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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 35 Score Boosting Plan

When Sean returned to school, he really enjoyed the treatment of a celebrity. Not only was he invited by the school to give a speech, but he also won the annual scholarship without any pressure – although this amount of money is nothing to him now. But this feeling of pretending to be a super academic is simply not very satisfying!

The life of Dr. Connors also changed. Dr. Connors, who was obsessed with scientific research, was ridiculed and ridiculed by his colleagues in the industry because of his cross-species genetic research that no one was optimistic about. He could only live in New York. State universities deigned to teach.

With the success of the press conference held by Osborne Industries, the name Kurt Connors was suddenly remembered by the academic community, but this time no one continued to laugh at the one-armed middle-aged man. After all, this The mainstream public opinion at that time was full of praise. If you jump out at this time, you will inevitably become a target of criticism.

“Thank you Sean, ALZ-112 was originally your personal invention and has nothing to do with me.” Privately, Dr. Connors found Sean and sincerely thanked him.

This one-armed middle-aged man who is not good at words is sincerely grateful to Sean. Although he is young, he has helped him many times. Whether it was completing the evolution formula of the decay rate algorithm or regaining the right to use the research laboratory from Osborne Industries, this young boy with outstanding talent can be said to have changed his life!

“You deserve it, Dr. Connors. ALZ-112, like the decay rate algorithm, is not perfect. I have a lot of wonderful ideas in my head, but it would take a good enough scientist to perfect them, and you did it.” , so the honor should go to you!”

Sean certainly knows that ALZ-112 from “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” is not perfect and has its own side effects. Over time, the human immune system will develop antibodies to recover from the disease, and the same in biological genes. Dr. Connors, who has been engaged in research work for many years, finally solved this problem after a period of repeated trials.

This world has an extremely advanced scientific foundation, so Tony Stark can rely on his constantly evolving and transformed steel armor to fight against powerful beings like the Hulk and Thor. The power of technology is not inferior to that of magic and magic. Ability.

Therefore, those scientists who occupy an important position in the future timeline are undoubtedly a precious resource with huge potential and available for Sean. Winning over Dr. Connors is only the first step, and there will be more important ones in the future. Characters, join this team.

“By the way, doctor, you have to prepare something more formal.” Before leaving, Sean suddenly turned around and said.

Dr. Connors looked puzzled. He usually had almost no social activities, and sometimes even lived directly in the laboratory, so he didn’t understand why Sean had to prepare his own formal clothes.

“According to Harry, you have become a candidate for the National Medal of Science, and you have the opportunity to be awarded the award by the president in person. For such an important occasion, you always have to dress more formally, right?”

Sean smiled brightly. In fact, the candidates included himself, but he declined this opportunity. It was not suitable to be too pushy at the moment. With Dr. Connors as a shield in front, it would be easier for him to do anything.


“…Sean Sipers, the scientific genius of the new era! The second generation of Stark!”

In the office of the president of Osborne Industries, Harry smiled and handed Sean the latest magazine. This was an interview from Vanity Fair. As the new darling of the media, I don’t know how many newspapers and magazines wanted to interview this new man. A rich young man from Jin Dynasty.

After reaching a cooperation agreement with Harry, Sean received hundreds of millions of dollars in remuneration, as well as a share of Osborne Industries, so he can now be considered among the ranks of billionaires, but he is still far away from Tony Stark. At this level, there is still a long way to go.

“Stark II, haha, that’s quite a high evaluation…” Sean smiled slightly and looked at the magazine cover, with a young face in a straight suit and full of vigor and confidence. The external media always compared him to Tony. -Stark made a comparison, but he didn’t have many other ideas.

I believe it won’t be long before he meets that playboy with a genius mind, but having said that, based on Sean’s long-standing interest in Stark Industries, the other person should be going to the front line in Afghanistan soon. Let’s promote weapons.

This is the beginning of all timelines, the birth of Iron Man, and then the Avengers appear and gather one by one, eventually forming the most powerful superhero group in the world.

“It’s really interesting.” This feeling of witnessing the growth of superheroes is really interesting.

Sean turned to look at Harry. Due to the unprecedented success of the press conference, the young president’s situation had improved a lot. At least the shareholders on the board of directors no longer clamored to split up and reorganize Osborne Industries, or Packaged and sold to Wall Street bankers.

“Okay, let’s get back to the topic. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) application has been approved. The next step is the clinical trial stage. I believe ALZ-112 will be officially launched soon.”

Sean sat on the chair. ALZ-112 was just the first step in starting his own business. Dr. Connors’ research was about to be successful, and he would be able to launch it at that time. He would gain a firm foothold in the biopharmaceutical industry and establish his own laboratory. , and then aggressively collect and recruit scientific talents to transform these resources with huge potential into power.

He has not forgotten that there is still a huge treasure trove of mutants waiting for him, but for the time being, Sean has not figured out how to deal with the most powerful mind controller in the world.

“Osborne Industries has been shortening the steps as quickly as possible. Did you know, Sean, after the press conference, the company’s stock price immediately stopped its downward trend and began to soar! According to the company’s internal evaluation, referring to the previous launch of similar drugs The subsequent sales are expected to reach four billion US dollars!”

Harry said happily. The heavy pressure that had been weighing on his shoulders could finally be let go. Osborne Industries had gained a chance to breathe. The business empire that his father had worked hard to build all his life would not be in his hands after all. Collapse.

Sean’s eyes blinked. He was not as excited as Harry. He had expected such a rich reward. Anyway, this was just the beginning.

“Remember to apply for a patent from the PTO.” Sean sat in Harry’s office for a while. The two discussed the current review process of ALZ-112 and the general situation after it was launched, and then prepared to leave.

A phase of work was over. After finishing what he was doing, Sean, who was walking on the street, suddenly thought that it was time for him to go to Hell’s Kitchen. After all, he could still brush up the system points.

Daredevil, Punisher, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones…

These are a lot of points! Sean couldn’t help but feel excited when he thought of the dazzling array of props and items in the mall. In that case, let’s start with these street heroes.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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