgard’s absolute prestige.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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