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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 350 Poor Thor

Americans often say that New York is a troubled city, with all kinds of superheroes and super villains running rampant. They use the tall buildings under their feet as a playground for chasing, and they often create devastating terrorist crises.

From the Green Goblin causing havoc at the carnival, to Magneto’s attack on Manhattan, and later the Hulk World War, Banner’s transformation into the Hulk and many superheroes and the military fought fiercely, causing inestimable economic losses and casualties.

This bustling city known as the “Big Apple” seems to have always been the focus of the world and is favored by various villains and evil organizations. Today, however, this rare “honor” has also fallen to London, England.

A huge black ship, like a vertical sword, cut through the space with an invincible momentum, and suddenly descended on the Thames River. No one even noticed how it appeared.

The unique invisibility technology of the dark elves is enough to allow them to hide from the earth’s satellites and even SHIELD’s surveillance, and sneak into the sky above London without anyone noticing.

The simple, huge and strange shape of the black battleship attracted a large number of people to watch. Many people even took out their mobile phones to take pictures and uploaded them to the Internet. It was a lively scene.

Malekith looked down at the tiny ants-like humans on the ground with contempt in his eyes. This was the backward world of the atrium, which looked no different from the backcountry.

Like most Asgardians, his understanding of the earth is still stuck in the wild world that lasted tens of thousands of years.

“The ether particles…are in another place!”

The thief who took away the ether particles seemed to only stay here for a while, and then went to other places.

After leaving Watt Alheim, the dark elves first understood the current situation of the nine star realms, and learned that Asgard has now become the co-lord of the nine realms, replacing his former dominance.

King Baur laid a solid foundation for Asgard and led the Asir clan to develop and grow. And his son Odin, possessing extraordinary wisdom and strong strength, defeated the Frost Giants of Jotunheim, expelled Sutert from the Kingdom of Fire, led an army to conquer the Nine Realms, and established a great reputation in the Galaxy Star Territory. .

In its most glorious period, Asgard was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the three great empires in the vast universe. Odin was even called the “King of the Gods”, the most powerful person in the nine realms, and no one dared to despise him.

To be honest, when Malekith knew these situations, his heart was filled with despair. Asgard is like an insurmountable towering mountain, which simply makes the dark elves who want to rise again feel helpless and depressed.

Perhaps it was God’s mercy. Just as Malekith was filled with grief and anger, he learned that Asgard had experienced a tragic and bloody battle with the Chitauri army not long ago, and Odin had suffered heavy losses from Thanos. Now, Only the eldest son, Thor, ruled the army on his behalf.

This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As long as the ether particles are obtained and the nine star regions are dragged into the abyss, Asgard, who is strong on the outside and candid on the inside, will not be afraid at all.

“Let me end this bright era with one hand.”

Malekith commanded his men to start the battleship, the air currents roared, a large amount of water vapor filled the Thames River, and the black giant ship roared, like dull thunder rolling past.

In the eyes of countless people, the black giant ship passed through the middle of a towering building, like a towering giant sword cutting down. The skyscraper standing in the center of London collapsed as it swayed.

Countless pieces of masonry and glass fell like a downpour. Amidst the huge and noisy sound, the crowd fled in all directions, and thick smoke spread wantonly.

The dark elves who are tracking the ether particles don’t care about the life and death of the people on earth, and they don’t even care about the creatures of the nine kingdoms.

The ultimate goal of this group of dark elves who have been dormant for thousands of years is to build a perfect home and turn the nine star fields into a dark abyss with no sky.


The giant black ship was slowly sailing towards North America. At this time, Sean, who was the first to return to New York, was holding Jane, who was wearing a light blue evening dress, walking among the dinner parties.

Daisy was chirping on the side, pulling Harry, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, while the two young lovers in love splashed dog food unscrupulously. Of course, Sean and Jane are naturally fearless, and it is the Asgardian prince who takes the main damage.

Thor, who was wearing a red dress, had a depressed expression on his face. He had always been the focus of the banquet before, enjoying the envy and respect of everyone. He had never been reduced to a background to set off others like this.

Avoiding those government bureaucrats and enthusiastic girls, Thor coughed twice, sat on the edge of the bar, and abruptly stepped in between Jane and Sean.

“What are you talking about?” Prince Asgard asked pretending to be casual.

“We are talking about the celestial convergence. This may be a good time to observe the Nine Kingdoms.”

Sean smiled slightly and calmly faced the hostile look from the other side.

Obviously, Thor regarded him as a love rival and wanted to win Jane’s heart by defeating him.

“I understand this very well. The celestial bodies converge once every five thousand years, connecting the nine kingdoms in a straight line… In the ancient story of Asgard, the dark elves took advantage of this opportunity and almost plunged the entire galaxy into darkness. I My grandfather defeated them and saved the nine kingdoms in one fell swoop!”

Thor said proudly, of course he had no idea that the reason Asgard was able to defeat the Dark Elves was not due to its own prowess, but to conspiracy.

With the help of a part of the legion to attract the attention of the dark elves, and then using the Rainbow Bridge to suddenly attack and seize the activating ether particles, it was finally possible to repel Malekith, whose momentum had plummeted.

This is the long-lasting truth from thousands of years ago.

However, history has always been written by the victors, and the Asgardians naturally did not want to see that the respected king relied on this method to win the war, which was not fair enough. So he whitewashed and beautified it and compiled it into a magnificent epic ballad, which was sung everywhere.

“…The dark elves yearned for a lightless world and refused the birth and sowing of the flame of civilization. They were eventually defeated… There are no more dark elves.”

After the war ten thousand years ago, Asgard carried out a large-scale massacre to prevent the dark elves from resurrecting, burning the land, destroying cities, and turning everything into ruins and scorched earth.

“As expected of the guardian of the nine realms.” Sean teased.

Thor didn’t notice, he laughed loudly, deeply proud of the glorious deeds of his ancestors.

Jane has no interest in these things. She is an astronomer and admires the boundless starry sky in her heart. As for war and killings, she has no feeling at all, but is somewhat disgusted with it.

Thor looked at Jane and thought that she was indeed his favorite girl. If it were Asgard, the girls would have had stars in their eyes, adoration on their faces, their hearts budding, and they could not wait to recommend themselves to the pillow table immediately.

Who doesn’t want to be the future queen of Asgard, wearing a laurel crown, wearing gorgeous clothes, enjoying the enviable eyes of everyone, and bathing in the blessings of the gods.


Just when Thor couldn’t control himself, the building beneath his feet shook suddenly, like an earthquake. The crystal chandelier hanging from the top rattled, and the wine and delicacies placed on the long table poured out.

There was a commotion in the vast hall, and Thor’s eyes flashed, as if he had sensed something. He looked through the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows and saw a huge black ship crashing down.

“Jane, don’t be afraid, I’m here…”

Thor looked back and saw Jane, who was wearing a light blue evening gown and had a bright appearance, leaning in the arms of that damn bastard.

Sean glanced at the Prince of Asgard, showed a friendly smile, and placed his palms on the bare and smooth back of the girl in his arms. The fair skin was as smooth as jade.

“Your Highness, you can go without worry, Jane will be taken care of by me.”

The young man calmly added another blow.


Thor, filled with resentment, crashed through the solid glass wall and flew out with Mjolnir in his arms.

If he had a choice, he would smash that hateful smiling face with a hammer!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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