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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 354 Conversation


Even the deep and violent roar of the Doom Slayer could not wake up the leader of the dark elves who was immersed in ether particles.

Malekith took a few steps forward, the dark red light reflecting the pale skin, his eyes were fascinated, and he couldn’t help but stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to touch the ether particles that suddenly appeared in the void.

The liquid substance, like tiny water droplets, twisted and changed like a living thing, spreading up Malekith’s arms and seeping into his body bit by bit.

The gathering of celestial bodies in the night sky gradually formed, the nine kingdoms were connected in a line, and the huge vortex condensed into a space passage. From it, you can vaguely see Asgard’s Rainbow Bridge, Jotunheim covered by glaciers, and the Kingdom of Fire filled with lava…

Malekith laughed heartily. He drove the ether particles and saw the chaos and darkness engulfing the nine star fields. Everything returned to nothingness. From now on, there will be no more light. The era of dominance of the dark elves has come again!

At the important moment when the celestial bodies gather, the ether particles rapidly expand and multiply, turning into a dark red torrent, like an earthly python that surrounds the world, trying to swallow up all the light!

Malekith’s pale complexion gradually turned gray, as if burned by fire. The leader of the dark elves did not notice at all that his body began to disintegrate, like a weathered stone statue.

“No!” The Doom Slayer roared, trying to wake up the opponent.

The thick arm touched Malekith and was immediately corroded by the ether particles. The Reality Stone disturbed the rules. The burly warrior instantly turned into a huge bubble, floating uncontrollably into the sky.

The superheroes on the side were stunned. As the power of ether particles spread, the neighborhood suddenly changed. Colorful lights flashed, balloons floated, and the lively atmosphere became noisy.

This is… a circus?

Spider-Man looked down and saw that he was wearing a tuxedo, two funny mustaches on his mouth, and a top hat on his head. He stood on a stage filled with props, and below him was an enthusiastic audience that kept applauding.

“Hey, Johnny!”

Spider-Man saw Johnny Human Torch, the handsome young man from the Fantastic Four. He was wearing a black and white striped tights, standing on a bouncing ball, his body swaying, and he was throwing balls in his hands. Red apples.

The bulky stone man Ben turned into a strong Hercules, performing walking on stilts. His actions were so funny that the audience burst into laughter one after another.

The mighty and majestic Thor carefully stepped on the steel wire and performed a beautiful backflip, which won the whole house…

Superheroes have been reduced to circus performers. This is the terrifying power of ether particles, which distort reality and deconstruct rules. Illusion and reality are all in a single thought.

Sean was standing on a tall building not far away, with a satisfied smile on his face. Now he has mastered the power of ether particles, and the three gems are superimposed on each other. Even if he doesn’t use full firepower and enters a state of nothingness, he is still comfortable facing Thanos. Not afraid.

“How could this happen…ether particles…”

Malekith suddenly broke away from the illusion, and he discovered that the ether particles were not controlled at all and were absorbing his life force unscrupulously.

The dark red substance swallowed the dark elf leader. He opened his mouth and wanted to shout desperately, but he couldn’t make a sound. Like a torrent of earthly pythons, he absorbed this body without hesitation and released it to his heart’s content. Unleash the terrifying power of distorting reality and leveraging rules.

“Darkness…am I going to return to the embrace of chaos?”

Malekith’s eyes were dim. He could not understand until his death. Why did the ether particles that fell into the hands of the dark elf disobey him and instead devour him?

The dark red crystals in the Doom Slayer’s body disintegrated and dissipated, and the hot lava-like fire expanded directly from the inside. The huge bubble floating in the sky shattered as if it had been popped!

Blood rains down!

After losing the energy provided by Malekith, the ether particles that continuously released their power extinguished their dark red brilliance little by little, re-condensed into an obscure red crystal, and returned to Sean’s hands.

The superheroes who were performing a farce suddenly stopped. They looked around at the ruined streets and the roaring gunships overhead, and they suddenly woke up.

What on earth did you just do?

Facing the reporters who were gradually gathering around him and the flashing lights that clicked, the superhero looked confused.

Odin, who was far away in Asgard, sighed softly. It was obvious that Thor had lost his last chance to become a hero. He did not expect the dark elves’ cutting-edge combat power and the Doom Slayer to have such powerful strength. He did not expect that the ether particles had already fallen. into the hands of others.

Odin, who originally wanted to wait until he was in danger, take action boldly and play the savior, now his plan completely failed, and he cast his sights towards the high-rise buildings in Manhattan.

Sean, standing on the observation deck, raised his head and calmly met the scrutinizing gaze of the King of Asgard. The strongest men in the two worlds looked at each other, and there was an invisible ripple in the void.

“Sentinel.” Odin guessed the young man’s true identity.

He couldn’t help but sigh slightly. The other party was a strong man of the new generation, but he was getting old. The Asa clan’s vitality was constantly losing, and they would soon return to the embrace of the World Tree.

The blue ripples rippled like water, and the space passage slowly opened. Sean stood in Asgard’s fairy palace, with a large mural above his head describing Odin’s heroic deeds in conquering the nine realms.

Thick pillars support the majestic hall. The one-eyed old man sits high on the throne, holding the eternal scepter in his hand. The divine crow is perched on his shoulder, exuding a majestic aura.

“Dear His Majesty the King, do you want to talk to me?”

Sean bowed and saluted. He maintained basic respect for the most powerful man in the nine realms, the King of Asgard.

“Thanos will come back sooner or later. You took away the Infinity Stones he has been pursuing all his life.” Odin said softly. “Last time, he paid a certain price for his arrogance and contempt, but it will never be like this next time.”

“As far as I know, Thanos has contacted the Kree Empire. As the Archon, Ronan the Accuser is a war fanatic… Thanos will not give up. He will lead an army to the nine realms. “

“You alone can’t fight them.”

Odin gasped. He looked at Sean who was releasing a powerful aura, and couldn’t help but reveal a trace of envy in his eyes. Once upon a time, he was just like him, like a rising star, possessing fearless courage and extremely tyrannical strength. .

“So Asgard is preparing to form an alliance with Earth?”

Sean’s expression remained unchanged. The reason why Odin said these words and provided Thanos’s latest trends was simply to tie himself firmly to the chariot.

As the top combat force in the Nine Realms, the Sentinels are naturally the strongest shield against the overlords of the universe!

“No, the nine realms should unite as one, and everyone should unite as a front.” Odin said solemnly.

“Who will lead? His Majesty the King of Asgard, or Thor?” Sean asked the question with great interest.

“For the sake of peace in the nine star regions, I can make concessions.”

Odin sighed. He knew that the other party was not someone who could be easily persuaded. For the future of Asgard, he didn’t mind temporarily retreating.

This is a helpless fact. The King of Asgard is running out of time. The predicted Twilight of the Gods is coming soon. Thor alone cannot support the overall situation.

“Then, happy cooperation.” Sean smiled.

He knew what Odin’s plan was, but what he would do when the time came was beyond the control of the King of Asgard.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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