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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 353 A Gathering of Heroes

The Doom Slayer wearing solid armor, like a terrifying demon walking out of the lava hell, casually lifted a steel car and threw it out with all his strength!

Thor, who was buried in the rubble, crossed his hands to cover his head. The black Chevrolet roared down and smashed down. The fuel tank exploded, igniting sparks and making a loud roar.

The Destroyer, who burns the fire of life, has twice the power of Thor, and can even fly away the indestructible Mjolnir, completely forming a crushing situation.

Using his legs, the Destroyer named Algorim cracked the hard ground beneath his feet, and with a loud tremor, the burly figure jumped into the sky, and then quickly crashed into the ground!

He picked up the fallen Thor and struck with heavy punches like a torrential rain. The prince of Asgard who accidentally fell into the disadvantage had to fend off and barely hold on.

In a short period of time, under the violent offensive of the Doomsday Slayer, he ended up in a miserable state of being bruised and embarrassed.

Thor stretched out his palm and summoned Mjolnir. The atmosphere roared, the air waves rolled, and the blazing white light was like a wild python, wrapped around the metal war hammer.

Thor’s hammer was thrown on the Doom Slayer’s chest with heavy force. The burly figure was like a cannonball, smashing into the shop behind him and penetrating several buildings before it came to a stop.

“Son of Odin, only has so much strength?”

The Doomsday Slayer supported the dented car with both hands and ran with great strides. The dark red crystals in his body disintegrated, the fire of life burned more vigorously, and violent power poured out endlessly.

Thor on the other side swung his war hammer, and it shot out like a sharp straight line, tearing through the sticky air waves, and a series of harsh explosions.

Mjolnir carried the blazing white lightning and crashed into the body of the Doom Slayer, who blocked the roaring Thor’s hammer with both hands. The violent momentum stagnated for a moment, and then the ground sank, and the bricks and stones instantly shattered like soft mud. The whole street trembled, and the air waves rushed out like a mad tide!

“Darkness swallows everything! You can’t resist!”

The rough sound of the Doom Slayer was like the friction of sand and gravel.

Holding the heavy Mjolnir with his thick hands, he released a turbulent force like a mountain and a sea, pushing away the thunder hammer that was surrounded by lightning, and then made a fist with his right hand and smashed it on Thor’s shoulder!

Even the strong Asgardian body was unable to withstand such a violent blow. The red cloak rolled and carried Thor’s body across several blocks before stopping.

“No one can stop me until my life comes to an end.”

The Doom Slayer stepped away and returned to Malekith. There was not much time left for him. The real mission was to protect the great leader and retrieve the ether particles.

“Where exactly?”

Malekith murmured to himself, his eyes full of confusion.

Logically speaking, once the ether particles are awakened, it is impossible to lose the signal, especially at important moments when celestial bodies converge.

The leader of the dark elves looked up at the night sky. A huge vortex opened in the dark sky, and a soft light lit up in it, like a staircase leading to heaven. Many people thought it was a miracle.

“When you are causing trouble in New York, do you have my permission?”

A loud voice came from high in the sky. Eight pieces of steel armor with different coatings hovered above, surrounding Malekith and the Doom Slayer. They raised their mechanical arms and pulse cannons were ready to fire.

“Wow, Thor, long time no see. I heard that you have become the diplomatic ambassador of Asgard, His Royal Highness.”

Tony’s voice passed through the loudspeaker and echoed in the night sky. He was researching a new generation of nanotechnology and sent out the Iron Legion after receiving an urgent message from SHIELD.

Thor, the god of thunder, was knocked away and walked out of the building in a state of embarrassment. Mjolnir returned to his hands. He stared at the burly Slayer of Destruction. He did not expect that the dark elf’s cutting-edge combat power would have such a powerful weapon. strength.

Malekith sensed the ether particles, and the obscure fluctuations appeared and disappeared like a game of hide-and-seek, making it impossible for him to grasp the exact direction.

“Now raise your hands, hold your head and squat down… As aliens, you have no extradition treaty, so just stay in prison for the rest of your life…”

Tony saw that he had the situation under control, so he started chattering. Not far away, many superheroes who had disappeared because of the Superhero Registration Act also appeared.

