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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 352 Destroyer

The majestic and vast energy beam engulfed the dark elf’s giant battleship. Although the commander activated the energy field immediately, it was still teetering in the air like a kite with its string broken.

Dazzling beams of light illuminated the night sky, and fierce and powerful fire strikes overwhelmed the dark elves. The hemispherical defensive force field was constantly subjected to high-intensity bombardment. New-type fighters coming from all directions launched rounds of indiscriminate bombings. Bright lights pierced the sky and made loud noises like thunderstorms.

If it weren’t for the fact that the battlefield was in Manhattan, the most prosperous area of ​​New York, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have long considered adopting more intense attack methods, such as space beam weapons, high-energy particle ray weapons, electromagnetic cannons, etc. Violent energy fluctuations tore apart the dense clouds, and the beams of light were like piranhas that preyed on people, slowly and efficiently biting off pieces of flesh and blood from the black giant ship.

The dark elves could only activate the maximum power of the energy shield, casting a huge shadow in the sky. Another helicarrier descended, and an invisible force field enveloped the area, forming a disorderly giant gravitational field.

The black warship’s ferocious open gun barrel, before the beam could be fired, was twisted and pulled, losing its accurate direction, and crookedly passed through the skyscrapers below. Bricks and rubble poured down like a torrential rain. Fortunately, the New York Police Department had evacuated the crowd before. The White House also activated the city’s first-level alert. The president was sitting in the underground nuclear defense fortification and nervously watching all this.

Malekith’s understanding of the earth was still in the remote and backward barbaric world tens of thousands of years ago. He believed that the Midgardians were still in an age of ignorance and posed no threat at all.

So he took the Doom Slayer and landed in the center of the city on a small destroyer, chasing the ether particles, without caring about the earth’s military power at all.

Soon, the dark elves will pay the due price for their leader’s arrogance.

On the other side, Malekith also encountered a problem. The ether particles that had been releasing obscure fluctuations suddenly lost their traces. The signal was completely cut off, and no trace of their existence could be sensed anymore.

The sudden change made the leader of the dark elves panic. If he couldn’t get this ultimate weapon that distorted reality, then why would he launch revenge on Asgard?

Only with power can you have the right to speak.

After the war tens of thousands of years ago, the Dark Elves were severely injured. Almost all their people were wiped out, leaving only a few remaining forces. On the other hand, Asgard continued to grow and develop, becoming the Nine Kingdoms. ‘s guardian.

Under this situation, even if the dark elves wake up now, it is impossible to compete head-on with Asgard, and they can only find shortcuts and methods.

In the original timeline, the dark elves first infiltrated Asgard, used the powerful power of the Doom Slayer to cause chaos in the divine domain, released the prisoners in the prison, and invaded Asgard with an unexpected attack speed. Inside, he killed Queen Frigga and almost took away Jane Foster, the host of the ether particles.

However, with the fluttering of the butterfly wings, the trajectory of time quietly changed. Sean obtained the ether particles and awakened the dark elves. Malekith chose to avoid Asgard’s edge and went straight to the atrium world.

Malekith, who had lost his direction, was suddenly in chaos like a headless fly. At the same time, a figure descended from the sky. The figure was tall and majestic, wearing exquisite armor and holding a metal war hammer. His red cloak fluttered in the wind, looking like a hero from an epic story.

He happened to be in front of Malekith, blocking the dark elf leader’s path forward.

“Stop and go back to your dark star realm.” Thor said in a deep voice.

He had heard about dark elves in stories since he was a child, but he didn’t expect that there were still remnants of them surviving. In the ballad about his grandfather King Baur, Wat Alheim was burned to ruins by the wrath of the gods, and the dark elves who attempted to cause turmoil in the nine realms were completely extinct in the grand battle that swept the nine realms.

In Asgard, Odin, who is sitting firmly on the throne of the king, has bright eyes. He thinks this is an excellent opportunity. The world in the atrium is invaded by a powerful enemy, and in the end the eldest son rescues him and becomes a great hero who turns the tide, just like Thousands of years ago, Asgard protected the Nine Kingdoms.

Odin wanted to show the Midgardians how heroic and powerful Thor, the future king of Asgard, was.

In this way, it can not only establish a strong image of Asgard and take the initiative in future cooperation, but also create momentum for Thor to succeed as king and win the happy support of the people.

It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

“Damn Asgardians!”

Malekith’s eyes sparkled with anger. Ever since the end of the war of tens of thousands of years, the dark elves and Asgard have been mortal enemies!

Compared with the frost giants of Jotunheim, the hatred of the dark elves is stronger. Wat Alheim was burned by fire and their home was reduced to scorched earth. They had to be forced into exile, like rats living in the gutter.

The heavy blood feud cannot be washed away even by the rivers flowing through the nine realms.

Malekith will never forget that he took away the remaining tribesmen and escaped from the battlefield with their lives, hiding and sleeping in the dark edge of the star field. If it were not for the energy fluctuation of the ether particles, the leader of the dark elves was awakened. , they will probably continue to sleep.

“The dark elves no longer exist. You are just a bunch of cowardly people hiding and surviving!”

Thor wielded the hammer. He had no good impression of these dark elves who worshiped the chaos and nothingness and lived in the abyss. He felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

“Grim, deal with him!” Malekith ordered. “First use your head to repay the blood debt owed to Asgard.”

He took two steps back, closed his eyes, and tried his best to call out to the ether particles, hoping to get a response.

Thor sneered and waved Mjolnir, causing an instant change in the atmosphere. Dark clouds piled up in the night sky, lightning and thunder thundered, and powerful power surged in his palm.

He threw the indestructible Thor’s hammer with all his strength. The air waves roared and roared, and the white electric light lingered on the metal war hammer, carrying a majestic and violent momentum, like a thunder and lightning that stirred the wind and clouds. dragon!

The Doomsday Slayer wearing a ferocious helmet stood in front of Malekith, roared, and released a fierce fire the color of lava. That dark red crystal gave him infinite power and stimulated all the potential in his body. Before the fire of life burned out, almost no one was his opponent.


The Doomsday Slayer knocked Asgard’s supreme artifact away with his backhand, and his arms collided with Mjolnir, causing a huge roar and explosion, like the collision of extremely hard metals, and the sound waves screamed and stirred up waves in the air. !

On the streets near Brooklyn, it was like a Category 12 typhoon. The windows of the cars parked on both sides were broken and shattered, and even the street lights were torn out.

The metal war hammer flew out in the opposite direction, hitting the holder with a muffled “bang” sound.

The strong force rolled Thor backwards, crashing into a building behind like a straight afterimage, and smoke and dust spread in all directions.

“Weak Asgardians.” The Doomsday Slayer’s voice was rough, like the friction of rocks.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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