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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 355 The end of an era

Autumn is heavy and there is a chill in the air. People put on thick coats and took to the streets, strolling through the troubled Manhattan area.

It was such a troubled day that many newspaper headlines quoted this sentence as the title. From Carnival Plaza, to Manhattan’s Watson Building, and Brooklyn neighborhoods, the city of New York continued to encounter disasters, supervillains, and aliens. The Star Army, characters that originally only appeared in comics, have emerged in endlessly, so much so that the residents living here have begun to take it for granted.

Nearly a month has passed since the invasion of the Dark Elf warships. This is a rare and peaceful day. The superheroes who used to dominate the headlines gradually began to disappear and disappeared from the public eye. They were rarely seen anymore. Word got out.

Iron Man is obsessed with the upgrading of his armor and the official registration of the Ultron program. The Fantastic Four appear in talk shows and TV shows. Under the implementation of the registration bill, those street heroes have to occasionally come out to deal with gangsters or villains, just like in the game. The soldiers are scattered and courageous, and it is useless.

In fact, people are no longer keen on paying attention to the masked vigilantes. Through the live broadcast of the TV station in Brooklyn, they saw with their own eyes those omnipotent superheroes, who were completely powerless in front of the alien warriors, and staged a What a hilarious farce.

If you want to dim the halo above a hero, you just need to show people his mortal side.

Superheroes are not as omnipotent as everyone thinks. They are just ordinary people with extraordinary powers. Just like Spider-Man can never stop the bullet that shot at Uncle Ben, Captain America can never face the loneliness and confusion in his heart. Even the son of Krypton in another world is just like the human being. Under the body of God, there is also a sensitive and fragile heart.

So when people see this, they can’t help but think, can they really protect us?

When doubt arises, other questions naturally follow.

On the other hand, the elite soldiers who appeared in the final battle became the object of praise from the media and the masses. Whether it was their sophisticated equipment or their strong personal qualities, they left a deep impression on many people.

The next day, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense claimed that this team belonged to General Thaddeus Ross, and that the weapons and equipment were provided by Umbrella. The two parties were working together to create the strongest army in human history…

To sum up the lengthy official argument, it actually declares to the public that superheroes are unreliable and that everyone should trust the country and the government.

After this speech, many people gave up their previous distrust of the federal government. President Underwood, who had just taken office, saw an instant surge in public support, and there was no doubt about his re-election in the next term.

As people with super powers fully enter the public eye, an organization called SHIELD has also officially entered the stage.

Alexander Pierce originally envisioned using S.H.I.E.L.D. as a backdoor listing, so that Hydra would no longer have to hide in the darkness and make its debut openly. Now this wish has finally come true, only with the Hydra who died under the gun of the Winter Soldier. The Snake leader thought a little differently.

The White House and the Department of Defense intervened in SHIELD. General Ross replaced the missing Nick Fury and the dead Alexander Pierce as the new leader. Sean Sipers, the founder of Umbrella, served as the top executive. Advisor, Helmut Zemo was appointed commander, and a new S.H.I.E.L.D. appeared in front of the world, responsible for supernatural events and major crises around the world.

This secret institution, which had been in its infancy during World War II and had never been known to the public, finally took on a new glory.


In Times Square, a tall man in casual clothes stood at a busy intersection. He remembered that he had seen this scene after waking up from his sleep, with people coming and going, traffic flowing, colorful billboards rolling, and neon lights. The light flickered.

A new era jumped into my eyes in this way, and then I reminded myself coldly that seventy years had passed.

He went from that little soldier to a war hero with medals and honors; he defeated the Nazi army of the Third Reich, Hydra, and Red Skull Schmidt, and then lost his friends and lover.

Steve watched all this with dismay. He was out of place in this era. The war was over, his lover was old, and even his friends… had become specious.

Not long ago, Captain America signed his name on the registration bill controlling superheroes and was released from prison together with Falcon Sam. As for Bucky, he needs to undergo a public trial in court, and Tony Stark will be the one to identify him. attend.

The reason that made Steve change his mind was the invasion of the dark elves. He saw that superheroes were not omnipotent and that the world needed a new order. The heroes fought independently and could not unite into a perfect group.

After the reorganization, SHIELD has become the protector of this new world, with a special service team composed of super soldiers, a global intelligence system that monitors the world, and a powerful mutant army.

Under the tremendous changes sweeping the world, Steve asked himself, when a powerful enemy appears, does he really have the ability to save the world?

The little man who once never flinched in the face of villains gradually wavered in his inner determination. The strength of his enemies highlighted his own weakness. The superhero who used to frighten criminal groups and gangsters did not seem to be able to become the guardian of the world.

“Captain Rogers, would you like a drink?”

The black car stopped and the window rolled down, revealing a gentle young face.

The two of them randomly found a bar, sat at the bar and ordered a glass of beer each, chatting with each other like old friends reunited after a long absence.

“I often miss the past days, especially the time in the Caspian training camp.” Steve took a big sip of wine, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes, “Maybe that was the happiest time in my life, Philip. Colonel, Paige…I really miss those days.”

“I never miss the past…I only look forward to the future.” Sean replied softly.

Steve smiled bitterly and shook his head. The other person never seemed to be confused and could always find the right direction, which undoubtedly made him very envious.

“In this era, I can’t find my own value… I want to do the right thing, but I don’t know what is right. Everyone has different opinions, about the country, about politics, about everything… You guys I always make simple things very complicated – maybe I’m really old.”

Steve put down his cup and stared at the dim light cast on the bar. He seemed to be reminded of the smoke-filled war years. At first, he just wanted to join the army and make a contribution to the country, but later he was carried forward by the torrent of the times. From superhero to national hero.

The young man sitting next to him drank the cold liquid in the glass, his eyes were firm and deep, and he said, “Maybe you should put it all down, Captain Rogers.”

“The mission of defending the country, the identity of a superhero, and even the title of Captain America… don’t you feel tired when you are burdened with these?”

“You can completely live the life that belongs to Steve Rogers and have your own life. No one is born to save anyone. Taking responsibility is a virtue, but don’t let it become a heavy shackle that binds your hands and feet.”

Steve remained silent for a while before saying, “Dr. Erskine said that the serum will not only affect my muscles, but also allow my cells to form a protective system for regeneration and healing. This means… I I’ll never get drunk again.”

Looking at the glass in front of him, he didn’t say anything more, he just ordered a glass of beer until he smelled of alcohol.

In the end, Steve couldn’t remember when Sean left. He put a bunch of empty glasses in front of him and staggered out of the bar.

Looking up at the dim lights gradually lighting up in the city, this “old man” of the new era turned around and left in a daze.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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