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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 351 Fortress

A huge black ship straddles the sky over Manhattan with a domineering attitude as if no one else is watching, looking particularly eye-catching.

There were dozens of armed helicopters hovering nearby. The Ministry of Defense had only received the news not long ago. This strange warship first appeared in London, England. After causing great damage, it headed straight for North America. With the unique invisibility of the dark elves, The technology bypassed ubiquitous satellite surveillance and landed directly within the territory of the United States.

It wasn’t until the black giant ship broke into Manhattan that SHIELD captured the movement of the dark elves. As a world power, the federal government must not sit idly by and watch such an invasion happen. So the White House quickly issued an order and directly mobilized the armed forces of the National Guard and the aircraft carriers parked at the Navy Port.

Mr. President spoke personally, claiming that the invaders must pay a huge price! SHIELD is solely responsible for this invasion crisis!

After the initial warning failed to work, the armed helicopter took the lead in carrying out fire strikes. The six-barreled 30 mm caliber aircraft gun was fired in rotation. The torrent of metal connected into one piece and splashed on the hard shell of the black giant ship, erupting with a deafening roar. Voice.

Intensive firepower strikes like rain, bombarding this giant warship like a vertical sword without stopping. Regrettably, after a round of fierce bombing, not much effect was achieved. The master of the dark elves The ship is still standing safely.

“Vulnerable.” Malekith, who was at the front of the bridge, said with disdain.

The leader of the dark elves had contempt in his eyes. The wild world of tens of thousands of years ago was still so backward even now.

Before Asgard can react, quickly get the ether particles, and then wait for the opportunity for the celestial bodies to converge. Malekith made a plan in his mind.

“Don’t pay attention to the Midgardians… I feel the breath of ether particles, it is in this city! Find our ultimate weapon, and then there will no longer be any light in the nine star fields!”

Malekith gave orders, looking at the bustling city under the night with indifferent eyes.

Perhaps from this moment on, the sun will never rise again.

The Milky Way sank into darkness, and the star field was dragged into the abyss.

At that time, the rise of the dark elves was unstoppable!

Suddenly, violent vibrations came from under the feet, and the black giant ship shook suddenly. According to the display screen on the operating platform, dozens of new fighter planes rose on the sea not far away, and lasers were fired from the barrels, like brilliant beams of light. Bombarded the main ship spacecraft.

This time, unlike the previous fire strikes that were unscathed, the energy weapons produced by Umbrella immediately showed huge lethality.

“Send in the destroyers! Tear them apart!”

Malekith was furious. The Midgardians who had been looked down upon just now suddenly launched a powerful firepower offensive, which made him a little angry.

It was like a hard slap in the face!

As the overlord of the galaxy who once dominated the nine realms, the dark elves, like the Asgardians, have a deep-rooted arrogance that is difficult to erase.

The central part of the black giant ship suddenly opened, and the shuttle-shaped destroyer broke away from it. The long and narrow hull was like a sharp blade, tearing apart the viscous air blocking the front, and with the roar and explosion, it pulled out strong air waves.

“Grim! Come with me to find the nasty thief who stole the ether particles!”

The leader of the dark elves is going to let his men command the battle here, while he leads the Doom Slayer to retrieve the ether particles. Without that ultimate weapon, they simply cannot compete with Asgard.

The ether particles fell into the hands of the dark elves. Over a long period of time, they had already studied them thoroughly and even used them as a strategic weapon to dominate the nine realms. Even though Asgard used conspiracy and tricks to take it away by surprise, Malekith was not without any tricks.

He sensed the deep breath of ether particles, although it was intermittent and not real. It was like a transmitter with a poor signal, releasing an earnest call to the outside.


In the sky above Manhattan, the black giant ship and the air force sent by the Ministry of National Defense were fighting fiercely. The dazzling lasers and dense explosions were like a scene from a science fiction movie. The bustling city with many high-rise buildings instantly became a dangerous battleground.

The Dark Elf’s main ship and spaceship had the upper hand at first. Facing the Ministry of Defense’s new fighter jets, the twenty destroyers were overwhelming the situation. Tens of thousands of years of leading technology were enough to turn this battle into a horrific massacre. .

At the tense moment that attracted everyone’s attention, SHIELD’s helicarrier suddenly arrived. The honeycomb-like turrets locked onto the Dark Elf destroyers one after another. The huge fortress, which exuded cold light, released a huge network of intertwined lasers, trailing flames. Like meteors crossing the sky, drawing shining trails.

Immediately afterwards, the bright light of the explosion lit up the night sky, like exploding fireworks. Twenty destroyers were destroyed casually like toys made of building blocks.

The solid hull of the ship was penetrated by the beam, and balls of fire exploded, lighting up the night sky. After a while, only the glimmer of stars extinguished by the cold wind remained.

The helicarrier that was once used as a base by Nick Fury was completely transformed by Umbrella and turned into a huge fortress capable of leveling cities. The turrets were piled up into hills, and the thick barrels reflected The cold light is particularly intimidating.

Coupled with the formal implementation of the Insight Project, as long as it has the instructions of the Supreme Commander of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the approval of the World Security Council, this huge fortress can easily destroy any country on the earth.

“Let them surrender.” Zemo said coldly, standing on the main ship’s console.

Within S.H.I.E.L.D., apart from General Ross, who serves as the supreme commander, and Sean, who is the advisor, he is the real person in power.

Colonel Helmut Zemo, who once led the elite force in the Sokovian Intelligence Agency, showed his tough skills and deep understanding of the agent organization in less than a month after joining S.H.I.E.L.D. .

Completely reorganize the intelligence agency, clean up Nick Fury’s direct descendants and Hydra’s hidden undercover agents, strengthen the tightness of the intelligence network, radiate outward from the entire North America, and expand to the Asia-Pacific region, Eastern Europe, Africa, South America, etc.

And under Sean’s secret instructions, he supported various parties, participated in political games, and quietly infiltrated the top leaders of multiple countries, just like Hydra did, but compared to Alexander Pierce’s caution, Ze Don’t be more unscrupulous.

This colonel from Sokovia is a very smart man. Of course he knows that all the power he possesses is given by the young man sitting behind the scenes. General Ross seems to be on the bright side. Under the cover of Umbrella, SHIELD’s cutting-edge technology and security forces all come from Umbrella.

The largest scientific research institution in the United States has long grown into a global large-scale trust complex. It is based in North America and spreads to the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and other places, forming a ubiquitous hidden force. It can be said that it is a hidden force. of behemoth.

Zemo saw clearly that the seemingly unknown young man had strong ambitions and strong strength. As the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D., he knew how to choose his allegiance.

“The other party didn’t respond.”

Zemo’s eyes were cold. He entered the command slowly and decisively and activated the weapon system.

The dark, spear-like turret began to extract the artificial sun that served as the core energy source. Six giant light balls steadily provided energy output, and the thick barrel in the center lit up with dazzling light.


Thousands of energy beams spurted out, like a surging sea of ​​brilliant light, engulfing the black giant ship in an instant.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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