Spider-Man was lying on the glass wall of a skyscraper, and the Punisher was spotted on the street at the other end. Johnny Human Torch, one of the Fantastic Four, was hovering above the night sky, eager to show off his skills. The bulky stone man Ben As he strode forward, he passed by several street heroes on the corner of the street that had been reduced to ruins.

They all seem to be waiting for the opportunity, gearing up to prevent this crisis, and seem to want to show everyone that the era of superheroes has not passed.

And just above the high-rise building in the adjacent neighborhood, a strange guy carrying two swords and wearing a red and black tight-fitting uniform was holding a large bucket of popcorn and eating it with gusto while mumbling something.

“Boss, why don’t they fight? Stand there and pose? The lighting technicians and photographers are in place! Come on, come on, aim at the big blond guy, the guy with the hammer!”

“The prop team will check the microphone! Camera No. 1 moves half a centimeter to the left, the sound engineer is ready to record the sound, and all the extras are in place! Okay, hand the microphone to Tony, the big shit… Oh no, Stark!”

“The makeup artist and costumer exit, the camera position is fixed, those two alien friends, please start your performance…”

Deadpool was chewing popcorn, as if he was schizophrenic, and he was talking to various characters. He was holding a Sony camera in his hand and pointed it at the stagnant street battlefield from a distance.

“Be quiet, Wade. Otherwise, I will ask Dr. Connors to perform a minor operation on you.” Sean walked up to the observation deck quietly and made a motion to sew his mouth shut.

This chatty mercenary has become Umbrella’s special security guard a long time ago, and his self-healing factor is an important research project in the Tower of Babel.

Sean looked not far away, superheroes appeared one after another, Malekith and the Doom Slayer were surrounded, and the battle was fierce.

Algorim, the destroyer, protected Malekith. Although he was the leader of the dark elves, the latter’s combat ability was not outstanding. He relied more on his commanding ability and noble bloodline to occupy this position.

The eight pieces of steel armor suspended in the low altitude opened fire in unison, but the Doomsday Slayer suddenly jumped up, tore into eight pieces, and tore the parts into pieces. Fortunately, Tony himself was remotely commanding from the Stark mansion and did not rush to the battlefield in person.

The Doom Slayer raised his head and roared, punched Thor’s Mjolnir, and sent it flying away! The Punisher, who followed later, simply became a supporting role in the battle, wandering outside the battle and occasionally firing to create offensive opportunities for his teammates.

The invulnerable Luke Cage was kicked to the ground. The alien warrior wearing a ferocious helmet looked like a powerful Titan. Spider-Man, who was flying around, was lifted into a car by him. It hit, and Johnny Human Torch’s fireballs hit the opponent’s hard armor, only spattering dim sparks.

At the same time, dozens of armed helicopters flew to the scene first. Hundreds of bright beams of light were projected down. The majestic Doom Slayer raised his head. A group of tall elite warriors slid down the black ropes, wearing liquid armor and equipment. The energy weapon jumped from low altitude.

The team of nearly fifty people, through various tactics ordered by the commander, firmly restrained the Doom Slayer, each playing a different role. The superhero who arrived first became a passerby and could only provide support from the sidelines.

Although the strongest warrior among the dark elves possesses powerful strength and extremely solid defense, under the firepower of some soldiers, the energy storm covers every inch of land where the opponent stands.

Algorim is like a beast trapped in a cage, and those weak Midgardians are like flies buzzing in their ears. Thousands of beams of light interweave into a large net, although they are temporarily unable to harm them. To himself, but stopped the attack.

Steel cones were thrown around, and the electric light intertwined with each other, the energy was activated, and the strong gravity field rose, making it even more difficult for the Doom Slayer to move forward. He had to block the intensive attack while also protecting Maleki beside him. Suddenly, the originally abundant strength was gradually evaporated by the blazing sunshine like running water, and pain and fatigue hit my heart at the same time.

Suddenly, the energy storm subsided, and a embarrassed Malekith walked out from behind the Doom Slayer. In the invisible void, dark red light flickered faintly, like a surging blood wave.

The red torrent is rolling and changing, as if there are endless ups and downs of the world in it, and destructive fluctuations are like a great tide, roaring in!


Malekith murmured, his whole body immersed in the torrent of ether particles, and the illusory images were distorted, like burning flames, burning his soul.

ps: It’s a little late, sorry~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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